
  • 网络historical review;History Review
  1. 称作“世外桃源”,史林大叔。

    It 's called patch of heaven , uncle slim .

  2. 但你一个人去捉史林很危险。

    But it 'll be dangerous going after slim all by yourself .

  3. 两份史林德林学生作的药剂,罗恩说。

    Double Potions with the Slytherins , said Ron .

  4. 打从一开始我们就没打算要抓史林。

    We never had a prayer * Of catching slim in the first place .

  5. 一定是史林和威利斯兄弟。

    It must be slim and the willies .

  6. 史纳皮是史林德林队的头儿

    Snape 's Head of Slytherin House .

  7. 格林芬顿从未试过那么久都与冠军无缘了,史林德林人已经连续六年夺冠了!

    Gryffindors have never gone so long without winning . Slytherins have got the cup six years in a row !

  8. 然而根据墨西哥一位财经记者的说法,卡洛斯‧史林‧赫鲁所拥有的美金六百七十八亿财产,使他成为新的全球首富。

    However , according to a Mexican business reporter , Carlos Slim Hel ú 's US $ 67.8 billion makes him the new wealthiest person in the world .

  9. 同时,在更衣室里,哈利和他的队友们换上鲜红的战袍(史林德林队将穿绿色的)。

    Meanwhile , in the locker room , Harry and the rest of the team were changing into their scarlet Quidditch robes ( Slytherin would be playing in green ) .

  10. 哈利朝史林德林那边望去,看见一个恐怖的鬼魂正坐在那里。他那全白的双眼,削瘦的面部和沾满血液的银白色长袍令人不寒而栗,他就坐在显然不太满意座位安排的马尔夫身边。

    Harry looked over at the Slytherin table and saw a horrible ghost sitting there , with blank staring eyes , a gaunt face and robes stained with silver blood . He was right next to Malfoy who , Harry was pleased to see didn 't look too pleased with the seating arrangements .