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dān wèi cí
  • partitive
  1. 概念结构的突显是英语单位词结构认知研究的关键。

    English partitive construction is a linguistic phenomenon characterized by symbolizing and schematizing the process of conceptualization .

  2. 浅谈英、汉单位词的使用

    On the Usage of Unit Words on English and Chinese

  3. 对外汉语教学中时间单位词偏误分析

    Analysis on Unit Words of Time in TCSL : Errors

  4. 词和词组的区分标准;单位词用法探析

    Criterions on identifying the words and phrases ; Discussion of Unit Noun 's uses

  5. 该深层结构多半可以通过单位词的转换功能映现为主动句或被动句的表层结构。

    The deep structure can mostly be presented as the surface structure made up of an active sentence or a passive one , by means of the unit noun characteristic of transformation function .

  6. 围绕汉语和英语数量表达方面的研究前人讨论的也比较多,但是以往关于汉、英语数量方面比较的研究主要是针对汉语量词和英语单位词之间的对比及互译方面进行的。

    Many studies about Chinese and English quantity expressions have been done , yet most of them are about the comparative study between Chinese liang ci and English unit nouns , and the mutual translation as well .

  7. 在研究汉语量词和英语单位词的过程中,研究者发现了这么一个现象,即汉语中的集体量词数量少,用法简单,而英语里的集体单位名词数量很多且用法复杂。

    An unusual phenomenon , in the contrastive study of Chinese classifiers and English unit nouns , is found that there is a large and complicated system of English collective unit nouns but a small and simple system of Chinese collective classifiers .

  8. 词汇化是词汇单位成词的过程。

    Lexicalization is a process that a word from a lexical unit to a word .

  9. 动量词是用来表示动作行为等的数量单位的词。

    The verb-measure words are used to mean the quantity units of the action , behavior etc.

  10. 全译单位有词、短语、小句、复句和句群。

    The unit of complete translation includes the word , phrase , clause , multiple sentence and sentence group .

  11. 作为语言的基本单位,词一直是语言学习者和研究者关注的一个中心。

    As the basic element for conveying meanings , words have been a focus for both language learners and researchers .

  12. 量词是表示人、事物或动作、行为的单位的词,其作用主要在于计量。

    Quantifier is a kind of unit word that expresses person , thing or movement . Its main function is measuring .

  13. 与过去普遍认为的相反,语言的单位不是词,而是句子。

    The unit of a language is not , as was once commonly supposed , the word , But the sentence .

  14. 任何一种语言中的词不是任意的组合在一起的,语言单位-词必须依一定的语言规则,组合成句子。

    Any language in any combination of the words are not together , the word-linguistic unit must follow certain rules of language , combined into sentences .

  15. 成熟文字是通过完全记录语言中可独立运用的最小单位&词,来实现完全记录语言的目标的。

    A full writing system realizes the goal of a complete record of language by recording every smallest independent unit of the language system & word .

  16. 借助上海话的音系模型,我们从三个方面分析了上海话音系习得:区别性特征、音系单位和词层。

    Based on the phonological model of the Shanghai dialect , we analyze three aspects of phonological acquisition : distinctive features , phonological units and word tier .

  17. 汉语口语分析是交互式话语处理中的重要环节.在汉语中,有意义的最小单位是词,因此多义选择是口语分析系统必须首先解决的问题。

    Spoken Chinese analysis lies in the center of interactive speech processing system . The smallest meaningful unit in Chinese language is the word , so word sense disambiguation is the basis of spoken Chinese analysis .

  18. 为克服字分类器的缺点,本文给出了以词为单位的词分类器设计的策略与方法,并实验验证了词分类器在分类率及分类速度方面均优于字分类器。

    To overcome disadvantage of word classifier , the strategy and method of phrase classifier designing whose classification unit is phrase are proposed . The experiments results prove that phrase classifier is superior to word classifier in rate and speed of classification .

  19. 文字和语言、字和词的关系问题,学界一般的认识是:语言是观念的符号,文字则是语言的符号,也即符号的符号;字是文字单位,词则是语言单位。

    As to the matter of the relationship between different writing systems and languages , characters and words , it is generally considered that language is the symbol representing concept , while writing is the symbol expressing language , and that language and writing are respectively the referred and referent .

  20. 随着语篇语言学的发展,语篇分析理论被引入翻译学界,翻译单位也由词和句子转移到语篇。

    With the development of text linguistics , the unit of translation has shifted from word and sentence to text .

  21. 本文从词定义的模糊性、词的语义单位及单个词内的语义之间的关系及组织等三方面着手对词汇语义问题进行了探讨。

    This paper probes into lexical semantics from three aspects , the ambiguity of word definition , lexical semantic units and the semantic relation within a word and its organizing .

  22. 语言是词的语言,词决定着其它语言单位,而词的核心是词义,唯有对词义进行研究才可能掌握词。

    Language is the language of words , upon which other units are based . The core of the language is the meaning . Without the study on the lexical meaning , one cannot grasp a word .

  23. 片语是构成一个语法单位的一组词,它没有限定动词,也不存在主述结构。

    A phrase does not contain a finite verb and does not have a subject-predicate structure .

  24. 本文指出,汉语的词汇单位包括字、词、仂语、熟语等,并讨论各单位的长度。字的长度无需深论。

    This paper classifies lexical units into characters , words , phrases and sayings , and discusses their length .

  25. 在其他语系中,也有表达单位和数量的词,但一般只限于度量衡单位和某些具体问题。

    Another languages have expression unit and the number of words , but generally confined to the unit of measurement and specific problems .

  26. 音系单位的习得顺序为:音段音节音韵单位CV位词。

    The acquisition order of phonological units is : segment syllable onset-rime CV word .