
yuán xiōng
  • prime culprit;ringleader;crime culprit
元凶 [yuán xiōng]
  • [prime culprit] 罪魁

  • 桴鼓,震而元凶折首。--孙楚《为石仲容与孙皓书》

  • 捉拿元凶

元凶[yuán xiōng]
  1. 工业化国家是破坏环境的真正元凶。

    Industrialized nations are the real environmental villains .

  2. 氧化胆固醇可能是造成动脉堵塞的元凶。

    Oxidized cholesterol may be responsible for furring up the arteries .

  3. 警方还未能查明谁是这些造假案的元凶。

    Police have not been able to find out who was responsible for the forgeries

  4. 如果丹尼先生真像警察说的那样是犯罪元凶,就应该对其进行更加严密的监视。

    If Mr Denny is indeed the villain of the piece , as the police claim he is , he should have been more carefully watched .

  5. 一颗过境的行星是造成灾难的元凶,人类无处可逃。

    A passing planet is the cause of disaster , and there will be no escape for mankind .

  6. 这一类食物疑是导致过度进食和肥胖症的元凶。

    Hyperpalatable foods are a suspected culprit in overeating and the obesity epidemic .

  7. 总统菲利克斯·齐赛克迪表示,本国正在暴发第三轮疫情,德尔塔毒株就是元凶之一。

    The president , F é lix Tshisekedi , said the country was in the midst of a third wave driven in part by the Delta variant .

  8. 而经DNA分析表明微球细菌是臭味的元凶。

    DNA analysis revealed that Micrococcus bacteria were to blame .

  9. 文件状态的最大元凶之一以require()和include()语句的形式出现,这两个语句用于将代码带到脚本中。

    One of the biggest culprits of file stats comes in the form of the require () and include () statement , which are used to bring code into your script .

  10. 承担研究的英国伦敦国王学院(King’sCollegeLondon)的研究人员提出,从婴儿饮食中去除花生的常见做法可能其实反而是造成近期花生过敏不断增加的元凶。

    The researchers , from King 's College London , suggested that the common practice of withholding peanuts from babies may in fact account for the recent rise in peanut allergies 。

  11. 作为一种防范债券违约的保单,CDS被监管机构指责为加剧金融危机的元凶。

    Credit default swaps , a kind of insurance policy against a bond defaulting , have been blamed by regulators for exacerbating the financial crisis .

  12. 虽然只是个坊间流言,但娱乐在线却证实了这一消息,并补充说Chuck是造成分手的元凶。

    This has been a rumor for sometime but E ! could confirm the news , adding that the culprit in the split is Chuck .

  13. 肥胖似乎是一个主要元凶;作者发现了糖尿病的增长率和上升的身体质量指数(bmi)之间呈高度相关。

    Obesity seems to be a main culprit ; the authors found a high correlation between rising rates of diabetes and a rise in body mass index .

  14. 呼吸疾病专家钟南山预计,雾霾的元凶PM2.5将取代吸烟成为肺癌发病的最大风险因素。

    And Zhong Nanshan , a respiratory expert , expects that PM2.5 , a major cause of smog , will replace smoking as the top risk factor for lung cancer .

  15. 信用衍生品领域的先驱布莱斯•马斯特斯(BlytheMasters)已从摩根大通(JPMorganChase)辞职。在此之前马斯特斯已在该行工作了27年。信用衍生品是导致金融危机的元凶之一。

    Blythe Masters , a pioneer of credit derivatives , one of the products at the heart of the financial crisis , has resigned from JPMorgan Chase after more than two decades at the bank .

  16. 二氧化碳(C02)近来被认为是造成全球气候变暖问题的元凶,因此备受关注。

    Carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) has recently been considered to be the main culprit for the " Global warming " issue .

  17. 公允价值虽然不是金融危机的根源或元凶,但是其弊端在危机中暴露无疑,主要的会计机构FASB及IASB都谨慎地限制了公允价值应用范围。

    Though fair value is not the root of financial crisis , its drawbacks get largely exposure , such as FASB and IASB , apply fair value to practice more carefully .

  18. Webster还说,她希望有科研小组能尽快将第三种血吸虫亚种S.haematobium的基因图也绘制出来,这个亚种是非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南地区流行的泌尿系统血吸虫病的元凶。

    Webster says she expects the genome of the third schistosome , S.haematobium , which causes urinary schistosomiasis across much of Sub-Saharan Africa , to be sequenced soon .

  19. 众所周知,人为和天然排放的SO2和NOX是形成酸雨或称酸沉降的元凶。因此,控制人为SO2和NOX等酸性气体排放的重要性是显而易见的。

    As we all know , man-made and natural emissions of SO2 and NOX is the formation of acid rain or acid deposition , said the " culprit . " Therefore , SO2 and NOX control of man-made emissions of acid gases such as the importance is obvious .

  20. 新标准首次将有害健康的灰霾元凶PM2.5(直径小于2.5微米的颗粒物)纳入常规空气质量评价体系。

    The new standards will , for the first time , include readings of concentrations less than PM2.5 ( particulate matters smaller than 2.5 micrometers ), a major cause of haze harmful to health , the ministry said in a statement .

  21. 对于‘地震是否为摧毁反应堆元凶’这个问题(与随后的海啸损害不同),ToshioNishizawa的回答是“不清楚”,说要等到11月报告出台后,方才清楚。

    Asked whether the reactor was damaged by the quake itself ( as distinct from the tsunami that followed it ), Mr Nishizawa says it is unclear : we must wait for a report in November .

  22. 澳大利亚濒危物种委员格雷戈里·安德鲁斯(GregoryAndrews)给芭铎和莫里西写了公开信,文中表示,野猫会捕食澳大利亚的逾百个濒危物种,在过去200年里,它是导致澳大利亚起码27种哺乳动物灭绝的“元凶”。

    Gregory Andrews , Australia 's threatened species commissioner , has written open letters to Ms. Bardot and Morrissey saying that feral cats prey on more than 100 of the country 's threatened species and that they were a " major contributor " to the extinction of at least 27 mammal species in the country over the past 200 years .

  23. 所以,人才是真正的元凶。

    It is people , then , who are the villains .

  24. 警察需要抓住这件事的元凶。

    The police need to get the person who did this .

  25. 而石膏板里释放出这些气体的元凶是什么?

    What within the drywall is responsible for those emissions ?

  26. 抽菸是造成口臭的著名元凶。

    Tobacco smoking is a notable enemy of fresh breath .

  27. 灰发佬就是这一切的元凶。

    The grey hair was the father of all that .

  28. 它很可能是导致这个问题的元凶。

    It is possible that this issue is causing this particular outage .

  29. 气候变化是极端天气事件的元凶吗?

    Is climate change the cause of extreme weather events ?

  30. 很多致病的元凶如细菌和病毒均是纳米大小。

    Many disease-causing culprits such as bacteria and viruses are nano size .