
  • 网络Public Interest Litigation;Public Interest Action;actiones publicae populares
  1. 环保NGO参与环境行政公益诉讼法律问题研究

    Study on the Legal Issues of NGO 's Participation of Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China

  2. 通过法律赋予环境NGO法律地位和职权以及公民环境权,建立环境民事公益诉讼制度,充分调动社会公众的力量执行环境法律法规政策。

    Given the environmental NGOs legal status and the authority and civil environmental right by the law , establishing the environmental public interest litigation system to encourage the public to supervise implementation of environmental laws .

  3. 程序法上,应该建立消费者经济公益诉讼法。

    At the same time , we should establish consumer protection procedure law .

  4. 这是中国首例与机动车尾气污染有关的公益诉讼案。

    It is the first public-interest lawsuit in China related to pollution from automobile3 exhaust .

  5. 国内环保团体就德国大众汽车排放作弊事件提起环境公益诉讼。

    A domestic environmental group has filed an environmental public interest lawsuit1 against Volkswagen over the company 's cheating on emissions2 readings .

  6. 孟买当地律师西达尔特·钱德拉谢卡尔在6月24日提起公益诉讼,此时检方已经确认了2000多名假疫苗案受害者。

    Siddharth Chandrashekhar , a lawyer in Mumbai , filed a public interest lawsuit had already confirmed more than 2000 victims of the scams .

  7. 论NGO在环境行政公益诉讼中的法律地位

    NGO 's Plaintiff Status in Environment Administrative Public Welfare Lawsuit

  8. 实际上,我国环保NGO这些年来也取得了一定的发展,逐渐参与到一些环境公益诉讼中来,引起了社会各界的广泛关注。

    In fact , recent years , the environmental protective NGO in China has made some development , and gradually participate in some of the environmental public interest litigation , causing a wide range of community concern .

  9. 中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC,简称:中石油)已同意支付3200万美元和解金,以了结中国最大一桩环境公益诉讼案。5年前,中国东北港口城市大连附近海岸遭遇了一起中国史上最严重的原油泄漏。

    China National Petroleum Corp has agreed a $ 32m environmental settlement in the nation 's largest public interest lawsuit , five years after China 's worst-ever crude oil spill fouled the coast near the northeastern port of Dalian .

  10. 论我国消费者公益诉讼的若干问题

    Some Problems Concerning the Consumers ' Commonweal Lawsuits in Our Country

  11. 但是在我国当前的司法实践中,行政公益诉讼仍然存在着诸多困境。

    But in justice practice , there are still many difficulties .

  12. 因此,中国需要建立环境公益诉讼制度。

    Therefore , China needs to establish environmental public interest litigation .

  13. 文章第一部分是行政公益诉讼案例介绍。

    The first part introduces two administrative public interest litigation cases .

  14. 公共利益是公益诉讼的特定标的。

    Public interests are the particular target of public interests litigation .

  15. 试论环境公益诉讼适格原告

    On Qualified Plaintiff in the Environmental Suit of the Public Benefit

  16. 论法律中的公共利益我国环境民事公益诉讼制度立法浅探

    Legal System of Civil Action for Public Interests of the Environment

  17. 论环境公益诉讼形态的类型化演进

    On the Evolution of Type of Environmental Action for Public Interests

  18. 本章是对公益诉讼的基本阐述。

    This chapter is the basic depict of public interest action .

  19. 环境公益诉讼是一种新型的诉讼。

    The environment public welfare lawsuit is one kind of new lawsuit .

  20. 公益诉讼被认为是保护公益的有效方式之一,但我国民事诉讼法仍未建立民事公益诉讼制度。

    Public interest action is a valid way to protect public interest .

  21. 公益诉讼是舶来品,最早可以追溯到古代罗马法。

    The public interest litigation originated the ancient Rome laws .

  22. 论我国经济公益诉讼的基本原则

    On Essential Principles of the Economic Public Welfare Lawsuit in Our County

  23. 论环境民事公益诉讼

    On Actions Interfering With Public Function On the Public Environmental Civil Litigation

  24. 第二部分是国外公益诉讼的发展。

    The second part is on the development of foreign Commonweal Litigation .

  25. 试论我国公益诉讼制度的建构

    On the Construction of a Domestic Public Interest Litigation System

  26. 论美国环境公益诉讼制度之基础

    A study of the foundation of the environmental citizen suits in america

  27. 行政公益诉讼中的社会权力因素

    On the Social Right Factor in Administrative Public Welfare Litigation

  28. 消费者公益诉讼的法理与规则分析

    Analyzing the Jurisprudence and Regulations of Consumer Public Interest Litigation

  29. 行政公益诉讼是行政法学界关注的热点问题之一。

    Administrative public interest action is a hot issue in recent years .

  30. 论检察机关参与民事公益诉讼制度

    On the System of the Procuratorial Organization Participating the Civil Public Prosecution