
  1. 她还说,该方案可以使参保人数增加3600万。

    And she also said it would provide coverage for 36 million more Americans .

  2. 随着城乡居民社会养老保险制度不断健全,参保人数不断增大。

    With the sound system of social endowment insurance urban and rural residents , ginseng growing in number .

  3. 该法案的反对者坚持认为它会减少参保人数;事实是1500万美国人已经因之获得医疗保险。

    Opponents of the law insisted that it would actually reduce coverage ; in reality , around 15 million Americans have gained insurance .

  4. 同时,积极扩大养老、医疗、工伤、失业、生育五大保险参保人数。

    At the same time , actively expand old-age pension , medical , work-related injuries , unemployment , maternity insurance five the number of insured .

  5. 今天,我们最终完成了这一任务,自从我签署《平价医保法》以后,未参保人数比例已经下降了约三分之一。

    And today , we 're finally finishing the job-since I signed the Affordable Care Act into law , the uninsured rate for all Americans has fallen by about one-third .

  6. 基于得到的数据,结合给定的政策框架对新农保政策推进中参保人数、覆盖率以及中央财政支出等重要参数进行仿真。

    Based on the data , combining the policy framework that was given , the article simulates the number of insured 、 percentage of policy cover and the Central Financial payments .

  7. 这项改革也敦促政府提高对基本退休金的津贴,并拟定一个根据参保人数和寿命来调整年金的框架。

    It also committed the government to increasing its subsidy to the basic pension and drew up a framework for indexing pensions based on the number of contributors and on life expectancy .

  8. 由于我国参保人数众多,医保政策不断变化,导致现有系统自动化程度不高、升级困难、不稳定等一系列的问题。

    Because of the most population who join the insurance system and the policy change frequently , the current system is cause a lot problems in terms of low automated , hard upgrade and unstable .

  9. 随着参保人数的增加,门诊慢性病患者越来越多,同时医疗技术水平的发展使得慢性病门诊费用快速增长。

    With the enrollment increase in the number of out-patient with chronic diseases more and more and more , while the level of medical technology makes the development of chronic out-patient cost of rapid growth .

  10. 而在2009年,全国城镇基本养老保险参保人数仅达到2.35亿人,全国参加农村养老保险的人数也仅为为8691万人,全国有将近10亿人养老没有保障。

    In 2009 , the national number of urban basic old-age insurance program reached only 235 million people , the country participated in the rural old-age insurance is only for the 8691 million people , there are nearly 10 million pension are not guaranteed .

  11. 随着政府对建立新型农村合作医疗制度工作的推进和支持,参保人数、基金规模的不断增长,采用信息化手段对农合业务和数据进行管理成为必然的趋势。

    The number of medical care participants and the fund size are increasing along with the government offering the support and propulsion on medical insurance policy . Making full use information means to rural cooperative medical system and data management becomes an inevitable trend .

  12. 城乡居民养老保险参保人数众多,地域分散,参保缴费灵活,权益记录和待遇保障周期长等特点与实际业务承载能力的矛盾也越来越突出。

    Urban and rural residents endowment insurance ginseng protect a significant number , geographical dispersion , protect capture flexible , safeguard rights records and treatment cycle is long , etc and the actual business carrying capacity of the contradiction is becoming more and more prominent .

  13. 参保人数不断增长,筹资规模持续扩大,制度逐步改进,城镇职工基本医疗保险为保障职工基本医疗卫生服务需求做出了巨大贡献。

    The number of basic medical insurance enrollees rises continuously , the financing scale increases simultaneously , and the whole system has been improved . Urban employees ' basic medical insurance has contributed a lot during the process of meeting employees ' basic health services needs .

  14. 随着经济的快速发展,各级财政收入随之增加,政府提供公共物品和服务的能力也大大提高,我国农村社会养老保险制度得以建立与发展,目前参保人数已超过了三亿人。

    With the rapid development of economy , fiscal revenue increased at all levels , the ability of government to improve public goods and services is greatly increased , the current number of people joined in the rural social endowment system has more than three hundred million people .

  15. 关于贫困特征的多元回归模型显示,家庭成员较多、教育程度低、抚养比率高、参保人数比率低是贫困的诱因,条件多元回归模型则显示,医疗保险对贫困的变动没有影响。

    The multivariate regression model about the poverty characteristics shows that more family members , lower levels of education , higher dependency ratio and lower rate of insurance number are incentives of poverty , conditional multivariate regression model shows that health insurance for the poor does not affect the changes .

  16. 通过基期数据的对比检验,我们发现退休职工增速远大于正常的企业职工退休速度,参保职工人数测算口径偏小是造成这一现象的主要原因。

    By comparing the base period data , we find that the speed of retired labors is much higher than normal , the reason is that the irrationally small caliber in labors ' calculation .

  17. 首先通过安徽省未来恶性肿瘤疾病发病人数和就诊行为的预测分析测算出安徽省未来恶性肿瘤参保患者的就诊人数。

    The first prediction in Anhui province through the future malignant disease and treatment behavior analysis to calculate the number of patients with malignant tumor were future insurance in Anhui province .

  18. 本文利用离散Leslie控制模型对江西未来人口进行预测,并以此为基础得到参保的在职职工和参保的退休职工人数,进而对社会统筹帐户基金结余进行了预测;

    In this dissertation , on the basis of forecasting population of Jiangxi by the discrete Leslie model , it get employees in active service and retired employees in pension insurance system , and forecast the balance of society pooling account .