
  • iced tea;ice tea;Cold Tea
冰茶 [bīng chá]
  • [ice tea] 冰过的茶

  1. 这是Shakira真的用过她喝冰茶的吸管

    Yes . Is this ... The bendy straw that Shakira actually used To sip her iced tea !

  2. 在夏季,好多美国人喝“冰茶”。

    In summer , many Americans drink " iced tea " .

  3. 戒毒中药冰茶鼻粉末剂的体内吸收动力学研究

    Pharmacokinetics study on powders of drug in detoxification by intranasal administration

  4. 问他想不想喝点冰茶。

    I wonder if he wouldn 't like some iced tea .

  5. 把那壶冰茶递给我,好吗?

    Hand me that pitcher of iced tea , would you ?

  6. 在炎热的天气里,冰茶和咖啡是非常受欢迎的饮料。

    Iced tea and coffee are popular drinks in hot weather .

  7. 冰茶是美国另一种受欢迎的夏季饮品。

    Ice tea is another popular summer time drink in America .

  8. 可乐、雪碧、百事和冰茶。

    Coke , Sprite , Pepsi , and Iced Tea .

  9. 冰茶。而你要喝啤酒,对吧?

    Iced tea . And you 'll have a beer , right ?

  10. 爸爸,我在那给你留了一杯冰茶。

    Dad , I left some ice tea in there for you .

  11. 少喝苏打汽水和其他甜饮料,比如冰茶。

    Drink fewer sodas and other sweetened drinks , like iced tea .

  12. 他们喝冰茶,我要柠檬水。

    They have iced tea and I have my lemonade .

  13. 你能送点沙拉和冰茶进来吗?

    Maybe you could send in a salad and an iced tea ?

  14. 每天早晨我做一罐冰茶。

    Every morning I make a pitcher of ice tea .

  15. 喝下这杯冰茶你会感到清凉。

    This glass of iced tea will refresh you .

  16. 有时候,他们和罐装的“冰茶”,就像苏打一样。

    Sometimes they drink " iced tea " from cans , like soda .

  17. 我太渴了,竟然喝了一公升的冰茶。

    I was so thirsty that I drank a liter of iced tea .

  18. 我们也有上好的沙拉,还有饮料和冰茶。

    We also have great salad as well as drinks and iced tea .

  19. 来杯冰茶就好

    Natalie : Just an iced tea for me .

  20. 通常来讲,冰茶都是放在有冰的高脚杯中卖的。

    Ice tea is almost always served in a tall glass of ice .

  21. 好,我爱死长岛冰茶了。

    Yes , I Love Long Island Iced Teas .

  22. 我认为这是冰茶,直到我喝了一口。

    I think this is iced tea , until I drank a mouthful .

  23. 嗯,我再给你们倒冰茶

    Well , I am pouring this iced tea

  24. 兰姆酒,我们可以做长岛冰茶。

    We should get some rum . We can make Long Island Iced Teas .

  25. 顾客:我想要一大杯冰茶,谢谢!

    Customer : Yes , I 'd like a large iced tea , please !

  26. 人们常在午后纳凉时饮用冰茶。

    This drink is often consumed in the afternoon while relaxing in the shade .

  27. 大热天一杯冰茶比什么都好。

    Nothing beats a glass of iced / icy tea on a hot day .

  28. 喝些冰茶才叫有气度

    for some of that iced tea .

  29. 我给你带了冰茶!

    I brought you an iced tea !

  30. 这杯冰茶很提神!

    This iced tea is so refreshing !