
  1. 除娱乐业外,3D技术还可以应用于医疗、军事科研、航空和教育等领域。

    Besides entertainment , 3-D technologies can be applied to fields such as medical , military research , aviation and education .

  2. 与国内其它军事科研机构、军工企业的军转民相比,ZW院既有与他们相同的特点,遭遇了相同的困难,但同时也有其固有的特殊之处。

    Compared with the transformation from military to civil industry of other military scientific research institution and other military enterprises , ZW academe has the common characters and has encountered the common difficulties , meanwhile has its own features .

  3. 建立合理可行的军事科研经费项目融资机制

    On establishing the project circulating funds mechanism of military scientific research

  4. 加强科研经费管理提高军事科研效益

    In the research . Management of scientific research funds

  5. 美国研究型大学与军事科研的互动发展

    The Mutual Benefits between Military Research and Development of the Research Universities in USA

  6. 军事科研成果的创造、运用、保护和管理有赖于知识产权法律制度的保障。

    The creation , utilization , protection and management rely on the protection of Intellectual property system .

  7. 面临光电精确制导武器的严重威胁,先进防御技术成为当前军事科研的主要领域之一。

    Advanced defence technology becomes a main fields of military research , facing the serious threat of optoelectronic precise guidance weapon ( PGW ) .

  8. 本论文成功地解决了对涉密电子文档的安全管理问题,对各级政府和军事科研单位管理电子文档有着重要的意义。

    This thesis resolves the security management issue of secret electronic documents successfully , and it has an important significance to managing electronic documents in many levels of government and military research institutes and other departments .

  9. 但是,由于各种原因,我国的计算机兵棋发展才刚刚起步,仅有的民间流行的手工兵棋,无法替代计算机兵棋在军事科研以及普及国防教育中的重要性。

    However , in our country , the development of computer wargame just gets started because of various causes . The importance of computer wargame in the field of military scientific research and popularizing national defense education can never be replaced by the only traditional War game .

  10. 随着科学技术的高速发展,X光图像在军事、科研、工农业生产、医疗卫生等领域的应用越来越广泛。

    With the development of modern technology , X-ray image have been widely used .

  11. 它可以部分替代用于商业、环保、军事、科研的低轨道卫星和远程通信太空卫星。

    And UAV may partially replace the low-earth satellite and telecommunication satellite in some fields .

  12. 在军事、科研和工业应用领域紫外和红外光谱区变得越来越重要。

    The ultraviolet and infrared spectral region are becoming increasingly important for military , scientific and industrial applications .

  13. 核数据在军事、科研和生产中的应用越来越广泛,目前,国际上主要的核大国都在开展核数据评价工作,并且大部分数据都以国际合作的形式共享科学数据成果。

    Nuclear data are important and widely used in many fields such as the military , science research , and none-military applications .

  14. 图像采集技术应用范围十分广泛,如在工业检测,交通道路,医学,军事以及科研等领域中。

    Image acquisition technology was used widely in many fields , such as industrial inspection , traffic , medical , military and scientific research .

  15. 随着激光在军事、科研、医疗中的广泛应用,激光防护的重要性渐渐被人们重视起来。

    With the wide application of the laser in military and scientific research and life , people gradually pay more attention to the laser protection .

  16. 实时系统因为其响应速度快,可靠性高的特点,在经济,军事,科研,运输等领域扮演着重要的角色。

    Real-time system plays an import role in economic , military , scientific research , transportation and other areas for its fast response , high reliability .

  17. 利用计算机采集和处理视频信息在军事、科研、工业、农业和医疗等很多领域都有着广泛的应用前景;

    Using computer collecting and processing video information in the military , scientific , industrial , agricultural and medical , and many other areas has broad application prospects .

  18. 所以关于米波雷达低仰角测高算法的研究具有重要的军事和科研价值。

    So the study of how to improve the accuracy of finding height for meter wave radar at low-angle target has very important military and scientific research value .

  19. 三维坐标测量是测量中的一个重要分支,被广泛用于工业、军事、科研等许多领域。

    Absrtact : The3D measurement is an important branch of measurement , which is widely used in the fields of industry , military affairs , scientific research and etc.

  20. 随着移动机器人技术的日益发展,移动机器人技术在工业、农业、家庭、服务、军事、科研等领域起到了越来越大的作用。

    With the development of mobile robotics , the robotic technology is playing a greater role in the industry , household , services , military , scientific research and other fields .

  21. 本单位作为全军最高军事医学科研和疾控机构,科研和管理人员对主动、定制化的科研信息具有强烈的需求。

    As the top level institute of military medical research and disease control , the research and management personnel of our academy have strong demand for initiative and customized research information .

  22. 随着低轨卫星在国民经济、军事、科研等方面的广泛应用,各国发射的低轨卫星越来越多,这些卫星身负不同的科学任务,为各国的经济发展及科研事业做出了贡献。

    More and more LEO are launched as widely applied to economy , military affairs , scientific research and so on . These satellites have different missions and make a contribution to national economy .

  23. 通用小型汽油机被广泛用作园林机械、农业机械、后备电源以及工业、军事、科研用小型移动式机械的动力。

    The small utility gasoline engine is widely used in garden machinery , agricultural machinery , stand-by power , and also used in industrial area , military area and as the small portable mechanical power for scientific researching .

  24. 随着信息技术的高速发展,信息网络已广泛的应用于政治、军事、科研、商业、金融等领域,并成为社会进步和发展的重要标志之一。

    With the rapid development of information and network technology , the information network has been applied in government , military affairs , science research , commerce and finance , and plays a very important role in our society .

  25. 随着现代科技水平的不断提高和新兴技术的出现,波长检测的应用范围遍及生产、生活、军事和科研等多个领域,方便快捷的测量波长也正成为一种迫切的需求。

    With the continuous improvement of the modern science and technology level and emergence of new technologies , wavelength measurement range of applications is throughout the production , life , military , scientific and other fields . Convenient measurement of wavelength is also becoming a pressing demand .

  26. 随着科学技术的发展,天文、军事、科研等对高精度非球面光学元件的需求越来越大,精度要求越来越高,甚至达到亚纳米级的精度要求。

    With development of science and technology , there is an increasing need of high degree of precision of aspheric optics in astronomy , military and scientific research , etc. And degrees of accuracy are higher than ever , which sometimes reach degree of sub-nanometer on RMS .

  27. 回旋管作为一种重要的高功率微波源,在军事和科研中具有很大的应用价值,但是回旋管的输出模式不能直接传输,为了有效地应用回旋管输出的高功率微波,必须进行模式变换。

    As an important high-power microwave source , gyrotron has importance in military and scientific research , but because the output mode of the gyrotron can not be transmitted directly , the mode conversion is necessary in order to effectively apply the high power microwave from the gyrotron .

  28. 军事航空医学科研人员的信息需求及有效获取信息的对策

    The information requirement and the strategy of information acquirement for military aviation medicine researchers

  29. 无线传感器网络(wirelessSensorNetworks,简称WSNs)已经成为电子、计算机、控制等多个领域的研究热点,广泛应用于军事、工业以及科研等领域。

    Wireless Sensor Networks ( WSNs ) have become the research hotspot of electronic , computer , control , and other areas . They are widely used in military , industry , and scientific research .

  30. DPL腔内倍频脉冲激光器技术正在日趋成熟,且激光产品已经商业化,广泛应用于工业、军事、医疗和科研等领域中。

    The technology of DPL intracavity frequency doubled pulsed laser is developing , laser products are commercialized and widely used in industrial , military , medical and scientific research areas and so on .