
fēn pài
  • assign;assignment;assign (to different persons);allot;apportion;put on;detach
分派 [fēn pài]
  • (1) [assign (to different persons)]∶分别指定人去做事

  • 分派他去送稿

  • (2) [put on]∶分配工作或活动

  • 被分派去开荒

分派[fēn pài]
  1. 这个老师给学生安排了很多家庭作业。这位心理学家总是将工作分派给每个研究员。n.作文,作曲;创作;

    Ethe psychologist always assign work to each researcher .

  2. 合并以后,您在Amagalmated的新老板分派给您编写新应用程序的任务,以便为合并后的公司生成发票和货运清单。

    After the merger , your new bosses at Amagalmated assign you the task of writing a new application to generate invoices and shipping manifests for the merged company .

  3. 我们在给你分派任务之前会先对你进行培训。

    We will train you first before we set you a task

  4. 我们的计划是分派一位职员处理预约事宜。

    Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appointments .

  5. 约翰逊可以自行分派他那份钱。

    Johnson was free to divvy up his share of the money as he chose .

  6. 组长给他们分派了这星期的任务。

    The group leader apportioned them the duties for the week .

  7. 队长给每个组都分派了任务。

    The team leader has assigned tasks to all the groups .

  8. 老板应懂得如何分派工作。

    A boss must know how to delegate work .

  9. 年轻的男演员在这出新戏里被分派担任一个小角色。

    The young actor was given a minor part in the new play .

  10. 工头每天早晨分派工作

    The foreman distributes the work every morning .

  11. 精调的传播控制方式就是使用分派器的.nextmethod()方法。

    The fine-tuned way of propagating control is with the . next_method () method of a dispatcher .

  12. 几种Fuzzy最优分派模型

    Several Models of Fuzzy Optimum Allocation

  13. 在此条件下得到求解调整时间可分离的无等待FlowShop排序问题的分派规则。

    Under this condition , the no-wait flow shop scheduling problem can get the dispatching rules .

  14. 任务分派会后收集,学习和汇总TOTAL工业润滑油信息,起草准备销售方法。

    Collects , studies and summarizes TOTAL lubricants by industrial segment assigned by task force meeting , to draft , prepare selling tools .

  15. 在随机分派与手术进行前,量测病患的血脂肪、介白素-6与C反应蛋白浓度。

    At the time of randomization and before surgery , patients had measurements of lipid , interleukin-6 , and C-reactive protein levels .

  16. 下面是一个很好的例子,演示了在前端不需要等待响应时分派一个background进程。

    This is a good example of dispatching a background process where the front end doesn 't need to wait for a response .

  17. 其中,业务处理模块(packageserver)负责分派所有收到的外来消息,提高实时性;

    Package handling module ( package_server ) is responsible for assigning all received messages , which can advance real time capability ;

  18. 本文展示了如何通过节流和分派功能扩展ESB。

    This article showed you can extend ESBs with throttling and dispatching functions .

  19. 根据以上针对WebSphereESB节流器和分派器的需求,有四种解决方案设计可供考虑

    Given the above requirements for a WebSphere ESB throttler and dispatcher , four solution designs were considered

  20. 因此,ESB也应该能够在几个端点之间分派请求。

    Therefore , the ESB should also be able to dispatch requests between several endpoints .

  21. 可爱的Python先前的另一期文章开发并描述了一个支持多分派的库。

    Another prior Charming Python column developed and presented a library to enable multiple dispatch .

  22. 实验表明半监督方法可以提高典型分类器的bug分派准确率。

    Experiments show that the semi-supervised approach can add accuracy to typical classifiers of bug triage .

  23. Concern亦向农户分派种子和山羊(与猪和一般禽畜相比,山羊生长得较快),以及提供项目管理的培训。

    Concern will distribute seeds and goats ( which mature faster than pigs , the other common livestock ), and will also provide training in project management .

  24. Manager模块完成GUI与底层Model模块的交互,分派来自界面的请求,反馈底层网络状态事件。

    The Manager module is responsible for GUI interaction with the underlying modules in Model , dispatching requests from the GUI and feedback the underlying events of network status .

  25. Selector类将传入客户机请求多路分用并将它们分派到各自的请求处理程序。

    It demultiplexes incoming client requests and dispatches them to their respective request handlers .

  26. 当CPU准备分派线程时,它会先检查全局运行队列,然后再检查其他队列。

    When a CPU is ready to dispatch a thread , the global run queue is checked before any of the others .

  27. 显然,如果您在设计时就已经知道x和y的类型,那么建立分派器的机制就是多余的。

    Obviously , if you already know the types of x and y at design time , the machinery of setting up a dispatcher is just overhead .

  28. 比如,公司创立了企业服务团队(CorporateServiceCorps),将来自不同背景、有进取心的年轻人分派到全球,与当地分公司的领导们合作解决当地的具体问题。

    For example , it created a Corporate Service Corps , which combines diverse young up-and-comers into teams that work with local leaders on local problems around the world .

  29. 节流和分派使您能够通过ESB更好地控制如何将服务请求发送给目标服务提供商。

    Throttling and dispatching enables you to better control how service requests are addressed to target service providers by ESBs .

  30. 嵌入式的UI处理程序允许安装包制作者在分派安装包到标准UI处理程序之前,处理和过滤消息。

    Embedded UI handlers allow package developers to still handle and filter messages before they are dispatched to the standard UI handler .