
shòu lǐ
  • Acceptance;seized;accept and hear a case;accept and hear the case
受理 [shòu lǐ]
  • (1) [seized]∶接受办理;接受处理

  • 受理人民来信

  • (2) [accept and hear the case]∶法院接受案件,进行审理

  • 上诉通常要由高一级法院受理

受理[shòu lǐ]
  1. 7月1日以后收到的申请书将不予受理。

    Applications received after 1 July will not be counted .

  2. 这些指控未予受理。

    The charges were thrown out of court .

  3. 辩护律师希望区法官不受理那个案子。

    The defense wants the district Judge to throw out the case .

  4. 我提议对该案不予受理。

    I move that the case be dismissed .

  5. 会议制定了用以确定由哪个国家负责受理避难请求的规约。

    The Convention set down rules for deciding which country should deal with an asylum request .

  6. 去年受理的9,660宗案件中,只有10%被完全驳回。

    Of the 9,660 cases processed last year , only 10 per cent were totally rejected .

  7. 安理会继续受理这项议题。

    The Security Council will remain seized of this item [ subject ] .

  8. 申请必须在二十四小时内办理,否则不予受理。

    The application must be made within twenty-four hours , or it will not be attended to .

  9. 第一节起诉和受理

    Section 1 Bringing a Lawsuit and Entertaining a Case

  10. 几天后受理空气调节的公司开了两张估价单供格林太太选择。

    After a few days the air conditioning company sent in two estimates2 for Mrs. Green to choose from .

  11. 今年是教育部连续第17年开通高校学生资助热线电话,受理高校学生国家资助政策的咨询和有关投诉建议。

    This marks the 17th year in a row that the Ministry of Education has opened such hotlines for inquiries and complaints regarding the country 's financial-aid policies for college students .

  12. (四)属于人民法院受理民事诉讼的范围和受诉人民法院管辖。

    and ( 4 ) the suit must be within the scope of acceptance for civil actions by the people 's court and under the jurisdiction of the people 's court where the suit is entertained .

  13. 今年热线电话除在暑期集中受理外,从9月16日起将在每个工作日常年开通。

    In addition to daily operations from 8 am to 8 pm during the summer vacation , as in previous years , this year will see extended hotline operations on working days throughout the year starting from Sept 16 , the ministry said .

  14. 目前中国联通已经开展了网上营业厅和3G网站的渠道销售受理工作。

    China Unicom has started channel sales of " online business hall " and 3G website .

  15. B:比如,你必须申请身份证,而政府受理身份证的办公时间恰恰是在你工作的时间。

    B : For example , if you have to apply for an ID and the government office issuing the ID opens only during yourr work hours .

  16. 今年10月31日,多次闯荡创业之路的企业家杰里米•奥莱尔又宣布在波士顿成立Circle公司,致力于开发数字货币交易所需的工具,推出的工具可受理商家提供的数字货币。

    Serial entrepreneur Jeremy Allaire yesterday announced the launch of circle , a Boston-based developer of digital currency acceptance tools for merchants .

  17. 宽带ADSL自动受理系统的理论与研究

    A Research on the Theory of Automatic Control System of Wideband ADSL Technique

  18. 近年来,美国公平就业机会委员会(EqualEmploymentOpportunityCommission,简称:EEOC)受理的涉癌投诉案件迅速上升,增速高于大多数其他类别的就业歧视投诉案件。

    The number of cancer-related complaints filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has soared in recent years , growing faster than most charges .

  19. 我们期望通过SPP项目吸引更多的学生申请人并缩短受理时间。

    We anticipate that the SPP will attract increasing numbers of students and improve processing times .

  20. CLAIM继承了MML2.x的基本结构,目前的版本2.1包括受理、预约、诊疗行为、结算金额等信息的两个模块和9个数据定义表格。

    It has inherited the basic structure of MML 2 . x and the current version , version 2.1 , contains 2 modules and 9 data definition tables .

  21. 他还补充到:“对于已受理的UFO目击事件,国防部将停止相关的调查行动。”

    He added : " MOD will no longer respond to reported UFO sightings or investigate them . "

  22. 对利用XML技术解决呼叫中心业务系统中抽象、统一多种业务受理流程,提供二次开发能力的问题进行了研究和探讨。

    This paper discusses the problem about how to abstract and unify many kinds of business disposing process , and supply the ability of second development , using XML technology in call center ′ s business system .

  23. 近年,全球反倾销与反补贴调查案件逐年下降,而WTO争端解决机构受理的因成员国使用保障措施而引发的争议案件日益上升。

    In recent years , investigation cases of anti-dumping and countervailing have been declining globally , while the dispute cases induced by safeguard measures being taken by relevant countries accepted by WTO dispute settlement body are rising .

  24. 谷歌(Google)的电子图书项目面临新的障碍,一家中国法院已准备受理一名中国小说家对这家美国互联网公司扫描其作品提出的诉讼。

    Google is facing a fresh hurdle to its digital books project as a Chinese court prepares to hear a case brought against the US internet company by a Chinese novelist for scanning her works .

  25. 介绍了112系统的结构及用Socket处理自动受理、自动测试接口的实现方法。

    This paper presents the structure of 112 system and introduces the solution to the interface inside the 112 auto accept subsystem and that inside the auto test subsystem using Socket .

  26. 采用JMS主要是为了降低WEBAI,l,日以们()的受理量,因为、j鹏采用了消息异步机制。

    It is mainly for the accepting amount of reducing WEB APPLICATION to adopt JMS , because JMS has adopted the asynchronous mechanism of message .

  27. WTO争端解决机构迄今只受理了一件针对中国的案件&欧盟、美国和加拿大就汽车零部件问题提起的一宗联合诉讼,指控中国对进口汽车零部件征税不公。

    Only one case against China has so far been pursued in the WTO 's dispute settlement body – a joint action by the EU , US and Canada on car parts , imports of which they say China is taxing unfairly .

  28. 多媒体短消息系统由MMSC、MMDB、业务受理中心、测试工具以及通信网络等组成。

    The MMS system contains MMSC , MMDB , Operating Center , Testing Tools and the NetWork .

  29. 采用CVI工艺制备出三维针刺C/SiC复合材料螺栓螺母M8,螺纹结构完整性好,并将该方法申请专利(已受理)。

    The bolt and nut with specification M8 are manufactured with good integrality through this method , which is applying for a patent ( already accepted ) .

  30. 本文主要阐述了HLR受理台模块的相关系统功能和业务功能以及三层体系结构和MML命令在模块设计中的应用。

    This paper elaborates the functions of module on system and service , and the application of three-tiered structure and MML command in design .