
  1. 金融危机下的政企关系&公共关系双主体的互动

    The Relationship between the Government and Enterprises in the Financial Crisis & The Two-subject Interaction of Public Relations

  2. 政府关系的主体是企业,政府公共关系的主体是政府。

    The subject of government relationship is the business enterprises , whereas that of government public relationship , the government itself .

  3. 公共关系的三个基本要素是:公共关系主体(政府)、公共关系客体(公众)、主客体之间的联系(传播)。

    The three basic elements of PR , refer to theSubject ( the government ), Object ( the public ), and the Intermediary between the S andO ( dissemination ) .

  4. 通过对政府公共关系定义和城市经营的理论整理和实践探讨,具体分析了在城市经营中政府公共关系的主体、受众及媒介。

    Based on the definition of urban management and public relations and the theoretical model , this paper probes into the concrete practice is analyzed in urban management of government public relations , the public and the main characteristics of media .