首页 / 词典 / good


chū bǎng
  • Make a list;publish a list of successful candidates or examinees;put up a notice
出榜 [chū bǎng]
  • (1) [publish a list of successful candidates or examinees]∶公布中试者或入选者姓名

  • 出榜定在明天

  • (2) [put up a notice]∶张贴告示

  • 出榜招贤

出榜[chū bǎng]
  1. 考试后三日出榜。

    The list of successful examinees will be published three days after the exams .

  2. 挪威以90%的满意度从TOP3中被踢出榜,位居二三名的分别是印度和马来西亚。

    Norway came out top with 90 % of its residents loving their work , while India and Malaysia came in 2nd and 3rd , respectively .