
  1. 我们常用的抽象概念初始均来自具体事物。

    Our abstracts derive all originally from the concrete .

  2. 有时通过与某种具体事物的类比,更容易说明某个抽象的概念。

    It is sometimes easier to illustrate an abstract concept by analogy with something concrete .

  3. DSL是高层次的,由低层次的实现细节和实现平台的具体事物抽象而来。

    A DSL is high-level in the sense that it abstracts from low-level implementation details , and possibly from particularities of the implementation platform .

  4. 空间无边无际,是无限的。但就具体事物而言,空间又有边有际,是有限的。

    Space is limitless , but it is limited for a concrete subject .

  5. 首先,计量史学采用的是对具体事物的统计学处理方法。

    First , measuring historiography USES is for specific things statistical processing method .

  6. 信息是对现实世界中具体事物的抽象反映,可以由程序自动更新。

    Information could be updated automatically by program .

  7. 概念隐喻的本质是通过具体事物来理解与体验抽象事物。

    The essence of metaphor is understanding and experiencing abstract entities in terms of concrete ones .

  8. 由于将认识中的条理实体化,似乎条理可以脱离客观具体事物。

    Because the coherent will know , seems to substantiate organized can from objective specific things .

  9. 但实际上脱离具体事物的是人的认识,而不是条理本身。

    But in fact from specific things is the people 's understanding , rather than coherent itself .

  10. 理念世界是一个永恒不变的自在世界,具体事物只是它的影子或摹本。

    Ideal world is a perpetual and free one and the concrete things only are shadows or copies .

  11. 系统中的具体事物就是元素的实例,实例为系统所用。

    Specifically things in a system collection are instances of element , each such instance being used by the system .

  12. 其表层结构则是由价值观念推出和派生的对具体事物、行为的利害、好坏的观点、看法或态度。

    The surface construction release the viewpoint of the concrete thing , and the attitude of the behavioral gains and losses .

  13. 官能感觉的感知和理性,只能给我们现象领域的、具体事物世界的知识。

    Sense perception and reason can give us knowledge only of the realm of phenomena , of the world of physical things .

  14. 模式识别理论的目的和作用在于面对某一具体事物时能将其正确地归入某一类。

    The main purpose and effect of pattern recognition is putting an concrete object into a class which it should belong to .

  15. 想象具体事物或场景的图景并不断重复便会使它们真正进入我们的生活。

    Visualizing an object or a situation , and repeating often this mental image , attracts the object or situation into our lives .

  16. 有生命物体可进一步分为植物和人类,无生命物体包括抽象事物,具体事物和自然现象三类。

    Animate things can be further classified into plants and human . Inanimate things include abstract things and concrete things and natural phenomenon .

  17. 就心理过程而言,是一种用具体事物来表示某种抽象概念或思想感情的思考方法。

    And it is also one kind of the consideration method that use concrete thing to show abstract conceptions , thoughts and feelings .

  18. 那么我们来谈谈那些在今后三到五年亦或十年内将会走出惠普实验室的具体事物吧。

    Let 's talk about some of the specific things you see coming out of HP Labs three and five and10 years out .

  19. 从组合关系和聚合关系两个角度将结果范畴分为成品类、破损痕迹类和抽象事物类、具体事物类。

    From the two perspectives of the syntagmatic relation and paradigmatic relations , the category of Result is categorized to abstract things and concrete things .

  20. 这种对具体事物的发挥转化,以及他一次又一次做出这种转化的技巧,更是卓别林伟大喜剧的奥秘。

    This physical transformation , plus the skill with which he executed it again and again , are surely the secrets of Chaplin 's great comedy .

  21. 学习者面对不同的写作内容和形式(如描述具体事物和描述抽象事物、描述性的写作和叙述性的写作)所使用的交际策略及其频率有所不同;

    The strategies ' frequency is different in concrete concepts identification and abstract concepts identification , and different in descriptive writing and narrative writing as well .

  22. 关于时间的无限性问题,他认为宇宙中一般的时间是无限的,而具体事物的时间是有限的。

    On the problem of infinity of time , he thinks the general time of universe is infinite , but the time of concrete subject is limited .

  23. 从源域到靶域的映射是人类用具体事物理解抽象概念的独特思维方式。

    The mappings of source and target domains exist independently in the conceptual system and function to structure and organize many aspects of human thought and cognition .

  24. 隐喻的评价功能是由其本质决定的:隐喻概念域之间的互动性使人类可以通过具体事物认识抽象事物,并生动表达抽象事物。

    Metaphor is the interaction between two semantic domains , which provides people with the possibility of perceiving abstract things through concrete ones and express them vividly .

  25. 感兴趣的外国投资者和游说团体在解释他们的困难之时,通常喜欢提及监管规定和政府实施的限制,即那些可通过公开辩论影响的具体事物。

    Interested foreign investors and lobby groups generally prefer to explain their difficulties by citing regulations and government-imposed restrictions tangible things that can be influenced through open argument .

  26. 音乐的内容与文学、戏剧、绘画等那些大量地描绘生活中的具体事物情景的艺术门类不同,音乐所直接呼唤和激发的是情感与意志。

    The contents of music differ from the other arts like literature , drama , and painting which describe a great deal of the specific situations of life .

  27. 其中,阴阳为抽象的气,是比附于具体事物或现象存在的两种属性的抽象之气。

    Among them , the yin and yang of abstract qi , Is the analogy of the gas in the abstract concrete things or phenomena exist two attributes .

  28. 分析表明,中文“随着”的语义有较大的笼统性和模糊性,相对而言,日语的表述则有根据具体事物和不同语境细化表达的特点。

    As the analysis shows , it refers to generalization and obscurity , while its Japanese versions have the characteristics of specification according to specific things and different contexts .

  29. 我所说的“人造土壤技术”和“土业时代”,它是一个具体事物,它应该遵守事物发展的客观规律。

    What I call " artificial soil technology " and " soil age " is something concrete and therefore it should follow the objective laws of the development of things .

  30. 有两种方式足以导致这种情形:要么通过所谓分析作用,丢掉具体事物所具有的一部分多样性,而只举出其一种;

    Either we may neglect a part of the multiple features which are found in the concrete thing ( by what is called analysis ) and select only one of them ;