
kě yònɡ xìnɡ
  • usability;usefulness;applicability
  1. 自制稳定的新型荧光剂CGE(N)的可用性探讨研究出了一种简易而灵敏的应用荧光素作为荧光剂测定抗坏血酸的新方法。

    The Applicability of a New Stable Fluorescence Reagent CGE ( N ) for TLC Measurements and Spectrofluorimetry A simple and sensitive fluorimetric determination method has been investigated for the determination of ascorbic acid with flourescein as fluorescence reagent .

  2. 本文在输出信号幅度及ASE噪声谱上都取得了与前期发表的实验相一致的仿真结果,证明了EDFABDE模块在高饱和状态下的实际可用性。

    The simulation results of the output signal level and ASE spectrum fit well with the previously published results , demonstrating the applicability of the EDFA BDE block for highly saturated cases .

  3. 实质性证据的性质和可用性毋庸讨论。

    The nature and availability of material evidence was not to be discussed

  4. 近年来,伦敦想出了许多办法来保持电话亭的可用性。

    In recent years London has up with many ideas to help phone booths stay useful .

  5. 食物加工破坏一些营养物质,但也可以灭活毒素,并增加其他营养物质的可用性。

    Food processing destroys some nutrients , but can also inactivate toxins and increase the availability of other nutrients .

  6. 浅谈Web页面的可用性设计

    A Brief Discussion on the Designing of Web Pages Usability

  7. WEB缓存的一致性是WEB缓存研究的难点之一,其决定缓存的可用性和正确性。

    WEB cache consistency is one of the most difficult question in the research area of web cache .

  8. ARM是一个OpenGroup标准,用于测量应用程序或业务服务的性能和可用性。

    ARM is an Open Group standard to measure the performance and availability of applications or business services .

  9. MessageBroker的高可用性特性能够应对这种场景。

    Message Broker 's high availability features can handle such a scenario .

  10. 图中的(c)部分是操作特征,比如响应时间、吞吐量和可用性。

    Section ( c ) of the figure refers to operational aspects such as response time , throughput , and availability .

  11. 如果在高可用性环境中安装了MessageBroker,而未安装ProcessServer,则可能会影响您的决策。

    If Message Broker is installed in a high-availability environment , but Process Server is not , that might sway your decision .

  12. 创建高可用性(HA)集群

    Create the high availability ( HA ) farm

  13. 如果OS死机,那么应当启用自动重启来确保连续可用性。

    If the OS crashes , an automatic restart should be enabled for continuity .

  14. 高可用性和性能在SOA集成解决方案中发挥着日益重要的作用。

    High availability and performance play more and more of an important role in the SOA integration solution .

  15. SIP高度可用性和可靠性的新范例

    New Paradigm for SIP High Availability and Reliability

  16. 其中,负载平衡技术是用软件实现的,主要用于提高Web服务器、流式媒体服务器和终端服务的可用性和可伸缩性;

    NLB is realized using software , it mainly used to enhance both the availability and scalability of Web servers , streaming media servers , and Terminal Services .

  17. 要求业务系统不仅要具有更高的可用性,而且还要具有更低的管理成本,以降低系统总拥有成本TCO(TotalCostofOwnership)。

    The system should have not only High Availability but also low management cost for the lowest Total Cost of Ownership .

  18. 在这个FaultHandler中,我们更新系统可用性指示器来反映目标QueueManager的不可用性。

    Within this Fault Handler , we update the system availability indicator to reflect the unavailability of the target Queue Manager .

  19. 日志分析是DB2RecoveryExpert的一个强大组件,可帮助您在保持数据完整性的情况下维护高可用性和完全控制。

    Log analysis is a powerful component of DB2 Recovery Expert that helps you maintain high availability and complete control over data integrity .

  20. 然而,P2P系统中节点的高动态和不可信特性使得P2P存储系统面临数据可用性和安全性两大难题。

    However , data availability and security are two serious problems because of the high dynamic and untrusted peers .

  21. WebSphereJDBCAdapter可以确保在入站服务中处理事件交付时的高可用性。

    WebSphere JDBC Adapter can ensure high availability when processing events delivery in the inbound service .

  22. AmazonSimpleQueueServices(AmazonSQS)是一个支持Web服务的高可用性可伸缩消息队列。

    Amazon Simple Queue Services ( Amazon SQS ) is a highly available and scalable message queue that is Web services-enabled .

  23. DB2是由IBM公司研究开发的一种关系数据库,拥有很好的兼容性、可用性和健壮性。

    DB2 is a database system which was developed by IBM company , it has good compatibility , usability and robustness .

  24. IP网管系统是一个电信级管理系统,只有通过完整有效的测试,才能保证系统的高可用性和高可靠性。

    The IP network management system is a telecom enterprise application , the complete and effective testing will improve its high usability and dependability effectively .

  25. 在全局的环境可用性评价方法中,本文对现有WSDL的元模型进行了扩展,在服务描述中添加了关于执行环境的描述能力。

    In the global one , this paper extends the meta-model of WSDL to describe the execution environment .

  26. 测试基于BranchCache的文件编码工具的功能与性能,主要测试该工具的准确性与可用性。

    Testing the features and performance of file encoding tool based on Branch Cache , mainly testing the accuracy and availability of the tool .

  27. 在这些情况下,EditionManager无法提供持续的应用程序可用性,因为这些是发生在应用程序EAR文件以外的修改。

    In these cases , the Edition Manager cannot provide continuous application availability because these are changes outside the context of the application EAR file .

  28. IBMsolidDB具有高可用性和负载平衡特性,以及高级复制特性。

    IBM solidDB has high availability and load balancing features , as well as advanced replication features .

  29. “链接失效”会对Django设计用来创建的基于内容的Web站点的通信级和可用性造成很大的影响。

    " Link rot " severely hurts the traffic levels and usability of content-based Web sites that Django was designed to create .

  30. 在本文中,我们了解了使用ER实现异步复制的灵活性和集群的高可用性特性。

    In this article , you 've learned about the flexibility of asynchronous replication using ER and the high-availability features of a cluster .