
  • 网络An Education;development education;educational development;Developmental Education
  1. 第一部分:可持续发展教育研究概述。

    The first part : the sustainable development education research summaries .

  2. 关于生存与发展教育的历史审视和现实思考

    Historical Introspection and Practical Thoughts of the Survival and Development Education

  3. 目前要重点发展教育。

    At present we should give priority to education .

  4. 不发展教育,就会扯现代化的后腿。

    Arrested development in education will hinder modernization .

  5. 第十条国家根据各少数民族的特点和需要,帮助各少数民族地区发展教育事业。

    Article 10 The State , in light of the characteristics and needs of the different minority ethnic groups , provides assistance to the development of educational undertakings in regions inhabited by the minority ethnic groups .

  6. 米浦不仅仅是用于对学校学生的教育,而且已经成为从事教育的工作者分享他们在开展曲折式可持续发展教育(ESD)项目中的经验的一个平台。

    Mai Po has been used not only to teach school students , but also as a platform for educators to share experience in organizing ESD programmes .

  7. 创建绿色大学,实施全面发展教育

    Building a green university to practise the education for all-round development

  8. 优先发展教育,增强国际竞争能力

    Give Priority to the Development of Education and strengthen International Competitive Power

  9. 可持续发展教育观的系统思考

    The Integrative Cognition on Educational Opinion of Sustainable Development

  10. 引入策划理念发展教育电视

    Importing the plan idea , developing education television

  11. 素质教育是全面发展教育的深化;

    Quality education deepens the overall developing education ;

  12. 劳动教育是全面发展教育中的重要一环。

    Labor education is an important part of the students ' all round development education .

  13. 南山集团发展教育事业是随着南山经济的发展而发展的。

    The Nan Shan Group has expanded its educational undertakings with the development of its business .

  14. 发展教育与开发人力资源的思考&对云南在西部大开发中人力资源开发的体会

    The Development of Personnel Assessment in China Thoughts on the Development of Education and Manpower Resources

  15. 第二部分:分析英国中小学可持续发展教育政策的制定、主要内容及其必要性、可行性;

    In the second part , the author analyzes the content , rationality and feasibility of this policy .

  16. 主流教育观点认为,可持续发展教育深深地根植于环境教育之中。

    In the mean-stream education opinions education for sustainability grew from and is deeply rooted in environmental education .

  17. 因此,通过发展教育来缩小收入差距需要配合资本市场的建设。

    Therefore , through education development to reduce the income disparity need to match with the construction of the capital market .

  18. 发展教育,培育“四有”新人是社会主义初级阶段人的解放的具体途径。

    Cultivation of the " four-haves " new people through education as a specific approach during the initial period of socialism .

  19. 教育消费供给与需求之间的矛盾是维护和发展教育消费权益的一个重要问题。

    The contradiction between supply and demands of educational consumption is an important issue of providing and developing educational consumption rights .

  20. 我国的教育资源相对于发达国家来说并不十分富裕,整合资源与创新是发展教育、弥补不足的重要手段。

    The integration and innovation of education resources is an important means for compensating the shortage of education resources in our country .

  21. 加强对中小学贫困生的教育救助研究,一方面可以丰富和发展教育学中教育公平、教育投资理论,检视现有教育救助政策是否满足了中小学贫困生的需求;

    Thus , theories on educational fairness and investment can be developed while the current education sponsoring policy is put under scrutiny .

  22. 本文探讨在高校计算机基础教育过程中,实施可持续发展教育的途径。

    This paper discusses the way how to practise sustainable development education in the process of the computer basic education in universities .

  23. 提高辽宁人力资源素质的根本出路在于大力发展教育事业,目前尤其要注重发展高中阶段教育。

    Developing education , especially the high middle-school period education is the best way to strengthen the quality of human resource in Liaoning province .

  24. 其中,教师专业化理论是大学生职业发展教育师资队伍专业化的理论基础,后者是前者的细化和延伸;

    Looking back on the history of the issue , it stresses the importance and urgency of developing specialized teaching staff for college students'career development .

  25. 推进农村城市化要科学规划、增强小城镇的经济实力、建立和完善土地流转制度、发展教育事业等。

    The means to progress country urbanizing include scientific planning , enforcing small town economic status , setting up and improving land transfer policy and enforcing education etc.

  26. 为此,要转变观念,充分发挥政府的宏观调控作用,大力发展教育事业,进一步加大科技投入。

    Therefore , we should change our conception and make full use of the macro-adjusting role of government , greatly develop education and further invest in science and technology .

  27. 文章以教育服务产品理论为依据,对教育的产业属性、教育的产业化、发展教育产业的意义等问题进行了一些探讨。

    Based on the theory of education service product , this paper concerns the industry property of education , the industrialization of education and the significance of developing education as an industry .

  28. 要大力发展教育、科技、文化事业,全方位、多层次培养造就各项事业发展所需要的大量高素质人才。

    It is essential to develop education , science and technology and culture with a view to turning out all types of high-caliber professionals at all levels required for the development of various sectors .

  29. 理工科高校管理观念创新要以人为本,树立人文教育与科学教育相结合的全面发展教育观,树立“大工程”观,树立可持续发展观。

    Based on people-oriented idea , we should establish an all round development education thought with the combination of humanity education and science education and set up the " Big Project " idea and sustainable development idea .

  30. 因此,中国人的现代化需要树立科学正确的现代教育观,包括以人为本的教育观、人的可持续发展教育观、人文精神不断提升的教育观、人的全面发展教育观。

    Therefore , modernization of Chinese needs set up scientific and correct outlook of modern education , including outlook of regarding people as nature , people 's sustainable development , humane spirit promoting continuous , all-round people 's development .