
  • 网络Intrinsic compensation;intrinsic reward;internal compensation
  1. 忽视薪酬体系中的内在薪酬;

    They neglect the " internal salary " in salary systems .

  2. 第三部分按照现代企业薪酬管理的要求提出了青海石油管理局薪酬制度改革的总体思路、改革的原则、薪酬设计及内在薪酬的改革设计的具体内容。

    The third part puts forward to ways of remuneration system reform in Qinghai Petroleum Administrative Bureau .

  3. 薪酬由外在薪酬和内在薪酬构成,外在薪酬由直接薪酬和间接薪酬构成。

    Salary consists of outer salary and inner one . Outer salary is composed of direct salary and indirect one .

  4. 具体包括T股份人力资源管理中绩效考核、外在薪酬和内在薪酬(培训与职业生涯管理)几方面的现状与问题。

    , Ltd , which includes performance evaluation - . extrinsic payment and intrinsic payment ( training and career management ) .

  5. 内在薪酬体系包括教师的工作激励、教师的成就激励和优秀教师的价值激励。

    The inner salary system is made up of teachers ' work incentive , teachers ' achievement incentive and excellent teachers ' value incentive .

  6. 第二章:介绍了薪酬的概念,重点指出薪酬中的内在薪酬因素和外在薪酬因素;

    Second chapter : Introduced the salary concept , pointed out in the salary with emphasis the intrinsic salary factor and the external salary factor ;

  7. 基于能力的工资+基于组织、团队和个人业绩的奖励+内在薪酬的全面薪酬体系。

    The Compensation System which includes Salary based on competence 、 Variable compensation based on the performance of staff 、 team and Enterprise and Inherent compensation .

  8. 该策略的成功实施,外在薪酬是基础,内在薪酬是关键、成功的绩效考核系统是保证。

    Its application emphases include that the extrinsic reward is foundation , the intrinsic one is the key and the performance check system is the guarantee .

  9. 合理且具有激励性的外在薪酬体系不仅能够有效地激发员工的工作积极性、主动性,而且还为企业构建内在薪酬体系打下基础。

    Not only reasonable also has the excitability external salary system to be able to stimulate staff 's work enthusiasm , the initiative effectively , moreover also builds the foundation for the enterprise construction intrinsic salary system .

  10. 薪酬按带给员工的激励是因为工资、奖金、福利等外在报酬的强化,还是因为工作本身带给员工内心的愉悦和满足,分为外在薪酬和内在薪酬。

    Salary can be divided into external salary and internal salary according to whether the incentive of the salary is wage , money award , allowance and similar external rewards or the joy and satisfaction that come from the job itself .

  11. 应从设计业绩工资制度、根据战略要求选择工资政策、注重内在薪酬的激励作用、关注薪酬设计的沟通交流及让员工参与薪酬制度的设计与管理等方面着手制定薪酬策略,提高企业人力资源激励效率。

    We should design merit pay system , make wage policy choices according to strategy , pay attention to the incentive of internal pay , pay attention to communication on the pay-design and let staff involve in the design of pay system and management so that enterprise will lead market .