
yī liáo shè bèi
  • medical equipment
  1. 与此同时,中国对欧洲的出口得益于对医疗设备和电子产品的强劲需求。

    Meanwhile , China 's exports to Europe benefited from strong demand for medical equipment and electronics .

  2. 定期体检航天员系统副总设计师刘伟波介绍,检查柜里有十几件医疗设备,航天员们每四到五周进行定期体检,包括超声检查和全血细胞计数。

    Dozens of pieces of medical equipment are available in a checkup cabinet . The astronauts have regular physical checkups every four to five weeks , including ultrasound examinations and complete blood counts .

  3. 这个研究小组表示,随着更多的研究,这种双面胶带可以用来代替缝合线,甚至可以用它把医疗设备固定到心脏等器官上。

    The team said that with more research it could be used in place of sutures and even to attach medical devices to organs such as the heart .

  4. 数字健康产业的领军人物,比如曾在哈佛接受培训的医生、医疗设备发明者丹尼尔-卡夫预测说,今后“健康追踪狂热症”将非常普遍。

    Digital-health industry leaders such as Daniel Kraft , a Harvard-trained physician and medical-device inventor , predict that in the future , " trackaholism " will be the norm .

  5. ISO质量管理体系与医疗设备的标准化管理

    ISO quality control system and standardized management of medical equipments

  6. 基于JSP的医疗设备维护信息系统的功能及应用

    Development of Medical Equipment Maintenance Information System Based on JSP

  7. GHOST在大型医疗设备维修中的应用

    The Application of GHOST in Large Medical Equipment Maintenance

  8. 医疗设备维修的PM制度问题;

    The PM system of MAI maintenance ;

  9. 浅谈医疗设备的QA、QC与医疗质量的关系

    Discussing the Relationship between Medical Quality and Medical Equipment QA / QC

  10. 提出了一种基于GPRS的无线移动医疗设备系统的设计与实现方案。

    This paper introduces the design and implementation of a wireless mobile medical equipment system based on GPRS .

  11. 经多方考核研究决定,我们采用RFID(电子标签技术)的基础上研制开发了医疗设备信息识别管理系统即(医疗设备电子户口)。

    After thorough studies , we developed the information management system of medical equipment - Medical Equipment Electronic Registries base on RFID technology .

  12. S7-300在化工厂预防性维护的应用开展医疗设备预防性维护工作的体会

    The Application of S7-300 for Preventive Maintenance in Chemical Plant

  13. SPD与医疗设备的质量控制

    SPD and Medical Equipment Quality Control

  14. PACS即图像存储与通信系统,是医院用于管理医疗设备如CT,MR等产生的医学图像的信息系统。

    Picture access and communication system ( PACS ) is an information system used to manager pictures which are talced by medical equipment such as CT , MR in hospital .

  15. 这个月度的调查着眼于表现最佳的生物科技、制药和医疗设备类股票,以FactSetSystems的数据为基础。

    This monthly look at the best-performing biotechnology , drug and medical device stocks is based on data from FactSet Systems .

  16. 医疗设备中Ni-Zn铁氧体磁性能参数的测定

    The Measurement of the Magnetic Capability Parameters of Ni-Zn Ferrite in Medical Devices

  17. 随着数字影像设备在医院的广泛应用,DICOM协议得到了越来越多的医疗设备厂商和PACS系统的支持。

    With the wide applications of digital imaging modalities in hospital , the DICOM protocol is adopted by more and more medical device manufactures and PACS vendors .

  18. 由于X射线机诊断高效、便捷,目前医用X射线机在临床上的应用已经相当普及,并成为影像诊断和治疗的主要医疗设备;

    Because of its diagnostic 、 efficient and convenient features , medical X-ray machine currently in the clinical application is already very popular and has become the major medical equipment of the visual diagnosis and treatment .

  19. 大部分医疗设备仅经过了最少的测试就被给予了快速的批准,因为制造商们告诉FDA,这些新产品和那些早已获得审批的老装置的操作方式是一样的。

    Most medical devices are given quick approvals with minimal testing because manufacturers tell the F.D.A.that the products operate just like older devices that had already been approved .

  20. 结果引进的医疗设备质量检验合格率100%,设备使用年工作时间开机率95%,2002年与医院其他部门的工作一起通过了ISO9000论证。

    RESULTS The acceptance rate of quality inspection of introduced medical equipment was 100 % and the operating rate of equipment for the annual working hours was 95 % .

  21. FDA也从会议中了解到风险投资者认识到了这样的系统能够提供好处,如更好的管理购买、分配和医疗设备的使用。

    FDA also learned from the meetings that stakeholders recognize that such a system could provide supportive benefits , such as better management of the purchase , distribution and use of medical devices .

  22. 目前国外的医疗设备厂商一般都以许可证方式提供符合DICOM标准的医疗设备,以解决不同厂商的各种医疗设备的互联问题。

    To solve the problem caused by the apparatus of different manufacturers when they are communicating each other , the foreign manufacturers provide their medical apparatus which conformance DICOM standard with license .

  23. 研究的主要结论如下:构建中韩FTA中较敏感的农业部门有:水产品、谷物和蔬菜水果制品等,制造业部门有:光学医疗设备、化工产品、纺织品和机电设备等。

    Firstly , the sensitive sectors in construction China-Korea FTA are : aquatic product , cereals , vegetable and fruit products , optical medical equipment , chemical products , textiles , mechanical and electrical equipment .

  24. 随着各种医学成像技术和医疗设备(如CT、X-Ray、MRI)的广泛使用,医院每天都有大量的医学图像产生,医学图像数据库成为计算机辅助诊断和预防医学的重要组成部分。

    Along with a variety of medical imaging techniques and equipment ( such as CT , X-Ray , MRI ) used broadly , a lot of medical images have been produced in hospitals . Medical image databases become important parts of computer aided diagnosis and prophylaxis medicine .

  25. 以JCI标准建立医疗设备应用安全和质量控制体系

    JCI standards-based in order to establish the application of the top three hospitals of medical equipment safety and quality control system

  26. 医疗设备制造商迈瑞(Mindray)的股价过去4年中累计上涨90%。

    Shares in Mindray , a medical devices maker , have climbed 90 per cent in the past four years .

  27. 人工肺,也称氧合器,具有调节血液内O2和CO2含量的功能,是治疗急性呼吸疾病和等待肺移植阶段必需的医疗设备,也是心血管手术的辅助医疗设备。

    Artificial lungs , also called as oxygenators , which provid cardiopulmonary bypass during open-heart surgery , perform a function of exchanging O_2 and removing CO_2 from the blood . They also serve as a bridge to lung transplant and a needed appliance for treatment patients with acute respiratory failure .

  28. 本文讨论CO2激光医疗设备中急需解决的指示光(He-Ne激光)和医疗光(CO2激光)与FIT波导(红外金属软波导)的耦合问题,给出一种新型实用的耦合方法。

    A new type of practical coupling method , which is urgently needed in solving the medical treatment equipment of CO_2 laser , is given for coupling index laser ( He-Ne laser ) and medical treatment laser ( CO_2 laser ) into a FIT ( flexible-infrared transmissive ) waveguide .

  29. 本文通过对室温下不同成分Ni-Zn铁氧体样品在不同加场速率下的M·-H曲线计算分析,测得了医疗设备中常用的Ni-Zn铁氧体软磁材料的多项重要磁性能参数值;

    Through the calculation and analysis of - H curves with different composition and different rate of H ' in room temperature , some important magnetic capability parameters have been measured in Ni-Zn ferrite of medical devices .

  30. 案件中的AEG公司曾对已故流行天王表示,他们将为天王提供医疗设备,并聘请康拉德·莫里作为私人医生,以准备接下来的伦敦演唱会。

    The suit contends AEG and its agents told Michael Jackson the company would provide the equipment and hire Dr Conrad Murray to care for him so he could perform at the concerts in London .