
  • 网络historical law;patterns
  1. 论社会主义历史规律起作用的主体机制

    On the Role of Subject Mechanism in the Historical Law of Socialism

  2. 这是在本体论层面对历史规律存在的肯定。

    This is the noumenon affirmation of the historical law .

  3. 在一个潜伏着灾难的时代,在一个存在着意识形态冲突但能迅速进行交流的时代,我们最迫切的任务是去打破表面上看来不可抗拒的历史规律。

    In an age of potential nuclear cataclysm , in an age of instant communication amidst ideological conflict , our most urgent task is to overcome these apparently iron law of history .

  4. 战争法发展的历史规律及动力机制

    Historic Rules and Dynamical Mechanism about the Law of War Development

  5. 历史规律是人的实践活动的规律。

    Historical regularity is the regularity of human 's practical activity .

  6. 一时的后退现象,不能代替总的历史规律。

    A temporary retrogression cannot change the general law of history .

  7. 对社会历史规律客观性的再认识

    Re - explanation of Objectivity of the Laws in Social and History

  8. 历史规律的展现,是以可能性空间的形式出现的;

    They present themselves in the form of possibility space .

  9. 论历史规律作用机制的自发性和自觉性

    On the Spontaneity and Consciousness of the Action Mechanism of Historical Law

  10. 历史规律是唯物史观的重要理论内容,对历史规律的客观性必须重新加以审视。

    Historical law is the important part of theoretical content of Historical materialism .

  11. 首先叙述人们对历史规律的认识论定义的讨论。

    First it described the discussion of the definition of the historical epistemology .

  12. 论社会历史规律及其特点&兼驳波普对社会历史规律的否定

    On the Socio - Historic Law and its Traits

  13. 历史规律的特性

    The Characteristic of Historical Regularity On Self-discipline and Regularity

  14. 三代领导人的思想建设的历史规律

    Three generation leaders historical law of the thought construction of china communist party

  15. 选择:历史规律的实现形式

    Selection : the Realization of the Law of History

  16. 社会发展必须遵循历史规律。

    Social development must follow the historical regula-tions .

  17. 试论会计发展的历史规律

    Comments on the History Patterns of Accounting Development

  18. 因此,他还是一名历史规律论者。

    As a result , he still was on the law of the development .

  19. 因此,资本主义的新变化并没有改变历史规律。

    So the new change of the capitalism has not changed the historical law .

  20. 关于历史规律存在问题的哲学考察

    A Historical Philosophical Investigation of the Issue Concerning the Existence of Laws of History

  21. 历史规律本质上是人的实践活动的规律,因此以人的实践意识为内在环节,所以不能抽象地说“历史规律不以人的意志为转移”。

    Historical law is , in essence , the law of man 's practical activity .

  22. 当代资本主义新变化的历史规律性

    Historical Laws of Contemporary Capitalism New Changes

  23. 行政职能法律化是一个历史规律。

    It is a historic trend that administrative function works on the rule of law .

  24. 会计随着社会经济制度、法律制度的发展而进化的历史规律;

    Accounting is advancing with the development of social economy and that of legal system ;

  25. 人们对历史规律看法的也经历了从思辩的相信到批判地否定的过程。

    Notions of law of history has undergone a change from metaphysical presumption to critical denial .

  26. 简论历史规律的统计特征

    The Statistical Characteristics of Historical Law

  27. 会计发展的历史规律:(1)会计随生产的发展、社会需要的变化而进化的历史规律;

    Accounting is advancing with the development of production as well as the change of social demand ;

  28. 论社会历史规律的自为必然性特征&从社会历史规律能不能被创造和消灭的争论谈起

    On Characteristics of Self - inevitability of Law of Social History Love of Self Self - service

  29. 可惜,此种判断并不符合历史规律,甚至不符合常识。

    But the conclusion is not in accord with the historic regulations , nor the common sense .

  30. 历史规律与自由选择关系问题的核心是历史规律存在性问题。

    The core of relation of history laws and free-choice is the question of existing of history laws .