
  • 网络public cloud
  1. IBM的独特之处在于,它提供适用于企业的公共云产品。

    IBM is unique in providing a public cloud offering that is suitable for enterprises .

  2. 戴尔正帮主客户挑选并整合来自微软(Microsoft)和谷歌(Google)等供应商的公共云软件。

    The company is helping customers pick and integrate public cloud software from vendors such as Microsoft and Google .

  3. 本文的剩余部分主要关注IBM如何使您通过利用公共云基础设施交付高效的应用程序。

    The remainder of this article focuses on how IBM enables you to deliver effective applications by utilizing a public cloud infrastructure .

  4. IBMCloud是公共云,这意味着在默认情况下,每个虚拟机是从世界的任何地方可达的。

    The IBM Cloud is a public cloud , this means that every virtual machine by default is reachable from anywhere in the world .

  5. 甲骨文宣布推出Java作为PaaS提供的Oracle公共云。

    Oracle announced Oracle Public Cloud , with a proposed Java platform as a service ( PAAS ) offering .

  6. 公共云模型的一个示例是GoogleAppEngine,其中的应用程序和数据存储在Google的一个数据中心中。

    One example of a public cloud model is Google App Engine , in which the application and data are stored in one of Google 's data centers .

  7. 公共云区(PBZ)包含一个Web应用服务器和一个数据存储。

    The public cloud zone ( PBZ ) consists of a web application server and a data store .

  8. 当然,通过Spring来构建应用程序能帮助你提升可移植性,让你选择是将应用程序部署在公共云或自己的私有云上。

    Of course , building your applications with Spring will help you with portability and give you choice about whether to deploy your application in the public cloud or your own private cloud .

  9. InfoQ:企业也可以在公共云环境中使用全新的Terracotta/Eucalyptus集成软件解决方案么?

    InfoQ : Can the organizations use the new Terracotta / Eucalyptus integrated software solution in public cloud environments as well ?

  10. 您了解了在公共云计算中VLANs的使用。

    You understand the use of VLANs in public cloud computing .

  11. 为了保护混合云中的数据,在私有云和公共云服务之间使用虚拟专用网络(VPN)隧道。

    To secure your data in the hybrid cloud , use a virtual private network ( VPN ) tunnel between the private and public cloud services .

  12. 混合云允许私有云基础设施与公共云基础设施(比如Amazon)的集成以提供更高级别的伸缩。

    A hybrid cloud permits combining a private cloud infrastructure with a public cloud infrastructure ( such as Amazon ) to enable even higher degrees of scaling .

  13. 2011年12月,NIST发布了针对公共云计算中安全性与私密性的指导原则。

    On December 2011 , NIST published Guidelines on Security and Privacy in Public Cloud Computing .

  14. CloudLab设备可通过两种方式创建:在现有机器上安装CloudLab代理,或者在公共云上启动标准的CloudLab代理机器实例并配置它。

    A Cloud Lab Appliance can be created by installing the Cloud Lab Agent on an existing machine or by starting with the standard Cloud Lab Agent machine instance on a public cloud and configuring it .

  15. 事务类型的区别(工业vs.零售业)和公共云、私有云或混合云的选择都影响阈值策略的创建。

    The differences in transaction types ( industrial vs. retail ) and the choice of public , private , or hybrid clouds affects the creation of threshold policy .

  16. 研究机构IDC预计,到2017年,这些企业所争夺的公共云服务市场的规模有望增长到1000亿美元。

    They 're battling over a public cloud services market that could grow into an $ 100 billion industry by 2017 , according to researcher IDC .

  17. 2014年科技行业的最大新闻不是关于一款闪亮的新智能手机,也不是一个新的公共云服务,而是一堆不加掩饰呈现的PPT幻灯片。

    The top technology vendor story for 2014 does not involve a shiny new smartphone nor a new public cloud , but crudely rendered PowerPoint slides .

  18. 当我们想到云中的计算机资源时,我们通常想到的是公共云,如Google或Amazon所提供的产品,其基础架构或应用程序通过Internet与世界各地数百万客户共享。

    When we think of computer resources in the cloud , we usually think of public clouds , such as the ones offered by Google or Amazon , with infrastructure or applications shared by millions of clients worldwide , through the Internet .

  19. 第三步是理解SaaS、PaaS和IaaS是关于什么的,以及正在运行的是哪种云(私有云、公共云还是混合云)。

    The third step is to understand what SaaS , PaaS , and IaaS are about and which type of cloud it is running on ( private public or hybrid ) .

  20. Aeolus是一个开源项目,专注于提供跨多种私有云和公共云平台的管理虚拟机的解决方案。

    Aeolus is an open source project intended to provide solutions for managing packs of virtual machines across various private and public clouds .

  21. 然而,我们有的客户正每天运行大规模的系统,处理上亿次交易。而且,在启动Stratos之前,我们已经运行公共云服务一段时间了。

    However , we have customers running large scale systems processing100s of millions of transactions a day , and we have been running public cloud services for a while before the launch of Stratos .

  22. 公共云尝试为使用者提供无后顾之忧的IT元素。

    Public clouds attempt to provide consumers with hassle-free IT elements .

  23. 我想要大规模地构建我们自己的公共云。

    I want to build our own public cloud at scale .

  24. 私有云会向公共云解决方案提供安全与备份

    Private clouds provide security and backup to public cloud solutions

  25. 私有云确实可提供超过公共云的优势。

    Private clouds do offer advantages over the public variety .

  26. 它还可以使用公共云在大学之间扩展这些服务。

    It can also extend this services for inter university using public cloud .

  27. 运营规模:公共云与私有云之对比

    Scale of operations : The public versus the private

  28. 公共云提供商和企业本身分别承担一部分管理责任。

    Management responsibilities are divided between the public cloud provider and the business itself .

  29. 当云是公共云时,企业和供应商驻留在不同的网络中。

    When the cloud is public , the enterprise and provider reside in different networks .

  30. 云计算的类型包括公共云、私有云、混合云。

    The type of cloud computing includes public clouds , private clouds and hybrid clouds .