
fēn féi
  • share out ill-gotten gains;divide booty
分肥 [fēn féi]
  • [share out ill-gotten gains;divide booty] 分取利益。多指分赃(一般指不正当的)

  • 如有将私盐入己,或与各役分肥计赃治罪。--《清会典事例》

分肥[fēn féi]
  1. 搞分肥拨款的政客为获得选票、影响民情而发放房租补贴。

    Pork-barrel politicians hand out rents to win votes and influence people .

  2. 由于政治与行政之间的区别不很明确,作为美国行政机构的构成和职位分配原则,政党分肥制是美国近代政党政治发展的直接后果。

    Due to blurring distinction between politics and administration , the development of modern party politics result in Political Parties ' Booty-sharing system as principle of construction of government .

  3. 参众两院中许多国会议员的选区中有航天企业,他们视航天局为政治分肥的良源,因此也反对这一计划。

    There are opponents in Congress , too , where NASA is seen as a valuable source of pork by many senators and representatives with part of the space industry in their districts .