
tái bān
  • one day's work for a car/bus/truck/machine, etc.
  1. 在地质条件复杂台车不能充分利用的情况下,取得了台班效率50m、平均凿岩速度1.8m/min的成绩。

    Under the conditions of both complicated geology and jumbo not to be full uses , 50m / jumbo-shift and 1 . 8 m / min ( average rilling footage ) were reached .

  2. 仪器仪表台班费用查询引擎的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of rent charge query engine for instruments

  3. 工程机械台班费用计算方法

    Calculation Method of Construction Machinery One - Shift Costs

  4. 关于编制机械台班产量定额的探讨

    Discussion on editing of norm of output for machine - working day consumption

  5. 在机械台班可用时间模糊,人员和材料供给量模糊的情况下,建立了工期-成本均衡优化的模型。

    We establish a time-cost tradeoff model under fuzzy available time of machinery , fuzzy available amount of labor and material .

  6. 经济费用指标指的是直接经济费用,包括:人工费、材料费、机械台班费。

    Economic cost index refers to the direct economic costs , including : artificial cost , material cost , cost of mechanical stage class .

  7. 通过调整机械台班数量和人工数量、降低材料价格提高材料消耗量、不平衡报价投标等来做到索赔点的预留。

    By adjusting the quantities of machine per team and labours , reducing prices of materials and rise consumption of material , and unbalanced bids to set aside claims point .

  8. 本文浅谈了在制定筑路机械燃油消耗定额时应考虑的几个因素,给出了测定计算机械台班油耗定额的参考计算公式。

    The paper has discussed some factors con - cerned in enacting fuel consumption quota of road making machineries and given out the reference calculation formula used to measure the machinery fuel consumption in each shift .

  9. 定额库的可见性&可以直接在定额库中查看、修改和扩充建筑安西安理工大学工程硕士学位论文装工程定额库、材料数据库、施工机械台班费定额库和设备数据库;

    The visibility of the ration databases-The construction and the installation ration database , the materials database , the construction machineries ration database and the equipments database can be examined , modified and expanded directly in the databases ;

  10. 通过对铁路、公路、全国统一施工机械台班费用定额进行对照比较,分析其之间差别的原因,为投标报价提供参考。

    Through the comparison of nationally unified , railway and highway adopted rating per machine per team , this article performs an analysis of the reasons for the difference and provide reference for the price to be quoted in the bid .