
  • 网络military struggle
  1. 谈科学发展观与军事斗争准备财务保障

    Scientific development viewpoint and the financial support of military struggle preparation

  2. 东南沿海地区军事斗争后勤动员准备研究

    On logistic mobilization preparation of military struggle in the southeastern regions

  3. 从新时期军事斗争准备需求出发,为加强部队医院护理质量管理建设,提高战时应急能力和救护水平,率先在护理质量管理体系中全面启动ISO标准。

    In order to enhance nursing qualities and improve the emergency and rescue abilities during the war time , Xijing Hospital initially generated the ISO9000 standards into nursing management .

  4. 在电磁环境日趋复杂,电磁斗争日益激化的现代战争条件下,ARM的研究和抗击ARM的研究,成为当前军事斗争领域争夺制空权的热门话题,这项研究正方兴未艾。

    In condition that electromagnetic environment become more and more complex and electromagnetic warfare will become much acute in domain of the present military combats , researches on ARM and anti-ARM technologies becomes a hot spot in command of the air .

  5. 研究了不同通气策略尤其是SI治疗SWD-ALI的有效性及安全性,完善了海水淹溺的救治体系,为海上军事斗争卫勤准备做了技术储备。

    Different ventilation methods , especially the safety and effectiveness of SI in the treatment of SWD-ALI , were studied , in order to improve the salvation system of seawater drowning and provide the technical preparation for the sea battles .

  6. 对新时期海上军事斗争的战略思考

    Thinking about the Strategies of Marine War at the New Period

  7. 紧贴军事斗争准备实际不断提高依法管财理财的质量和效能

    On improving the quality and efficacy of the financial management

  8. 在军事斗争准备中军队要树立科学的积累观

    Acquiring a sense of scientific accumulation in preparing for the military struggle

  9. 以军事斗争准备任务牵引机动卫勤分队建设

    Construction of Mobile Medical Squad in Accordance with War Preparedness

  10. 抓军事斗争卫勤准备促医院可持续发展

    Intensifying Health Service Preparation against War to Promote the Sustainable Development of Hospital

  11. 联合作战是我军军事斗争准备的主要作战样式。

    United battle is main style of battle for PLA in the future .

  12. 在战略上,他能抓住军事斗争与建立、发展根据地这一全局性的根本点。

    Strategically , he focused on the relations between military operations and base-development .

  13. 新时期集团军军事斗争后勤准备探析

    Logistic preparation in army groups in the new period

  14. 正是为了这个目的,才要继续把军事斗争进行下去。

    For this aim alone the military struggle continues .

  15. 着眼全局统筹财力努力做好军事斗争准备财务保障

    On the financial support in military struggle preparation

  16. 外层空间成为军事斗争的新战场。

    Outer space has become a new battlefield .

  17. 反分裂军事斗争准备是我军当前的头等大事。

    At present the preparation for military conflict with Taiwan is our top priority .

  18. 以军事斗争卫勤准备为牵引促进军队医院全面建设

    Promoting Overall Construction of Hospital in Accordance with Medical Preparation in The Military Battle

  19. 浮空器在军事斗争中的应用及发展趋势

    The Defense Application and Development Trend of Aerostat

  20. 构建财务风险管理机制提高军事斗争准备财务保障效益

    On establishing the mechanism of financial risk management to improve the benefit of financial support

  21. 军事斗争准备对国民经济动员的要求及对策

    Requirements of the preparation for military struggle on the national economic mobilization and the Countermeasures

  22. 以军事斗争后勤准备为基点加强军队后勤体制建设

    On enhancing troops logistic system construction

  23. 反恐斗争是一种特殊的军事斗争形式,是当前军事训练领域的一个重要内容。

    Anti-terror battle is a special military form and an important content in military training field .

  24. 军事斗争行为的法律分析

    Analyzing the Action of Military Struggle from Juristic Perspective The outline of military administrative law enforcement

  25. 和平统一前景不容乐观,大陆必须做好全面军事斗争的准备。

    Peaceful reunification is not promising and mainland must make good preparations for an overall military struggle .

  26. 并且通过与布鲁日,挪威和丹麦等城市或国家的经济军事斗争,进一步巩固和完善了这种同盟形式。

    It was consolidated and perfected in the course of conflict with Bruges , Norway and Danmark .

  27. 立足打赢信息化条件下局部战争,拓展和深化军事斗争准备。

    Aiming to win local wars under the conditions of informationization and expanding and intensifying military preparedness .

  28. 政治婚姻是以婚姻为手段达到某种政治目的的婚姻形式,它是唐代政治、军事斗争的产物,其方式和类型也随政治、军事形式的变化而变化。

    Political marriage was the marital form that regarded marriage as the medium to reach political object .

  29. 电子信息系统能否尽快形成作战能力,对做好军事斗争准备具有重要影响。

    Whether the electronic information system can form combat capability quickly will greatly influence the military conflict preparation .

  30. 四是扎实做好军事斗争准备以遏制破坏军民关系的消极因素。

    Fourthly , making full preparation for military struggle to resist the negative forces of damaging civil-military relations .