
  • 网络total deafness
  1. 人们通常理解全聋的概念,即是根本听不到任何声音。

    People generally understand the concept of total deafness , that is , the inability to hear any sound at all .

  2. 结论大前庭导水管综合征病儿初次发病时一般为双侧中重度以上感音神经性听力损失,随后波动性听力逐渐下降直至全聋。

    ConclusionGenerally , moderate or severe neurosensory hearing loss of both ears occurs at the initial episode of LVAS and aggravates gradually to total deafness .

  3. F家系Ⅳ5因突发性耳聋导致全聋。

    The sudden hearing loss of the ⅳ 5 in the pedigree F happened at five years old .

  4. 方法分别检测28例健康成人、16例前庭疾病和1例全聋患者的VEMP和ASNR,比较ASNR与VEMP之间的关系。

    Methods 28 healthy subjects and 16 patients with vestibular system disorders and 1 patients with total hearing loss were enrolled in this study .

  5. 目的:研究慢性化脓性中耳炎(CSOM)引起全聋或极度聋的相关危险因素。

    Objective : To investigate the risk factors and clinical features of anacusis or severe deafness associated with chronic suppurative otitis media ( CSOM ) .

  6. 目的观察语后聋患者植入多道程控人工耳蜗(SPCI型)的疗效,使双耳全聋患者部分恢复听力和提高语音识别能力。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy of implantation of multiple channel programmed cochlea ( SPCI ) in postlingual deafness patients , and also to detect the partially recovered hearing acuity and ameliorated phonation identification capability of bilateral profound deafness patients .

  7. 钟毁坏了他的听觉,使他两耳全聋了。

    The bells ruined his ears , and made them deaf .

  8. 他得过传染性耳疾,以致耳朵全聋了。

    He had an ear infection that made him stone deaf .

  9. 他受过与全聋学生要交道的特殊训练。

    He has specialist training in working with profoundly deaf students .

  10. 她出过天花后耳朵全聋了。

    She had been left totally deaf by an attack of smallpox .

  11. 贝多芬在四十岁时全聋。

    By the age of40 , Beethoven was completely deaf .

  12. 马克·纽瑟姆耳朵全聋了二十年。

    Mark Newsome was stone-deaf for the past twenty years .

  13. 腮腺炎后双耳全聋患者人工耳蜗植入术后短期效果的观察

    Bilateral total deafness due to mumps and the outcome of cochlear implantation

  14. 他对半聋者和全聋者进行了仔细地检查。

    He was checking carefully the partially deaf and the profoundly deaf .

  15. 目的探讨纤溶酶治疗全聋型突发性耳聋的疗效。

    To study the efficacy of fibrinogenase in the treatment of sudden hearing loss .

  16. 结论纤溶酶治疗全聋型突发性耳聋有效、安全。

    Conclusion Fibrinogenase is effective and safe in the treatment of sudden hearing loss .

  17. 他全聋了!

    He 's really going totally deaf .

  18. 一个执迷不悟的人是个全聋的演说家。

    A bigot is a stone-deaf orator .

  19. 脑膜炎后全聋病人多通道人工耳蜗植入术

    Multichannel cochlear implantation in post-meningitic deaf patients

  20. 方法:对4例全聋者人工耳蜗植入术后进行1.0~1.5年的听觉语言训练。

    Method : The four cases by cochlear implanted have rehabilitated with hearing speech for 1.0 ~ 1.5 years .

  21. 结果表明,语言发展前全聋学生背景信息激活的能力显著差于低于其4个年级的听力正常学生。

    The conclusion argues that prelingual deaf students show apparent inferiority to hearing students 4 grades below in background information activation .

  22. 面神经多是完全性断离,常合并血鼓室和感音性全聋。

    Facial nerve is completeness is broken more from , often incorporate hematic tympanum and feeling sound sex are completely deaf .

  23. 本研究通过启动技术比较了语言发展前全聋学生与听力正常学生在句子表征水平上的加工特点。

    The study uses the priming technology to compare the processing characters in sentence representation of prelingual deaf students and hearing students .

  24. 20世界50年代的一本爬行动物指南书上至始至终称海龟为“全聋”生物。

    One reptile guide from the 1950s went so far as to call them , quote , " deaf as a post . "

  25. 生理上全聋的人,他的听力行为始终是一致的:对声音他们不作反应-就这样。

    The auditory behavior of people who are completely and physiologically deaf is consistent : when sound occurs they do not respond – period .

  26. 贝多芬痛苦的最大来源是他的耳聋,从三十岁之前就开始困扰他,并在晚年变成全聋。

    The crowning source of Beethoven 's suffering was his deafness , which began to trouble him before he was thirty and became complete in his later years .

  27. 的确如此,我想起来一件事,我问过一个年青的聋人父亲,关于他的新生宝宝,他无比自豪地告诉我,他的儿子是他家族的“第三代全聋。”

    Indeed , I recall after I asked a young deaf man about his new baby , being told by him with enormous pride that his son was " profoundly deaf , third generation . "

  28. 他的母亲几乎全聋了,因此他有志于帮助聋人交流,并从事聋人教育事业。这一爱好促使他发明了麦克风。

    His mother was nearly deaf , so he was determined to make efforts to help the deaf communicate with each other and work on their education , which led to his invention of the microphone .

  29. 实验1在限时呈现实验材料条件下,运用启动技术比较了语言发展前全聋学生实验组与低于其3个年级听力正常学生对照组在句子表征水平上的加工模式和加工效果。

    The second part is a six-experiment research of which the first one , with time-limited experimental materials , uses prime technique to compare the processing model and results in sentence representation of prelingual deaf students and hearing students 3 grades beneath .

  30. 围绕人称“日本贝多芬”的作曲家的丑闻持续发酵,一名在索契参加冬奥会滑冰项目的运动员挑选的一个音乐作品此前曾被认为出自他手,而他透露说自己并未全聋也引发了更多的怀疑和质问。

    The scandal around a composer called Japan 's Beethoven continued to reverberate as an Olympic skater prepared to compete to a musical piece that had been falsely attributed to him in Sochi and as his revelation he isn 't completely deaf led to further doubts and questions .