
  • 网络Internal customer;internal clients
  1. 第二章引入了CRM的思想,介绍了CRM产生的背景、含义和客户满意度的概念,并着重介绍了内部客户以及教师作为学校内部客户不同于企业内部客户的一些特点。

    Second Chapter : import the idea of CRM-introduce CRM 's background and content , the identification of the degree of customer 's satisfaction , and especially introduce what is internal customer and emphasize on the differences between internal customer for enterprise and the teacher as internal customer for university .

  2. 代替内部客户对供应商进行评估,确认其是否达到标准。

    Conduct internal customer and supplier surveys to evaluate performance and to determine conformance to established standards .

  3. 在我寻找分析RationalApplicationDeveloper的代码和检查工具的内部客户的过程中,我遇到了来自一个令人惊奇的抵抗源:我自己的开发团队。

    In my quest to recruit internal customers for the Rational Application Developer code analysis and inspection tool , I encountered resistance from a surprising source : my own development team .

  4. COS的服务范围不仅局限于内部客户,而且服务范围扩大到外部客户。

    The service scope is not only to internal customers , but also to external customers .

  5. 该公司表示,内部客户满意度调查显示,食物的分数有所提高,并且该公司仍在继续推进其称之为高空美食(HeightCuisine)的项目。

    Internal customer-satisfaction surveys score food higher , the airline says , and it is continuing what it calls its ' Height Cuisine ' effort .

  6. 当内部客户认识到实现请求是多么简单之后,构建LPAR、添加CPU和内存等请求成了家常便饭。

    Requests for LPAR builds , CPU , and memory additions became commonplace after internal customers realized how simple it was to have the request fulfilled .

  7. 与许多大公司类似,HITC由许多为适应向内部客户和外部客户提供服务而设立的单独的业务部门(lineofbusiness,LOB)组成。

    Like many large companies , HITC is comprised of many individual lines of business ( LOBs ) that are geared to serve both external and internal customers .

  8. 针对近年来兴起并迅速发展的客户关系管理(CRM)中,企业往往忽视的一类问题&内部客户问题进行研究,提出了内部客户分类方法,并根据不同类型内部客户采取不同维系策略。

    CRM is developing rapidly in recent years . This paper studies a problem of internal customer - which is always ignored by enterprises - Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ), and also provides a way of internal customer classification and uses different kinds of customer retention tactics .

  9. 和供应商及内部客户建立和维护卓有成效的关系。

    Develop and maintain effective relationships with suppliers and internal customers .

  10. 这些弊端导致采购流程效率低下,内部客户满意度低等问题。

    These lead to inefficiency , customer satisfaction is low .

  11. 联合系统的内部客户来测试你的产品。

    Incorporate internal customers to system test your product .

  12. 为您的应用程序找出内部客户。

    Seek out internal customers for your application .

  13. 本职位是一个内部客户服务职位,服务的对象是德勤中国税务部。

    The role is an Internal Client Service role , the client being Deloitte China Tax .

  14. 国有商业银行内部客户满意度评价体系的构建

    The Research on the Construction of the Internal Customer Satisfaction System in the State-owned Commerical Banks of China

  15. 在产品发布以前,我安排内部客户使用它们以评估产品的完备性。

    I arrange for internal customers to use my products prior to release in order to assess the products'readiness .

  16. 不是采用授权工具给用户,而是采用支持它们的内部客户,即信息的使用者。

    Not by empowering the tool users , but by enabling their internal clients , the consumers of the information .

  17. 与内部客户保持联系以确保审计计划准确地反映客户的需求。

    Stay in contact with internal customers to ensure that the Audit Plan accurately reflects the needs of the customers .

  18. 个人资料只用作内部客户纪录、意见跟进及或以电邮方式通知最新宣传推广。

    All personal information will be used for internal record , following up customer 's comment and sending the promotional information possibly .

  19. 他们必须能够探知用户需求,完成创新性纲要;与内部客户交流时间表与项目计划。

    They must be able to diagnose customer needs , complete creative briefs ; and communicate schedules and project plans to internal clients .

  20. 你知道谁是你的内部客户和外部客户吗?为什么他们需要你的工作,他们做什么呢?

    Do you know who your internal and external customers are , why they need the work you produce and what they do with it ?

  21. 首先,成立了内部客户知识调查小组,主要通过访谈的形式进行现状调查,列出客户知识审计的工作范围;

    First , a survey team is founded to do the survey , mainly by interviewing , to determine the coverage of customer knowledge audit ;

  22. 通过一些研究发现,员工作为内部客户,其满意度的高低决定了服务质量的高低,进而决定了顾客满意度的高低。

    Through some research discovery , employee , as internal customer , their satisfaction which determines the service quality , and then determine the customer satisfaction .

  23. 提出内部客户营销的重要性和必要性,进而获得企业服务营销的竞争优势。

    Stress on it is significance and essentiality to market for the interior customer , consequently achieve the advantage in the service marketing competition of enterprises .

  24. 这些服务将由其他内部客户使用(假定内部客户拥有用户注册中心的用户帐户)。

    These services are meant to be used by other internal customers ( an internal customer is assumed to be in possession of a user account in the user registry ) .

  25. 创新性设计主管是一个熟练的发起人,就许多兼顾商业与良好用户体验的创新性设计问题与内部客户进行关系协调。

    Lead creative designer is a skilled presenter and manages relationships with internal clients on a variety of creative design issues that support both the business and a strong user experience .

  26. 第四部分主要论述的是外部客户要素对信息系统质量管理的驱动,本文的第五部分讨论的是信息系统建设团队(内部客户)对信息系统质量的驱动,以及客户驱动团队的建设问题。

    Finally , we discussed about customer-driven team on information system building , i.e. external customers , in fifths-part of this paper . In this part , we study some problems on information system quality management connecting it 's team .

  27. 一般情况下,外部网络客户机直接与具有代理服务器的内部网络客户机进行UDP数据报的通信是不可能实现的。

    Generally , it is impossible to be realized that the extranet computers carry directly on communication of UDP datagram with the intranet computers using agent server .

  28. 德勤会计师事务所(Deloitte)便在公司内部和客户中推广一种不同于“职业阶梯”的理念:即“职业网格”,这个比喻指的便是目前兴起的平级岗位调动或斜向岗位调动。

    Deloitte has popularized the notion , both in-house and with clients , of a " career lattice " rather than a " career ladder " & a metaphor for the often sideways or diagonally up-or-down directions in which careers move today .

  29. 在实施细则上重点关注信息链的搭建和完善,实现公司内部各客户资源共享,注重开发新资源,评估整合信息。

    Concerned about the building and improving of information chain , to achieve internal customer resource sharing .

  30. 在公司内部就客户的要求进行沟通,尤其是那些直接负责客户的部门。

    Liaise within company regarding customer 's requirements , particularly with other departments having wider customer responsibilities .