
  • 网络False god
  1. 假神和偶像是永远不会说话的。

    False gods and idols are forever silent .

  2. 不可拜假神。

    Do not worship false gods .

  3. 但你却一味骄傲,称颂假神,嘲笑真神。

    But you remained proud , praised idols , and mocked God .

  4. 他们也拜人手所造的偶像假神。

    They were sacrificing to strange gods which were the works of their hands .

  5. 这样的行为是因为他们崇拜迦南人的假神造成的。

    This would have been the practice of the false worship of the Canaanite gods .

  6. 其假神以自号,实质上反映的是现代化过程中农民阶级面临现代转型的政治、经济、文化等社会问题,并以传统方式对这些社会问题作出反应。

    The essence reflects the peasants ′ reaction to political , economic and cultural change in the course of modernization .

  7. 好在以色列家的心事上捉住他们,因为他们都借着假神与我生疏。

    That I may take the house of Israel in their own heart , because they are all estranged from me through their idols .

  8. 高庙内供奉著佛教、道教以及中国民间信仰的各类偶像。求主耶稣的真光消除此庙的假神势力。

    Pray for the light of the Lord Jesus to overcome demonic forces at the Gao Temple , where idols for Buddhism , Daoism and Chinese folk religion are eclectically mixed .

  9. 人子阿,这些人已将他们的假神接到心里,把陷于罪的绊脚石放在面前,我岂能丝毫被他们求问吗。

    Son of man , these men have set up their idols in their heart , and put the stumblingblock of their iniquity before their face : should I be enquired of at all by them ?

  10. 恶魔的哈罗德露营:假先知和虚假神的使者!

    Demon of Harold Camping : False Prophet and False Herald of God !