
  • 网络Loss from debt restructuring;Loss on arrangement
  1. 确认的债务重组损失总额。

    The total amount of the loss of debt restructuring , which is recognized ;

  2. 要进一步降低实力较强成员国可能因某一实力较弱成员国未来债务重组而面临潜在损失的风险,就必须在中期内赋予emf迫使遗留主权债券承担亏损的权力。

    To further mitigate the risk that stronger member states could face potential losses as a result of a future debt restructuring by a weaker member state , the EMF would have to be empowered , in the medium term , to impose losses on Legacy sovereign bonds .

  3. 债务企业重组的推动应由银行或金融资产管理公司等债权人为主导,按照平等交易的原则制定债务重组方案,实现损失共担,使利益相关方的利益得到平衡。

    The reorganization of those enterprises in debts should be driven by bank or financial assets management company on the basis and principle of equal transaction so as to realize the loss-sharing and benefits balance .