
xiě zuò
  • pen and ink;pencraft;penmanship;write;compose;author;authorship
写作 [xiě zuò]
  • [write;compose] 创作作品

写作[xiě zuò]
  1. 他要离开乐队去专职写作。

    He is leaving the band to concentrate on his writing .

  2. 她后来才发现自己的写作天分。

    Only later did she discover a talent for writing .

  3. 她也用芭芭拉∙瓦因的化名从事写作。

    She also writes under the pseudonym of Barbara Vine .

  4. 写作每年为他赚1万元。

    His writing brings him $ 10000 a year .

  5. 他的写作煽起了种族主义情绪。

    His writings fanned the flames of racism .

  6. 3的平方写作3²。

    Three squared is written 3 ² .

  7. 他干一点教学,但首要的是写作。

    He does a little teaching , but first and foremost he 's a writer .

  8. 她用笔名写作。

    She writes under a pseudonym .

  9. 他从一个了解监狱生活的人的立场写作。

    He is writing from the standpoint of someone who knows what life is like in prison .

  10. 她用笔名艾莉森·库珀写作。

    She writes under the nom de plume of Alison Cooper .

  11. 实际上写作过程中最重要的阶段是修改。

    The phase of writing that is actually most important is revision

  12. 这门课程也包括写作练习和听力理解。

    The course also features creative writing exercises and listening comprehension .

  13. 让人耳目一新的是作者轻松自如的会话式写作风格。

    What is refreshing is the author 's easy , conversational style

  14. 他将把更多时间用于写作、广播和作讲座。

    He will be devoting more time to writing , broadcasting and lecturing

  15. 我父亲3年前去世的时候,我从写作中找到了安慰。

    I found solace in writing when my father died three years ago

  16. 过去我经常在课余时间写作。

    I used to write during my free periods at school

  17. 我有足够的空间进行写作和缝纫。

    I had plenty of space to write and sew

  18. 他能模仿大多数自己崇拜的偶像的讲话和写作风格。

    He could imitate in speech or writing most of those he admired .

  19. 写作是宣泄强烈感情的好方法。

    Writing is a good tool for discharging overwhelming feelings

  20. 他们将集中教授阅读、写作和算术基础知识。

    They will concentrate on teaching the basics of reading , writing and arithmetic

  21. 作为初涉写作的人,我对此很感兴趣。

    As a novice writer , this is something I 'm interested in .

  22. 他的辅导教师发现了他在阅读和写作方面进步的迹象。

    His remedial teacher sees signs of progress in his reading and writing .

  23. 他的写作得益于他感到已故的林肯一直在他身后激励着他。

    His writing benefits from the shade of Lincoln hovering over his shoulder .

  24. 他是非常有趣的写作素材。

    He is an engrossing subject for a book .

  25. 她从事自由职业,一边写作,一边搞研究。

    She has freelanced as a writer and researcher .

  26. 直到1974年,他的写作才华才又得以发挥。

    It was not until 1974 that his ability to write gelled again .

  27. 他们15岁就辍学了,几乎未接受过正式的写作训练。

    They had left school at fifteen and were quite untutored in writing .

  28. 这是她第一次尝试写作,结果证明非常成功。

    It was her first try at authorship and proved a great success .

  29. 他想通过写作来谋生,不过他对此不抱希望。

    He wished to earn a living through writing but despaired of doing so .

  30. 他忘我地投入工作,就像是一台写作机器。

    He has dedicated himself to his work and become just a writing machine .