
fēn zǐ huà shí
  • Molecular fossil;elementary fossil
  1. 基于Web的分子化石信息系统探讨

    An approach to the web-based information system of molecular fossils

  2. 洛川黄土剖面末次冰期间冰段弱古土壤(L1SS1)分子化石及其古植被与古环境

    Biomarkers in weakly developed paleosol ( l_1ss_ ( 1 )) in the Luochuan Loess Section and reconstructed paleovegetation-environment during the Interstade of the last glaciation

  3. 福建石炭-二叠系界线层的分子化石及其地层意义

    Molecular fossils from Carboniferous-Permian boundary strata in Fujian and Their Stratigraphic Significance

  4. 若尔盖高原全新世气候序列的类脂分子化石记录

    Fossil records of lipid molecules from Holocene Peat on zoig ê Plateau

  5. 氨基酸分子化石的研究及意义

    The study of amino - acid molecule in the fossils and its significance

  6. 浙江长兴更新世红土中的分子化石及其古环境意义

    Molecular fossils as indicators for paleoenvironment from Quaternary Red Earth in changxing , zhejiang

  7. 正构烷烃分子化石与孢粉记录的指示意义对比:以华南地区为例

    A comparative study of n-alkane biomarker and pollen records : an example from southern China

  8. 生物标志物以分子化石的形式记录了沟鞭藻的起源及演化历史。

    Biomarker , as molecular fossil , recorded the origin and evolutionary history of dinoflagellate .

  9. 碱式水解法提取红土分子化石:以安徽宣城更新世网纹红土为例

    An Optimized Alkaline Hydrolysis Method to Extract Lipid Biomarkers from Pleistocene Vermicular Red Paleosols : An Example from Xuancheng , Anhui Province

  10. 分子化石,也称生物标志物,是指那些地质体中保存的具有明确生物源意义的有机分子。

    Molecular fossils , or called biomarkers , refer to the organic compounds preserved in geological body , which have specific biological origins .

  11. 假基因保留了远古基因的信息,被视为基因组进化中的分子化石,成为研究生物进化和动态基因组的重要线索。

    Pseudogene is regarded as biologic fossil in genome evolution and key in research of biologic evolution and dynamic genome because it keeps information of ancient genes .

  12. 指出随着测试分析技术的发展,正构烷烃分子化石及其单体碳同位素将成为重现古环境变迁和现代环境信息变化的一个强有力的工具。

    With the development of analytical technique , n-alkanes and compound-specific carbon isotopic compositions will be used as a powerful tool that can favor reconstruction of paleo-environment and understanding of modern environment changes .

  13. 热液金属矿床成矿带往往属于有机质的过成熟区,分子化石的存在首先要考虑成矿后迁入事件的叠加,从中排除某些生物成矿作用假象,如川甘陕金三角区。

    Molecular fossils , occurring in some metallogenic regions such as the Sichuan Gansu Shaanxi gold triangle area where the organic matter was of super maturity , were believed to be partly introduced into the deposits after the metallogenesis event .

  14. 不同的研究者分别从不同环境环境指标&磁化率、色度、孢粉、分子化石等一系列手段来进行古气候、古环境的变化研究,对于第四纪的大尺度的气候变化,研究较为详细。

    Different researchers do the research in terms of change of paleoclimate and paleoenvironment from various environmental indicators-susceptibility , chroma , sporo-pollen , organic biomarkers , especially study in more detail the climate change in a big scale in Quaternary period .

  15. 这些内源病毒序列实际上代表着古老病毒基因组的分子化石,保留了古代病毒与宿主互作的重要信息,因此对研究病毒-宿主长期的互作与进化历史极为宝贵。

    The endogenous retroviral sequences effectively represent the ' molecular fossils ' of ancient viral genomes , preserving information about ancient virus and host interactions , and hence constitute an invaluable resource for reconstructing the long-term history of virus and host evolution .

  16. 整个研究剖面段样品以nC31为主峰的高碳数优势,分子化石表明末次冰期间冰段洛川地区(黄土高原)发育草本植被而没有出现以森林为主的植被。

    Biomarkers of all samples analyzed are characterized by a high carbon number majority of C_ ( 31 ), indicating that grass predominated the vegetation during the interstade of the Last Glaciation in Luochuan area and there was no forest developed during that period .

  17. 介形类系统分类与起源演化的形态、分子和化石证据

    The origin and phylogenetic relationships of Ostracoda based on molecular , morphologic and fossil data

  18. 分析了用于推测被子植物起源时间的分子、化石和地理分布证据。

    The evidence from molecular clocks , fossils and geographic distribution data on the origin time of angiosperms has been greatly accumulated in the past two decades .

  19. 天然气是一种以轻烃为主的混合物,由于缺少大分子指纹化石,许多重要的成因信息难以单纯依靠组分获得。

    Nature gas is a kind of mixture in which light hydrocarbons are dominant , it is very difficult to acquire some important origin information because macromolecule fingerprint fossil is absent .

  20. 第五宗罪:分子基因战化石,酱汤理论是末日。

    Fifth sins : molecular genetic warfare fossils , miso soup theory is the end .