
ér zi yǔ qínɡ rén
  • Sons and Lovers
  1. 《儿子与情人》的伦理思想与道德理想

    The Ethical Thoughts and Moral Ideals in Sons and Lovers

  2. 再论花在《儿子与情人》中的象征意义

    On the Symbolic Meanings of Flowers in Sons and Lovers

  3. 摘要《儿子与情人》有著深厚的圣经文化内涵。

    Sons and Lovers has a deep connotation of the biblical culture .

  4. 论劳伦斯在《儿子与情人》中理智与情感的二元对立

    On Lawrence 's Dualism of Rationality and Sensuality in Sons and Lovers

  5. 《儿子与情人》及《虹》中男性权威的解构

    Deconstructing the Patriarchal Authority-In Sons and Lovers and the Rainbow

  6. 毛莱尔太太:《儿子与情人》中真正的毁灭者

    Mrs. Morel : The Real Destroyer in Sons and Lovers

  7. 《儿子与情人》是英国作家劳伦斯最有名的小说之一。

    Sons and Lovers is one of the most famous novels of Lawrence .

  8. 《儿子与情人》并非是对俄狄浦斯情结的解释

    Sons and Lovers is not to Expound Oedipus Complex

  9. 《儿子与情人》蕴涵的哲学观

    On the Philosophy Embodied in Sons and Lovers

  10. 小说《儿子与情人》从结构和风格体现了这一主题。

    The structure and style of the novel Sons and Lovers symbolizes the theme .

  11. 《儿子与情人》的叙事结构存在严重的断裂。

    There is a serious fracture in the narrative structure of Sons and Lovers .

  12. 工业时代的耶稣&《儿子与情人》中保罗形象新探

    Jesus in the Industrial World & The Exploration of Paul in Sons and Lovers

  13. 点亮生命之火&评《儿子与情人》的艺术结构

    The Life Illuminating Flame & Interpretation of the Artistic Structure in Sons and Lovers

  14. 《儿子与情人》中的象征意蕴

    On the Symbolic Meanings in Sons and Lovers

  15. 大母神及俄底浦斯情结&对劳伦斯《儿子与情人》的神话原型批评

    Affection for Odipuse & A Criticism of Mythology on Sort and His Lover by David Lawrence

  16. 《儿子与情人》的叙事裂痕

    Narrative Fracture in Sons and Lovers

  17. 这一形象在《儿子与情人》中格特鲁德·莫瑞尔太太的身上得到了展现。

    This dual power is easily found in Gertrude Morel , a mother figure in Sons and Lovers .

  18. 部分地取材于自身经历的小说&《儿子与情人》(1913)是劳伦斯最好的作品之一。

    Sons and Lovers ( 1913 ), based partly on his own life , is one of his finest novels .

  19. 从灵与肉的分离走向灵与肉的结合&评劳伦斯的《儿子与情人》

    From the Split of Spirit and Flesh to the Combination of Them & On D.H.Lawrence s Sons and Lovers ;

  20. 不幸的是,受人尊敬的出版商是没有兴趣出版你所叙述的劳伦斯的《儿子与情人》的。

    Unfortunately , no respectable publisher is interested in putting out your account of D.H. Lawrence 's ' Sons And Lovers . '

  21. 劳伦斯的《儿子与情人》体现了母子冲突自古有之的文学主题。

    The conflict between mother and son which is reflected in Sons and Lovers written by Lawrence is the permanent theme in literature .

  22. 在《儿子与情人》中,女性和自然之间的和谐平静和充满爱的关系就是理想的关系。

    In Sons and Lovers , the harmony , peace and full of love relationship between women and nature is the ideal relationship .

  23. 《儿子与情人》在探求伦理自由的道路上也对现代世界的虚伪理性的统治地位提出了质疑。

    Sons and Lovers , in exploring the path to ethical freedom , challenges the absolute dominance of reason in the modern world .

  24. 灵肉合一与天人合一的演绎&评劳伦斯的《儿子与情人》

    The Performance of Soul and Flesh in One and Human and Heaven in One & A Review of Lawrence s Sons and Lovers ;

  25. 《儿子与情人》出版以来,批评家们尝试着从不同视角对其进行阐释和评价,批评角度的多样性体现了小说自身的包容性。

    Since its publication , Sons and Lovers has received voluminous interpretation and comments from diverse perspectives , which reflects the inclusive nature of the novel .

  26. 第一章是验证李惠善立足于劳伦斯的影响下形成的生命主义文艺观,借鉴《儿子与情人》的创作方法创作《红蝴蝶》;

    In the first chapter , the author states that Lihuishan is deeply influenced by Lawrence 's primative vitalism and accepts Lawrence 's artistic technique to create RED BUTTERFLY .

  27. 在本文中我们将以他们最为著名的小说《儿子与情人》和《沉沦》为例,结合他们的生平经历以及社会对两位的影响和他们所特有的世界观来进行讨论。

    This thesis will combine their famous novel Sons and Lovers and Sinking with their life experiences , effects of society on them , and discussion of their worldviews .

  28. 他一生中创作了许多优秀作品,半自传体小说《儿子与情人》便是其中之一。

    In his life time , he had created a great number of excellent works . Sons and Lovers is one of his most important novels and a semi-autobiographical one .

  29. 在小说《儿子与情人》中,能够清楚地看见母亲与儿子之间一种畸形的爱,即弗洛伊德的“俄狄浦斯情结”。

    In the novel Sons and Lovers , there is a kind of unusual love between mother and son , which is , in Freud 's term , Oedipus Complex .

  30. 劳伦斯的自传性小说《儿子与情人》以其与俄狄浦斯情结理论惊人的一致性而反映了他年轻时代仇父、恋母的人格特征。

    The surprising consistency with Oedipus Complex in Lawrence 's autobiographical novel sons and lovers , reveals the author 's personality characteristic of " murder father , marry mother " .