
  1. 影响联系信息真实性的多因素Logistic回归模型分析中具有统计学意义的变量是年龄、文化程度、居住情况。

    Using multivariate logistic regression , age , education and inhabitation were significantly associated with providing false information .

  2. 基于不确定性理论的会计信息真实性评测研究

    Study of the Evaluation of Accounting Information Truthfulness with Uncertainty Theory

  3. 会计界对会计信息真实性的涵义有不同的理解。

    The accounting circles have the different understanding for its meaning .

  4. 公众期望与会计信息真实性的关联分析

    The Relevant Analyses of the Public 's Expectations and Accounting Information Reality

  5. 论会计信息真实性的评价标准

    On the Evaluation Criteria of the Accounting Information Authenticity

  6. 就如何规范关联交易行为,确保会计信息真实性提出了看法。

    Put forward how to standardize interrelated deal and ensure accounting data truthful .

  7. 资源信息真实性的验证;

    The verification of resources information reliability .

  8. 合并会计报表的真实性受到个别会计报表信息真实性的影响。

    The authenticity of Combined Financial Statement will be influenced by the authenticity of individual financial statements .

  9. 会计信息真实性与公允性、重要性存在什么样的关系?

    What is the relationship among the fiddelity , the justice and the importance of account information ?

  10. 简单介绍会计信息真实性及其相对性等特点,对会计信息失真的现状、因进行透析。

    It introduced the reliability and opposite of accountant information , and analyzed the actuality and the reason that accountant information is not true to origind .

  11. 微博社会舆论监督是把双刃剑,在匡扶正义的同时,也存在着信息真实性弱、权威新闻缺失和信息存在误读现象的弊端。

    Micro-blog social public opinion is to " double-edged sword " in the uphold justice , but also the existence of weak authenticity of information , lack of authoritative news and information exist misreading of the state .

  12. 政府有可能成为信息真实性的严重威胁者;公民进入网络获取信息的能力是有差异的;由于互联网的匿名性,信息发布者身份难以监控。

    The Government may become a serious threat to authenticity of information persons ; citizens ability to get information into the network there is a difference ; anonymity of the Internet , information dissemination capacity is difficult to control .

  13. 股份制企业会计监督是保证企业会计信息真实性的手段,会计监督职能充分有效的发挥作用,有赖于股份制企业会计监督体系的健全和完善。

    Accountant surveillance is the way to ensure the facticity of accountant information in stock enterprises , and the function of accountant surveillance going into effect adequately and effectually depends on the healthiness and consummation of the accountant surveillance system .

  14. 通过公众期望与会计信息真实性的关联分析可以发现,加强公众与会计界的沟通理解以及强化会计信息失真的治理,是解决会计信息真实性问题的有效途径。

    By relevant analyses of the public 's expectations and accounting information , we can see strengthening communication between the public and accounting , enhancing the governance of accounting information distortion is an effective way to afford reality of accounting information .

  15. 建立科学的管理层选聘考核机制,健全管理层薪酬尤其是股票期权的披露机制,完善确保财务信息真实性的宣誓机制,可以强化公司执行机构治理。

    To establish a scientific evaluation mechanism for the management of selection , perfect management compensation , particularly the disclosure mechanism of stock options , improve the declaration mechanism that ensure the authenticity of financial information can strengthen corporate governance executive body .

  16. 该文从理论上探讨了会计信息真实性与失真的判断标准,阐述了虚假会计信息产生的原因和条件,并提出了遏制和消除违法性会计信息失真的建议和思考。

    This paper theoretically discusses the judging standard of the " validity " and " distortion " of accounting information , narrates the causes and conditions of producing false information , and puts forward some suggestions for eliminating the illegal distortion of accounting information .

  17. 近年来,图像篡改案例在新闻界、法律界、科学界等领域不断出现,严重影响了各行各业的正常秩序,引发了大众对互联网信息真实性的质疑。

    In recent years , image tampering cases emerge constantly in the press , law , science and other fields . It has seriously affected the normal order of all walks of life and caused the public to question the authenticity of the internet information .

  18. 会计信息真实性本身以及如何提高会计信息的真实性也又一次地成为会计信息使用者包括政府宏观调控部门、证券监管机构、投资人、债权人以及会计理论界和实务界共同关注的问题。

    Accounting information distortion and how to improve the accounting information authenticity has become a problem which is paid more attentions to by accounting information users , including government regulation department , securities supervision commission , investors , creditors , accounting theoretical and practical professionals .

  19. 盈余管理与财务会计信息真实性联系在一起,上市公司公开披露的财务会计信息必须真实、准确地反映企业的盈利能力、财务状况及其变动情况。

    Earnings management is linked with the authenticity of financial accounting information . The financial and accounting information which disclosed by the listed companies must be true and reflects well and truly of the profitability of enterprises , the financial situation and the changes of the listed companies .

  20. 如何保证上市公司财务信息披露真实性?

    How to guarantee the verity of the financial information disclosed by listed companies ?

  21. 基于pki的set协议,通过使用pki的公用密钥技术和数字证书,保证了电子商务中认证和信息的真实性、保密性、完整性和不可否认性。

    The set protocol based on the technology of public key and digital certificate of pki , guarantees the authentication and facticity , confidentiality , integrity , non-repudiation of e-commerce information .

  22. 第二方面Java的安全性技术分析,对公文流转中的文件进行加密并且签名,从而实现信息的真实性、完整性、保密性和不可否认性。

    The second is Java security machine , it can encrypt electronic files and provide digital signature , with the support of this technology , the system achieves its confidentiality , integrity , privacy , and non-repudiation .

  23. 近年来,随着世界性财务丑闻的不断爆发,会计信息的真实性引起了全社会关注,CFO这些一直躲在幕后全权负责财务报告的关键人物被推到了台前。

    In recent years , with the global financial scandals breaking out , the authenticity of accounting information has caused attracted nationwide attention , CFO who as a key figure had been solely responsible for the financial report was pushed to the fore .

  24. 会计计量在财务会计运行系统中处于核心地位,决定会计信息的真实性和相关性。

    Accounting measurement decides the truth and relativity of accounting information .

  25. 新《会计法》的颁布实施为规范会计行为,净化经济环境,保证会计信息的真实性提供了有力的法律保证。

    New Accounting Law provides a law assurance for it .

  26. 严格的监管和审核能够保证证券市场信息的真实性。

    Strict supervision and examination can guarantee information reliability on security market .

  27. 上市公司财务信息披露真实性的法律分析

    Legal Analysis on the Verity of Financial Information Disclosed by Listed Companies

  28. 第二章为上市公司信息披露真实性的理论研究。

    The second chapter listed the theories of information disclosure .

  29. 会计信息的真实性、可靠性受到了质疑。

    The authenticity and reliability of accounting information are challenged .

  30. 内部控制的失效,将严重影响会计信息的真实性。

    Internal control expiration , Seriously will affect the accounting information the authenticity .