
bó xīng
  • grow vigorously;rise suddenly;surge forward;burst forth
勃兴 [bó xīng]
  • [burst forth;rise suddenly;surge forward] 蓬勃兴起;飞速发展

  • 现代家庭装饰业悄然勃兴

勃兴[bó xīng]
  1. 近世变局与中外贸易状况、中国近代商业资本的勃兴是早期维新派重商思想兴起的经济环境;

    I think the condition of international trade and the rise suddenly of modern commercial capital is its ' economic environment .

  2. 从20世纪90年代以来,在中国当代文学发展的历史进程中,现实主义小说创作的勃兴和提高是一个特别突出的现象,体现了话语转型期现实主义写作的魅力和活力。

    Since 90 's in 20 centuries , in the history progress of the Chinese contemporary literature development , the realism novel create of rise suddenly and raise is a specially outstanding phenomenon , bodying the words transformation expects the magic power and the vitality of the realism writing .

  3. 奇卡诺文学勃兴于20世纪60年代社会运动的高潮中

    Chicano literature boomed in the social movements of the 1960s .

  4. 毫无疑问,“湖南电视现象”的勃兴决非偶然,它对中国电视如何应对WTO有诸多的启示。

    Undoubtly , this phenomenon is not accidental at all , and it brings a lot of enlightenments to chinese TV on how to face the challenges of WTO .

  5. 随着生命科学和材料科学的发展,组织工程学(TE)已逢勃兴起并取得可喜的成绩。

    With the development of life science and material science , tissue engineering ( TE ) has been growing and has made a great achievement .

  6. 有些人会辩称说,就是一家如今被更名为Mail.ru,由俄国人控制的公司DST,和一家相联系的投资基金DST环球,开启了这一轮的勃兴。

    Some would argue that it was DST , a Russian holding company now renamed Mail.ru , and a related investment fund , DST Global , that set off the boom .

  7. 清代隶书勃兴的原因及其审美特征

    The Cause to Revive and Aesthetic Characteristic of Li-Calligraphy in Qing-Dynasty

  8. 花样年华:中国早期电影表演理论的初创与勃兴

    The Beginning and Development of Performance Theory in Early Chinese Film

  9. 应试教育的终结与素质教育的勃兴

    The end of examination-based education and the rise of quality-oriented education

  10. 近代益阳城市文化勃兴的背景与契机

    Reasons of Rise of Urban Culture in Yiyang in Modern Time

  11. 图像的勃兴:一种值得重视的文化现象

    The Resurgence of Images : A Cultural Phenomenon Worthy of Attention

  12. 影视翻译是近年来勃兴的一个新的翻译领域。

    Film translation is a new developing field in recent years .

  13. 比较文化视野的形成与近代小说的勃兴

    Formation of Comparative Cultural Perspective and Flourishing of Modern Novels

  14. 小企业贷款未解之题国际银团贷款争议与国际商事仲裁的勃兴

    The Problems of SMEs Loans International Syndicated Loans and International Business Arbitration

  15. 现代写作学的勃兴(1980&2000年)

    Rise of modern writing theories ( 1980 - 2000 )

  16. 工业勃兴,商贸繁荣。

    Industries are rising , commerce and trade are prospering .

  17. 现在又要勃兴成为商务用机中心地。

    But it has also become a thriving executive-jet centre .

  18. 消费文化理论与创意产业的勃兴

    Theory of Cultural Consumption and Vigorous Growth of Creative Enterprises

  19. 20世纪的中国现代城市毕竟渐趋繁荣,市民文化几经沉浮终归日益勃兴;

    Modern city is prosperous and citizen culture is flourishing .

  20. 从管理革命勃兴看劳资关系走向

    To Explore a Trend of Industrial Relations From a Thriving Management Revolution

  21. 唐代体育诗歌的勃兴及其原因初探

    Research on the Thriving and Reason of Sports Poetry in Tang Dynasty

  22. 民办教育勃兴的客观必然性

    Objective Inevitability for the Boom in Education Run by Individuals

  23. 品牌传播:湖南电视现象的勃兴与启示

    Communication of Trademark : The Vigorous Hunan TV Phenomenon and Its Enlightenment

  24. 西方象征主义:象征的诗学勃兴

    The Europe Symbolism : The Poetic Flourish of Symbol

  25. 试论19世纪30~40年代法国共和运动的勃兴

    On the French Republican Movement between 1830s and 1840s

  26. 地方政府国际合作是在全球化深入展开的历史背景下发展勃兴的。

    International cooperation between local governments has developed under the background of globalization .

  27. 论新世纪报纸时评的勃兴与发展

    Rising and Developing of the Event Review in Newspaper of the New Century

  28. 中国当代大众文化的勃兴构成当代中国引人注目的文化景观。

    The rise of contemporary popular culture is a remarkable phenomenon in China .

  29. 电视学术勃兴已成为当下电视节目最为引人注目的现象之一。

    The rise of TV academic program has become one of the attractive phenomena .

  30. 紧接着通过现代诉讼程序的勃兴来反应当事人的自由。

    Then contribute through modern litigation procedure to respond to the parties of freedom .