
  • 网络Child psychology;The Mind of the Child;Jean Piaget;Die Seele des Kindes
  1. 近些年来,儿童心理理论(theoryofmind,ToM)作为社会认知发展又一新的研究领域,已日益得到国内外发展心理学研究者的关注。

    In recent years , researchers have paid more attention to the development of children 's theory of mind ( ToM ), which is a new research area in children 's social cognitive development .

  2. 幼儿事件相关电位(ERP)对研究儿童心理发展有重要意义,因试验难度大,国内外至今未见报道。

    Abstract Event-related potential ( ERP ) is important in the study on the psychophysiological development in children . However the report concerned is scanty because of its difficulty .

  3. 同时还阐述了在此基础上建构“会聚式”、“分层式”和“分类式”ASD儿童心理测评体系之构想。

    It also came up with a prosition for the psychological assessment system for ASD children in concentrated , hierarchical and classified modalities .

  4. 方法:采用自编儿童心理卫生状况评定量表及90项症状自评量表(SCL-90)对52例血液肿瘤儿童及其家长和48例健康儿童及其家长进行心理测试;

    Methods : The psychological status of 52 children with hematological tumor and their parents , and 48 healthy children and their parents were measured by means of the self-compiled psychological status scale and the symptom checklist 90 ( SCL-90 ) .

  5. 地点和对象:将南京脑科医院儿童心理卫生门诊符合美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册第4版标准的30例ADHD儿童作为研究对象。

    SETTING and PARTICIPANTS : A total of 30 ADHD children who accorded with the diagnostic criteria of American Mental Disorder Diagnosis and Statistic Manuel ( fourth edition ) were selected for the study from Children 's Mental Health Clinic of Nanjing Brain Hospital .

  6. 影响儿童心理健康的家庭因素

    A Review on the Factors of Influence Children 's Psychological Health

  7. 儿童心理理论的研究及其对教育的启示

    The Investigation and the Inspiration of Children 's Theory of Mind

  8. 儿童心理咨询与治疗的发展与现状

    The Development and Present Situation of Children Psychological Consultation and Psychotherapy

  9. 马克思主义关于儿童心理发展的理论

    The theory of child mental development in the light of Marxism

  10. 听力障碍儿童心理理论发展的研究进展

    Advanced research in theory of mind of children with hearing disorder

  11. 国外心理危机干预对我国儿童心理危机干预的启示

    The Revelation of Foreign Psychological Crisis Intervention to Children Psychological Intervention

  12. 超常儿童心理研究十年

    A ten year study of the mental development of supernormal children

  13. 目的:探讨在孤儿院生活的残疾儿童心理卫生状况。

    Objective : To investigate the mental health of crippledom orphan children .

  14. 心育内容:构筑儿童心理健康的奠基石

    Content of Psychological Education : Foundation of Constructing child 's Mental Health

  15. 心理干预对产妇产后抑郁及儿童心理发育影响的初步探讨

    Psychological Intervention on Postpartum Depression and Mental Growth of Infants

  16. 超常儿童心理发展追踪研究五年

    A five-year study of the mental development of supernormal children

  17. 3名不同类型儿童心理推测能力的比较研究

    A Comparison of Psychological Inference Ability of Three Different Kinds of Children

  18. 四川大地震对粤北儿童心理影响研究

    The Impact of Sichuan Earthquake on Children 's Psychology in North Guangdong

  19. 注意缺陷多动障碍儿童心理行为共患病的研究

    Researches on psychological behavior comorbidity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

  20. 哮喘儿童心理行为障碍及其早期干预

    Behavioral and Psychological Problems and Interventions in Children with Asthma

  21. 克莱因的儿童心理结构观述评

    Reinterpretations of Klein 's Idea about the Child Mental Structure

  22. 试论儿童心理发展的内外因问题

    On the External and Internal Causes of the Mental Development of Children

  23. 儿童心理理论能力中的特质理解研究

    The Understanding of Traits in Children 's Theory of Mind

  24. 本文试图从儿童心理发展的角度,对这个年龄阶段幼儿的家长提出一些粗浅的建议。

    This paper , from the viewpoint of psychological development in children .

  25. 流动儿童心理弹性研究&现状及启示

    Research on the Floating Children 's Resilience : Status Quo and Enlightenment

  26. 关于学前儿童心理卫生问题的分析与思考

    The Analysis and Consideration on the Problem of Mental Health of Preschool Children

  27. 当前我国特殊需要儿童心理评估存在的问题与对策

    Problems in Psychological Assessment of Children with Special Needs and the Solution Strategies

  28. 儿歌的巫术性根源于儿童心理,与集体无意识有一定的关系。

    All this roots from children 's psychology and relates to collective consciousness .

  29. 儿童心理理论研究现状和发展

    Present status and progress of the study on the theory of children mind

  30. 家长品德素质与儿童心理健康呈显著相关;

    Parents ' morality quality has remarkably relationship with children 's mental health .