
shuānɡ lù
  • Shuanglu;a kind of ancient chess game
双陆 [shuāng lù]
  • [an ancient chess game] 古代的一种棋类游戏

  1. 双陆与民族文化的交流和融合

    Shuanglu and Cultural Exchanges and Fusion between Different Nations

  2. 在西洋双陆棋上它们通常表现得更好。

    They are generally stronger in backgammon .

  3. 之后,赫夫纳除了亲力亲为办好杂志、款待家人以及影视圈好友和西洋双陆棋棋友外,一直在筹划这场婚礼。

    Since then Hefner has been planning the nuptials in between serving as hands-on editor of Playboy and entertaining family and friends at movie screenings and backgammon games .

  4. 该地区在公元前12世纪有腓尼基人居住,后来双陆续被罗马人,迦太基人和土耳人控制,最后,于1881年成为法国的保护国。

    The region was settled in the12th century bc by Phoenicians , was later controlled by Romans , Carthaginians , and Turks , among others , and became a French protectorate in1881 .