
ɡōnɡ yínɡ qǐ yè
  • public enterprise;publicly-operated enterprise
  1. 发展中国家公营企业国际中心理事会;

    Council of International Centre for public enterprise in developing countries ;

  2. 发展中国家公营企业改革的路径选择

    The Route to the Reform of Public Enterprises in Developing Countries

  3. 论台湾公营企业民营化中的工会运动

    A Discussion on Trade Union Movement in Privatization in Taiwan

  4. 韩国公营企业民营化的借鉴研究

    Reference Research of Privatization of S.Korean Public Enterprise

  5. 论印度公营企业私有化问题

    On the issue of privatization of enterprises of the public sector in Indian economy

  6. 公营企业(PublicEnterprises)是存在于世界上各个国家的一种经济成份,不仅资本主义国家存在公营企业,而且社会主义国家也存在公营企业。

    Public enterprises are an economic element that existed in every country of the world .

  7. 论公营企业的分级所有

    On the classified ownership of public enterprises

  8. 公营企业民营化及民营企业在台湾经济发展中的作用

    On a Trend of Non-Public Enterprises among Public Enterprises and a Role of Non-Public Enterprises in the Economic Development in Taiwan

  9. 公营企业作为国民经济的重要组成部分,在一国经济发展中扮演着举足轻重的角色。

    The public enterprise is an important composition of national economy . It plays a decisive role in the development of one country .

  10. 与公营企业相比,德国政府更担心由基金进行的投资,因为基金能对自己的现金进行杠杆使用。

    Berlin is more concerned about investments by funds than by public-sector companies because of the funds ' ability to leverage their cash .

  11. 由于西方国家实行的是以私营经济为主体的市场经济体制,除政府少数公营企业或事业组织开展了绩效评价外,绩效评价在私营经济中主要用于大公司内部考核和企业管理咨询诊断。

    Except for a few state-owned enterprises or organizations , performance assessing in private economy is mainly used in big companies and the diagnosing and consultation of the enterprise management .

  12. 在中国,劳动模范最早出现于土地革命时期中央苏区的公营企业中,他们是生产中的典型,利于先进生产经验的推广。

    In China , labor models first appeared in the Public enterprises of the Central Soviet Area in the Agrarian Revolution . They were typical of production , conducive to the promotion of advanced production experience .

  13. 全国解放战争后期,《东北公营企业战时暂行劳动保险条例》和其他社会保险单行法规陆续制定和颁布,社会保险立法才进入了独立阶段。

    In its latter stage , the social insurance legislation did not enter the independent phase until the formulation and promulgation in succession on Northeastern State-Ownership Enterprises Wartime Provisional Labor Insurance Regulations and other separated regulations .

  14. 他论述了实现工业化的必要性与目的,阐述了在工业化过程中要实现工农业生产的相互促进,要以公营企业为主体,并充分利用私人资本主义工商业的积极性。

    He had expounded the necessity and purpose of industrialization , had explained that it is necessary to realize the mutual promotion of industrial and agricultural production in the course of industrialization , relying mainly on public enterprise , and fully utilizing enthusiasm of private capitalist industry and commerce .

  15. 公营部门制造企业财政问题讨论会

    Seminar on financial aspects of manufacturing enterprises in the public sector

  16. 美国的非商业组织包括政府机构、公营非营利组织和公营企业等单位。

    American non-business organizations include government , state non-profit organizations and state enterprises etc.