
  • 网络sharing platform
  1. 基于WebServices的教育资源共享平台的设计与研究

    Research and Design of Education Resource Sharing Platform Based on Web Services

  2. 领域模型驱动的Web服务共享平台构建

    The Construction of Domain Business Web Service Sharing Platform Driven by Domain Model

  3. 基于Web服务的数字城市信息资源共享平台

    Digital city information resource share platform based on Web services

  4. Web也从信息共享平台转化为服务集成的平台。

    Web has been translated from a platform of information sharing to service integration platform .

  5. 基于WebServices的政务信息共享平台

    E-Government Platform Based on Web Services

  6. 科学数据共享平台Web服务中间层的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Platform of Scientific data Sharing Based on Web Service Meso - sphere

  7. 基于实时数据库和XML的企业信息共享平台的研究

    The Research of Industry Information Platform Based On Real-Time Database and XML

  8. 基于XML的数据交换共享平台模型

    Data exchange and sharing platform model based on XML

  9. 基于共享平台的南京市房产管理GIS系统的建设框架

    Framework of Nanjing House Property Information System Based on GIS-share-platform

  10. 建筑设计CAD数据共享平台的研究与实现

    The Research and Realization of the Architecture Design CAD Data Sharing Platform

  11. 南京市数字房产GIS共享平台建设框架

    The Framework of Nanjing Digital House Property GIS-share-platform

  12. SOA架构下多层次信息共享平台的实现

    Achievement of a Multi-level Platform for Share of Information in SOA Architecture

  13. 基于J2EE的铁通运营支撑信息共享平台的研究

    J2EE Architecture Based Research of CTT Operation Support Integrated Information Platform

  14. 基于Java技术的数据共享平台构架研究

    Java-Based Data Sharing Platform Structure

  15. 基于SOA的区县级农业资源信息数据管理和共享平台设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of SOA Based County Agriculture Resource Data Management and Share Platform

  16. 基于SOA的网络课程共享平台研究

    SOA-based Network Curriculum Sharing Platform Research

  17. ORACLE和TSP数据共享平台&OTP的实现

    The Implementation of OTP the Data Sharing Platform Between Oracle and TSP

  18. Struts和Hibernate在信息共享平台中的应用与研究

    Application and Research of Struts and Hibernate in Information Sharing Platform

  19. 基于IQMultiplex技术的信息共享平台的设计

    Design and Implementation of IQ Multiplex-based Statistic Information Sharing Platform

  20. 基于ASP的中小模具企业制造资源共享平台研究

    Research on Manufacturing Resource Sharing Platform for the Small and Middle Die Enterprises Based on ASP Mode

  21. 基于J2EE、XML等技术,设计并实现了一个面向电子政务的信息交换与共享平台。

    This paper provided a design and implement of information exchange and share service platform for e-government based on J2EE , XML .

  22. 利用J2EE开发B/S体系结构的中小型图书馆信息共享平台

    Exploit J2EE to Develop the Information Resource Development Platform of Medium and Small Libraries Based-on B / S Structure

  23. 通过整个数据共享平台的建立,总结了目前GIS技术和地学研究相互促进共同发展的方向。

    Based on the building up of the data share platform , this paper summarizes the developing direction of GIS technology and geoscience researches .

  24. 研究人员试图将大范围的异构计算机系统组合起来,形成一个巨大的资源共享平台,我们称之为网格(Grid)。

    Researchers attempt to form a great resources sharing platform , by organizing a wide range of heterogeneous computer systems together , which is called Grid .

  25. 提出建立共享平台和社会科学网络话语权是社会科学界应对Internet挑战的重要举措。

    At last , it points out that establishment of social sciences research sharing platform is an important measure on facing the challenges of the Internet for social sciences circle .

  26. 该文介绍了一个基于IQMultiplex技术,专为期货交易统计业务而设计开发的统计信息共享平台。

    This paper introduces the design and implementation of a statistic information sharing platform based on IQ Multiplex technology .

  27. RMQP(RelationalMulti-databaseQueryPlatform)是用来作为社区应用开发的底层信息共享平台。

    Relational Multi-database Query Platform ( RMQP ) developed is a share information platform for developing community applications .

  28. 研究关系数据库与XML数据的双向映射机制,构建基于XML与ETL的异构数据源整合共享平台的原型。

    Study on the relational database and the XML data bidirectional mapping mechanism , constructed the shared information platform middleware prototype based on XML and ETL .

  29. 在联盟中心建立中,利用ASP技术为企业建立一个专业的信息共享平台。

    In the establishing of ally center , the technology of ASP is used to set up a professional information share platform for enterprises .

  30. 文中介绍利用P2P技术实现多个媒体点播系统互联,为用户提供可扩展的查询服务和资源共享平台。

    Introduces how to realize interconnecting of several media on demand systems by P2P technology , and provides extensible query service and resources sharing platform for users .