
chū lù
  • out;way out;outlet;exit;escape;market condition
出路 [chū lù]
  • (1) [exit]∶关闭的地方或空间向外的通道

  • (2) [escape]∶能够向前发展的途径;摆脱逆境的门路,前途

  • 当他把所有的钱都输掉时,他没有其他的出路,只好去做工

  • (3) [market condition]∶商品的销路

出路[chū lù]
  1. 她陷入困境,找不到出路。

    She was in a mess and could see no way out .

  2. 别灰心!我们会找到出路的。

    Don 't despair ! We 'll think of a way out of this .

  3. 运动成为他攻击性心理的最佳出路。

    Sport became the perfect outlet for his aggression .

  4. 两名警察挡着她的出路。

    Two police officers were barring her exit .

  5. 我们总是不得不自谋出路。

    We are constantly thrown back on our own resources .

  6. 鲍里斯手忙脚乱地爬过一个个装满柠檬的口袋,想找条出路。

    Clambering over sackfuls of lemons , Boris tried to find a way out .

  7. 唯一可以断定的是世界金融市场将不得不自己寻找出路。

    The only safe assumption is that the world 's financial markets will have to find solutions themselves .

  8. 我们并不是要限制任何人,我们是在努力寻找一个令人满意的出路。

    We are not trying to box anybody in , we are trying to find a satisfactory way forward .

  9. 农业的根本出路在于机械化。

    The fundamental way out for agriculture lies in mechanization .

  10. 我们要么打,要么不打,非此即彼,没有别的出路。

    We fight , or we don 't , it 's an either-or decision .

  11. 河道淤塞,水无出路。

    The riverbed is silted up , so there 's no outlet for the floodwater .

  12. 他们在森林里迷失了方向,找不到出路。

    They lost their bearings in the forest and couldn 't find their way out .

  13. 归结起来有两条出路:你或者改进工作,或者辞职。

    It comes down to two choices : you either improve your work , or you leave .

  14. 大家以为有了出路,愁眉锁眼的姿态为之一扫。

    There is a general feeling that a way out of the impasse has been found , and people no longer knit their brows in despair .

  15. 也许还有别的出路。

    Maybe there is another way out .

  16. 没过多久,雪莉·安就意识到,体育运动可能是她摆脱困境的出路。

    It didn 't take long for Shelly-Ann to realize that sports could be her way out of Waterhouse .

  17. 在《荒野求生》的每一集中,格里尔斯都被丢弃到一个荒野,然后他得找到出路。

    In each episode of Man vs.Wild , Grylls is abandoned in a wild area and has to find his way out .

  18. 但他无法找到正确的出路。

    But he couldn 't work out the right way to go .

  19. 生活中,你会发现很多死胡同,但你总会找到出路的。

    In your life you will find many dead ends but you will always find your way out of them .

  20. 一家研究公司的负责人丹•希尔表示,推进智慧城市是一条出路,这也将反过来进一步推进绿色城市。

    Making cities smarter is one way out , and I think this will in turn make cities greener , said Dan Hill , head of a research company .

  21. A:为什么不另找个出路呢?你可以考虑参加体育运动,比如中国太极拳。我练了几个月了,现在感觉更有活力了。你想试试吗?

    A : Why not find another way out instead ? You may consider having sports , and Chinese T'ai Chi could be a way . I 've been practicing it for a few months and now I feel more energetic.Would you like to have a try ?

  22. 我意识到这是唯一的出路。

    I 've realized that this is the only way forward .

  23. 所以,他觉得自己一定还能找到更好的出路。

    So he confidently thought that he could certainly find a better job .

  24. 这是唯一的出路。

    It 's the only way to go .

  25. 怎样规范流通体制,就尖锐地摆到我们的面前。现就农资流通领域的现状及出路,谈几点肤浅之见。

    Now farming endowment the current situation of current domain and outlet , to to see peripherally .

  26. 眼看问题经纬万端,进退两难、入困境,死路一条,盘根错节的命定可能性,但找不到明显的出路

    I see conundrums , dilemmas , quandaries , impasses , gnarly thickets of fateful possibility with no obvious way out .

  27. 在气候变化挑战面前,人类命运与共,单边主义没有出路。我们只有坚持多边主义,讲团结、促合作,才能互利共赢,福泽各国人民。

    In meeting the climate challenge , no one can be aloof and cooperation can we deliver shared benefits and win-win for all nations .

  28. 世界上的问题错综复杂,解决问题的出路是维护和践行多边主义,推动构建人类命运共同体。

    The problems facing the world are intricate and complex . The way out of them is through upholding multilateralism and building a community with a shared future for mankind .

  29. 随后,她听到了一阵急促的低语从她身后传来,“这边走,我知道另一条出路。”雷茜警觉地环顾四周,惊讶地发现浴室里竟然有一个啦啦队队长正站在她的身后。

    Then she heard an urgent whisper coming from behind her ... " This way , quick , I know another way out ! " Spinning around , Lacey was shocked to see another cheerleader standing12 in the bathroom behind her .

  30. IP的出路&多协议标签交换(MPLS)

    Future of IP & Multiprotocol Label Switching ( MPLS )