
  • 网络rural community construction
  1. 第四部分根据对W村的调研来分析欠发达地区农村社区建设存在的问题。

    The fourth part is to analyze the questions that exist in the process of underdeveloped rural community construction according to the study of W village .

  2. 但是目前,进行农村社区建设还面临着种种的问题和困难。

    But now , there are still many Difficulties and problems in rural community construction .

  3. 农村社区建设的条件分析

    An Analysis of the Conditions to Construct Communities in Rural Areas

  4. 新农村社区建设中的村民参与问题研究

    On Villagers ' Participation in Community Construction in New Socialist Countryside

  5. 地震灾后农村社区建设中的过程目标及其实现

    The Implementation of Enabling Objective in post-Disaster Community Construction in Rural Area

  6. 从全国范围看,农村社区建设刚刚起步。

    The " rural community development " currently has just started nationwide .

  7. 对新农村社区建设若干问题的思考

    Thought about the Problems in the New-Countryside Community Construction

  8. 行政推动仍是农村社区建设的主要动力。

    And the administrative promotion is still the main power of building rural community .

  9. 进而得出他们之间的互动是如何影响农村社区建设的。

    Then come to the interaction between them is how they affect rural community building .

  10. 但是,目前,我国的农村社区建设还处于起步阶段。

    However , building rural community in China is still at an initial stage currently .

  11. 这些问题的存在不利于农村社区建设的推进。

    The existence of these problems is not conducive to promote the construction of rural community .

  12. 2006年国家民政部在215个县开始进行农村社区建设实验。

    The Ministry of Civil Affairs began construction of rural communities in 215 counties in 2006 .

  13. 但对于农村社区建设的研究,尚处于初步探索阶段。

    But for the construction of rural community studies , is still in the initial stage of exploration .

  14. 农村社区建设,不仅仅是硬件改造,更重要的是对农村生产关系的转变。

    Rural community building , not just hardware transformation , more importantly , the changes in rural production relations .

  15. 最后,对发展以村民自治为主导的农村社区建设提出了若干对策探讨。

    Finally , the author puts forward some suggestions to develop the building of rural community conducted by villager autonomy .

  16. 第四,积极搞好农村社区建设,发挥村落在社会保障中的作用。

    Fourth , do rural community construction well actively , give play to the role in social security of village .

  17. 随着我国新农村社区建设的推进,农村社区建设成为我国农村发展的重中之重。

    Along with the progressing of new rural construction in China , rural community construction became the emphasis of Rural Development .

  18. 首先,多元参与是农村社区建设的基础与逻辑起点。

    First of all , the pluralistic participation is the foundation of the rural community construction and the logical starting point .

  19. 目前关于乐清农村社区建设理论研究方面的著述相对较少,特别是系统综合性的调查研究论文更是缺乏。

    Few theoretical researches on the building of Yueqing rural communities is available , especially the comprehensive survey of the system .

  20. 农村社区建设是社会主义新农村建设的重要组成部分,但不能以新农村建设取代农村社区建设。

    And the rural community construction is the important part of new socialist countryside construction , well the latter cannot replace the former .

  21. 最后,针对建设过程中存在的问题,从7个方面提出加快济南市农村社区建设的对策和建议。

    Finally , the problems for the process of building seven aspects to accelerate the Jinan City , rural community development strategies and recommendations .

  22. 在第五部分中笔者分析了欠发达地区农村社区建设的路径选择并提出一些对策建议。

    In the fifth part , the author analyzes the way that the underdeveloped rural community construction can choose and put forward some countermeasure proposals .

  23. 实现政策目标与层级意愿一致性,促成村庄的良性治理,为我国农村社区建设提供了有意的地方经验。

    Willingness to achieve policy objectives and level of consistency , to the benign governance of the village provide local experience for the rural community construction .

  24. 因此,重视并发挥乡村经济精英的积极作用,将有助于农村社区建设,推动农村发展。

    Therefore , attention to rural economic elite and play a positive role , will contribute to the building of rural communities , promote rural development .

  25. 农村社区建设是在城乡一体化背景下,解决三农问题的农村改革发展的思路。

    The rural community construction in the background of integration of urban and rural , solving the problems of agriculture rural reform development train of thought .

  26. 同时,详细分析多村-社区建设模式的内容及理论、实践意义,为农村社区建设提供借鉴。

    Meanwhile , the detailed analysis of the multi-village community building , content and mode of theoretical and practical significance , and provide reference for rural communities .

  27. 新型农村社区建设作为统筹城乡经济发展的一项试验,承载着农村制度创新与实惠于民的双重任务。

    Construction of new rural community in urban as a test , bears the weight of rural system innovation and benefit to the people of dual task .

  28. 要实现城乡一体化的目标,就必须走城镇化道路,推动农村社区建设。

    In order to realize the goal of integration of urban and rural areas , we must walk road of urbanization , promoting the construction of rural community .

  29. 农民群众的主体作用没有得到良好的发挥,对推进农村社区建设缺乏一个正确和全面的认识。

    Farmers ' main role has not been a good play on promoting the construction of rural community , the lack of a correct and comprehensive understanding of .

  30. 各地在构建社会主义和谐社会的过程中,应以农村社区建设为切入点,推进农村和谐社会的构建。

    In the course of construction a harmonious socialism society , rural communities should be build as the starting point and promote the construction of a harmonious rural society .