
  1. 第二,主张模仿WTO体制中GATS和TRIPs的现有模式,设置一个协调各国竞争法的法律框架机制,倡导各国反垄断执法机构之间的主动礼让、相互合作;

    Secondly , setting a law frame to harmonize the competition law of different countries according to GATS and TRIPs in the WTO system ;

  2. 目前只有一个之前披露过的调查尚未有结果——该调查涉及微软(Microsoft)和中国国家工商行政管理总局(StateAdministrationofIndustryandCommerce,简称工商总局),后者也是反垄断执法机构。

    Only one previously disclosed investigation has yet to be resolved - that involving Microsoft and the State Administration of Industry and Commerce , which also polices aspects of the 2010 Anti ­ Monopoly Law .

  3. 我国反垄断执法机构设置应注意的问题

    Problems Concerned with the Set-up of Antimonopoly Law Enforcement Agency in China

  4. 我国反垄断执法机构构建研究

    Study on the Establishment of China 's Antimonopoly Enforcement Organization

  5. 中国反垄断执法机构应该是一个具有高度权威性、独立性和专业性的反垄断主管机构,应当是一个准司法性质的主管机构,并应采用统一的执法机构体制模式。

    Chinese Anti-monopoly Department should be an quasi-law department and take concentrated institution model .

  6. 有下列情形之一的,反垄断执法机构应当恢复调查。

    Under the following circumstances , the antimonopoly execution authorities shall regain the investigation .

  7. 中国反垄断执法机构体制设计分析

    Analysis of Chinese Anti-monopoly Authorities Institution Design

  8. 从美国经验看我国反垄断执法机构的完善

    Reviewing the Consummation of Our Country 's Antimonopoly Law Enforcement Authority from the American Experiences

  9. 反垄断执法机构是否该拥有独立审判权?

    Whether law enforcement agency to anti-monopoly law should have independent judicial authority or not ?

  10. 首先,综合分析设立反垄断执法机构应考虑的因素。

    Firstly , we should summarize the comprehensive factors when establish a law enforcement agency .

  11. 国务院反垄断执法机构认定的其他垄断协议。

    Other monopoly agreements as determined by the anti-monopoly law enforcement agency under the state council .

  12. 其次,完善电力行业的监管体制,明确各监管部门的职能与权限,尤其处理好反垄断执法机构与电监会的关系。

    Second , specify the regulatory functions between the anti-monopoly law enforcement agencies and the Electricity Oversight Committee .

  13. 笔者认为我国应设立一个专门的反垄断执法机构以满足反垄断法实施的需要。

    The author suggests that a special antitrust law-enforcement agency be established to satisfy the needs of antitrust enforcement .

  14. 有人因此指责这个欧洲地区最重要的反垄断执法机构对谷歌过分客气。

    That has prompted criticism that the region 's most important antitrust enforcer has been too easy on Google .

  15. 此制度最大的优势在于节约执法成本,提高反垄断执法机构的执法效率。

    The biggest value of the system lies in its cost saving , improving the efficiency of anti-monopoly law enforcement .

  16. 论我国反垄断执法机构设置的定位&对现有争议的分析与探讨

    Orientation on the Establishment of Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement Authority in Our Nation & some analysis and discussion on present situation

  17. 国务院反垄断执法机构作出决定前,经营者不得实施集中。

    Before the decision is made by the anti-monopoly enforcement authority , the undertakings shall refrain from implementing the concentration .

  18. 为了配合反垄断执法机构,我国法院的司法机制也应该进一步完善。

    The courts in our country should be further improved in order to be in accordance with the antitrust law-enforcement agency .

  19. 举报采用书面形式并提供相关事实和证据的,反垄断执法机构应当进行必要的调查。

    Where any report is in writing and contains related facts and evidence , the Anti-Monopoly Law Enforcement Authority shall conduct necessary investigation .

  20. 反垄断执法机构可以向有关上级机关提出依法处理的建议。

    The Anti-Monopoly Law Enforcement Authority may put forward a proposal for handling the matter in accordance with laws to the higher-level authority .

  21. 实现卡特尔较高被查处率主要取决于反垄断执法机构具有较高权威和有效运用卡特尔调查工具。

    High cartel detection rate is depends largely on the high authority of the enforcement agency and the effective use of cartel investigative tool .

  22. 首先将现有的机构确定为反垄断执法机构并加以改造,然后过渡到独立的反垄断执法机构。

    First of all , determine a existing institutions as the Anti-trust Law enforcement agencies , then transition to a independent Anti-trust Law enforcement agencies .

  23. 考虑到现实中的种种制约因素,我们主张在反垄断执法机构的设置中采取分步走的策略。

    Taking all the constraints of reality into account , we advocated take a " two-step " strategy in the setting of Anti-trust Law enforcement agencies .

  24. 由于政治体制、经济传统的不同,各国所采取的反垄断执法机构的设置模式也各不相同。

    Due to different tradition in political system and economic system , different setting mode of anti-monopoly enforcement authority will be had in the entire world .

  25. 此外,为了保证宽恕制度的有效实施,对反垄断执法机构的建设也是必要的。

    Last but not least , in order to ensure the effective implementation of the leniency policy , it is also necessary to construct the enforcement agency .

  26. 本文从反垄断执法机构构建模式、内部设置及所享有的职责权限等诸方面对我国反垄断执法机构的构建进行分析研究,以期引起更多的思考。

    This paper analyzes and researches on the constructing mode , inner setting , responsibilities and power of the antimonopoly enforcement organization to call for more consideration .

  27. 这些条件的设置目的主要在于明确申请者的身份以及让反垄断执法机构初步知悉涉嫌卡特尔违法行为的相关信息。

    The main purpose of these conditions set is to clear identity of the applicant and to allow the agency aware of related information of suspected cartel .

  28. 国务院反垄断执法机构作出不实施进一步审查的决定或者逾期未作出决定的,经营者可以实施集中。

    Ifthe antimonopoly execution authorities has taken decision not toprecede review or has not decided in case of expiring of the period , the concentration shall be implemented .

  29. 采取前款规定的措施,应当向反垄断执法机构主要负责人书面报告,并经批准。

    Taking the measures stipulated above , shall be reported in written form to the chef person in charge of the antimonopoly execution authorities , and be approved .

  30. 无论最终给予宽恕待遇是由反垄断执法机构决定还是由检察机关决定,但受理宽恕申请的机构主要是反垄断执法机构。

    The lenient treatment may be given by the anti-monopoly law enforcement agency or the prosecutors , but the agency that can accept applications of leniency is anti-monopoly law enforcement agency .