
  • 网络publishing industry
  1. CIS战略与中国出版产业发展研究

    On the Strategy of CIS and the Development of Publishing Industry in China

  2. 甚至连国家的出版产业也在衰退。

    Even the country 's publishing industry is feeling the pinch .

  3. 出版产业的创新改制和战略整合

    Innovation and Reforming System of Publishing Industry and Strategic Conformity

  4. 中国网络出版产业发展状况及对策研究

    Research on Chinese Network Publishing Industry and Its Development Strategies

  5. 论图书出版产业基于价值链特征的经营策略

    On Management Strategy Based on Value Chain Characteristic about Books Publication Industry

  6. 浅谈出版产业运作模式与供应链管理思想的矛盾

    Conflicts Between the Operation Mode of Publishing Industry and Supply Chain Management

  7. 进入21世纪,中国出版产业在制度创新、体制变革等方面取得了实质性的进展。

    The Chinese publication industry has made material progress in system innovation .

  8. 试论图书馆在数字出版产业链中的地位和作用

    The Position and Functions of Libraries in E-publishing Industrial Chain

  9. 但是,在发展的同时,我国出版产业也存在着许多问题,例如,国有出版发行企业一般图书发行业务普遍亏损等。

    At the same time , there are many problems in this industry .

  10. 数字出版产业一直是技术服务商占据中心地位,近年来,数字出版已呈现群雄逐鹿的局面。

    Digital publishing industry has taken a central role in technical service providers .

  11. 中国图书出版产业规模经济效应分析

    On Scale Economy Effect of Chinese Book Publishing Industry

  12. 科普期刊出版产业化研究

    Study on Publishing Industrialization of Popular Science Periodicals

  13. 二是健全出版产业法律保障体系;

    Improving the law system of the publishing ;

  14. 中国出版产业化的内涵及其发展构想

    The Connotation and Suggestion for Chinese Publishing Industrialization

  15. 科技化背景下的新闻出版产业发展之路

    The Development Road of the Press and Publishing Industry in the Background of Technology

  16. 第五部分是本文的重心,先从产业的理论出发,探讨出版产业的双重属性。

    Starting from industry theory , the thesis discusses the dual attributes of publishing industry .

  17. 多种规制手段并用是确保新闻出版产业健康发展的重要条件;

    Utilizing varied regulatory methods is the important condition of healthy development of press publishing .

  18. 在全球范围内,数字出版产业如火如荼。

    Digital publishing industry is developing worldwide .

  19. 文章系统地分析了出版产业化发展的具体内容,并在此基础上提出了中国出版产业化建设的一些宏观思路。

    This thesis analyzes the connotation of publishing industrialization and makes some suggestions for its construction .

  20. 然而在成绩的背后也存在着各种各样的问题,严重阻碍了图书出版产业的向前发展。

    But at the same time there are also many problems , which seriously obstruct its development .

  21. 试论我国民族出版产业

    National Press Property of China

  22. 物质与概念共存&江西出版产业基地电子城的设计历程

    Concomitance of Substance with Conception & Design Course of Electronic Publication City of Jiangxi Publishing Industry Base

  23. 试论我国民族出版产业论国有企业改革中的物权证券化问题

    National Press Property of China On the Securitization of Property Right in the Reform of National Enterprises

  24. 当前,我国高校出版社正仰仗高校人才、学科、教学科研等方面优势,积极发展大学出版产业,为推动我国高教事业的全面发展作出更大努力。

    For promotion development of higher educational undertakings , the press of university should make more efforts .

  25. 转轨期我国出版产业市场结构与行为研究

    Research on the Market Structure and Conduct of the Publishing Industry in System Changing Periods in China

  26. 要不断创新,建立新闻出版产业的创新体系和创新平台;

    We should innovate constantly to create an innovative system and platform of press and publishing industry .

  27. 数字出版产业的发展给传统出版既带来了机遇,也带来了挑战。

    The development of the digital publishing industry brings opportunities and also poses challenges to traditional publishing .

  28. 论出版产业链建设

    On Publishing Industry Chain

  29. 数字出版产业已经成为我国今后重点发展的五大产业之一。

    Digital publishing industry has become one of future focus on the development of five industries in China .

  30. 大学出版社作为出版产业组成的一个重要部分也被要求参与其中。

    As an important force of the publishing industry , Chinese University Press is also involved in it .