
jūn yònɡ fēi jī
  • Military aircraft;warplane;warcraft;warbird
  1. 联合机构协调中心(JointAgencyCoordinationCentre,简称JACC)在一份声明中称,周二将有来自七个国家的军用飞机在遥远的南印度洋约119139平方公里(46000平方英里)的海域进行搜索。

    Military aircraft from seven nations will scour a remote stretch of the southern Indian Ocean comprising about 46000 square miles on Tuesday , the Joint Agency Coordination Centre said in a statement .

  2. 他在医院治疗了两个月,是军用飞机DC-3把他送回家的——那是他第一次坐飞机。

    He was hospitalized for two months and had to be transported by military DC-3 back home -- his first flight .

  3. 比如,U-2侦察机是自20世纪50年代以来一直在军中服役,为了收集情报,用作间谍行为的美国军用飞机。

    The U-2 , for instance , is an American plane designed to gather intelligence , spy , and it 's been in service since the 1950s .

  4. 中国最新的J-22战斗机,去年正式成为军用飞机,由中国空军驾驶。

    China 's latest J-20 stealth fighter jets were commissioned into military service last year and are operated by the Chinese Air Force .

  5. 飞机墓地亚利桑那州,图森市外的戴维斯—蒙森空军基地,是旧飞机报废的地方,基地上停着从B-52s到隐形轰炸机等共超过4000架军用飞机。

    Airplane Graveyard The Davis-Monthan Air Force Base outside of Tuscon , Ariz. , is where old planes go to die . More than 4000 military aircraft are parked on the base , from B-52s to stealth bombers , where they are salvaged for parts and broken down for scrap .

  6. 今天,叙利亚军用飞机继续在大马士革周边对反对派发动空袭。

    Syrian warplanes continue to bomb rebel neighborhoods in Damascus today .

  7. 我喜欢看军用飞机,尤其是战斗机。

    I like seeing military planes , especially fighters .

  8. 有报道称,越南军用飞机在越南海岸线上发现了两处油迹带。

    Military plane from Vietnam reported seeing two oil slicks out that country 's coast .

  9. 他是一名空军试飞员,并且试飞了200多种军用飞机。

    He was an Air Force test pilot who flew more than 200 types of military aircraft .

  10. 他们需要保证客机,军用飞机和商用飞机的安全。

    They have the responsibility of keeping the skies safe for civilian , military , and commercial aircrafts .

  11. 所以伊拉克人得知军用飞机对大坝附近的伊斯兰目标发动袭击的消息后感到很高兴。

    So Iraqis were pleased to learn that military aircrafts were striking Islamic positions in the vicinity of the dam .

  12. 一直在科罗拉多州斯普林斯参与救火的军用飞机得到命令返回基地。

    Military aircraft that had been fighting a fire near Colorado Springs are being allowed to return to their base .

  13. 导致该现象的原因之一是大量军用飞机进入航道,致使民航重新进行调度。

    Sudden air traffic flowing into air ways that are controlled by the Army is one of the reasons for the issue .

  14. 两架美国军用飞机未经事先通报进入中国新划设的东海防空识别区。

    Two U.S. military aircraft flew over an area China claims as its new airspace defense zone without first notifying the Chinese .

  15. 在政府的军用飞机轰炸致使1人死亡,8人受伤后一个家庭清理着残余。

    A family clears up what remains of their home after a government warplane bombed it killing one person and wounding eight others .

  16. 美国在该领域内扮演了一个重要角色,并已经向南中国海派出了军舰和军用飞机。

    The United States is a major player in the region and has sent warships and military aircraft around the South China Sea .

  17. 美国还怀疑北韩可能向叙利亚一个可能的核设施提供了援助,以色列军用飞机去年9月轰炸了这个设施。

    Washington also suspects North Korea may have lent assistance to a possible nuclear facility in Syria which Israeli warplanes bombed in September .

  18. 来自澳大利亚、新西兰、美国、中国和日本的民用飞机和军用飞机都将在周一协助进行搜寻。

    Civil and military aircraft from Australia , New Zealand , the U.S. , China and Japan are assisting in Monday 's search .

  19. 上月美国对一名中国商人提出刑事指控,称其侵入防务承包商的电脑,窃取有关军用飞机的信息。

    And last month the US charged a Chinese businessman with hacking into the computers of defence contractors to steal information about military aircraft .

  20. 中国国防部称,中国海军在钓鱼岛海域附近活动是合法行为,并谴责日本派遣军用飞机的行为。

    China 's Ministry of Defense says its navy 's activities around the DiaoyuIslands are legitimate , condemning Japanese military aircraft 's presence there .

  21. 周二,一架载有防护装备的军用飞机离开缅甸机场,飞往中国云南省省会昆明。

    A military aircraft loaded with the protective gears left Myanmar 's airport to Kunming , capital of China 's Yunnan province , on Tuesday .

  22. 飞机的最长持续飞行距离为8000英里(12964公里),它比一些军用飞机还飞得更远更快。

    It has a non-stop distance of 8000miles ( 12964km ) and is considered to be able to fly further and faster than some military aircraft .

  23. 缅甸国家控制的媒体说,政府拒绝美国军用飞机的帮助,是因为政府担心美军入侵,尽管美国保证只提供灾害援助。

    Burma 's state media say the government rejected the U.S. military aircraft because it feared an invasion , despite U.S. assurances that wanted only to provide aid .

  24. 截止到星期四为止,总共有13架美国军用飞机把140吨水、帐篷、毛毯和其他救援物资,经由泰国运抵缅甸。

    As of Thursday , there had been 13 U.S. military flights from Thailand to Burma carrying 140 metric tons of water , tents , blankets and other relief supplies .

  25. 一架美国军用飞机从佛罗里达州运来一组空军人员,一架美国海岸卫队的飞机把一些到海地度假的美国年轻人运走。

    An American military plane unloaded a team of Air Force soldiers from Florida , while a Coast Guard plane loaded a group of U.S. teens on an evacuation flight .

  26. 双座Z-19E也被称为“黑飓风”,旨在迎合国际市场,北京的目标是扩大在全球军用飞机的市场地位。

    Two-seat Z-19E also known as ' Black Hurricane ' is built to cater to the international market as Beijing aims to expand its presence in the global market for military aircraft .

  27. 中国已经拥有了自己的军用飞机和支线飞机制造商,此架飞机的研发成为衡量中国产业和技术制造水平的一个重要指标。

    China has its own military and regional aircraft manufacturers , and the development of the airplane serves as a key index to assess the country 's industrial and technical manufacturing capacity .

  28. 交通部长被问及马来西亚航空公司采取更短的飞行路线通过乌克兰东部是否是出于节省燃料成本而非出于安全考虑,而乌克兰军用飞机曾在这里最近被亲俄分子击落。

    The transport minister was asked if Malaysia Airlines , taking a shorter route over eastern Ukraine where military aircraft had recently been shot down by pro-Russian insurgents , put fuel cost savings ahead of safety .

  29. 中国表示,美国军用飞机进入禁飞区是“赤裸裸的挑衅行为”。据报道,这架飞机周二进入了中国人民解放军北部战区实弹演习禁飞区。

    China says the entry of a U.S. military plane in a no-fly zone is " purely provocative . " The plane reportedly entered airspace used for live-fire exercises by the Northern Theater of the People 's Liberation Army on Tuesday .

  30. 尽管无窗飞机并不是新概念——货运飞机和军用飞机就倾向于不要窗户,但商用飞机制造商却一直没有接纳这个概念,因为担心不受乘客欢迎。

    While the windowless plane is not a new concept - freight aircraft and military jets tend not to have windows - commercial aircraft manufacturers have put off the idea until now because of concerns it would be unpopular with passengers .