
chī shuǐ xiàn
  • waterline;water level;plimsoll mark;line of flotation
吃水线[chī shuǐ xiàn]
  1. 雷用专门的防锈涂料涂船的吃水线以下的部位。

    Ray painted below the waterline with a special anti-rust paint .

  2. 然后在划定的ROI中检测吃水线特征和边缘梯度统计特征,由此选出符合条件的ROI;

    Secondly it proposes the waterline and maximum edge gradient detection , which can seek out the correct ROI .

  3. 在背负抵押贷款的房屋所有者中,近三分之一现在处于“吃水线以下”(underwater),他们欠银行的债务超过了房子目前的市值。

    Almost one out of three homeowners with a mortgage is now " underwater " , owing more to the banks than their homes are worth on the market .

  4. 生活在色彩之内:黄色。一艘黄色的小船外壳反射其在吃水线在魁北克的Forillon国家的公园。

    Life in Color : Yellow A yellow boat hull is reflected at the waterline in Quebec 's Forillon National Park .

  5. 这只船被敌人的炮火沿着吃水线处击穿。

    The ship was holed along the waterline by enemy fire .

  6. (通常是复数形式)它是船体的一部分,是指高出吃水线的那一部分。

    ( usually plural ) the part of a ship 's hull that is above the waterline .

  7. 洪峰到来时,水面上的一层油膜不幸着火,把我家的房子吃水线以上部分全部烧塌。

    As the flood crested , an oil slick caught fire and burned our house down to the waterline .

  8. 这个短语中,魔鬼这个词是指沿着船的吃水线的两块木板的接缝处。

    The devil is a word for a seam between two pieces of wood along the water-line of a ship .

  9. 中年夫妇处于“吃水线以下”,或者无法以让自己可收回原始投资的价格卖掉房子。

    Middle-aged couples are underwater or unable to sell their homes at prices that allow them to recover their initial investments .

  10. 其他乘客在客轮几乎完全倾覆后出现在客轮吃水线附近,仓促爬上救生小船。

    Other passengers emerged from the ship after it had almost fully rolled over near the waterline and scrambled onto small boats .

  11. 文中给出了一种舰船目标要害点的定义,即吃水线与动力舱的交叉部位;

    In this paper , an aim point definition of warship is presented : the cross position of engine cabin and waterline .

  12. 在船身吃水线下两米半的地方,露出一个很规则的等边三角形的缺口。

    Two and a half meters below its waterline , there gaped a symmetrical gash in the shape of an isosceles triangle .

  13. 根据官方定义,超级游艇指的是那些吃水线长度超过24米的豪华游脡。

    Superyachts are officially defined as boats whose hulls at the water line measure longer than 24 meters , or 79 feet .

  14. 尾流是舰船在航行时,由于海浪破碎、空气卷入吃水线以及螺旋桨空化等原因,在舰船后面水域形成的一条具有特殊物理性能的气泡幕带。

    Wake is motive bubble film with special physical information . It is due to reasons such as propeller cavitation , wave breaking and the air drawn into waterline when ship sail .

  15. 然而,相关执法部门仍只能采取登船检测船舶吃水线的方式查处船舶超吃水的违规现象,既耗费时间又影响了船舶的正常通航。

    Relevant law enforcement departments , however , still take the only way on board to make the detection of ship waterline to measurement the ship ultra-draft , which is both time-consuming and affects the normal navigation of the ship .

  16. 接着,在那个也沉到船只吃水线下面的狭小的洞穴里,约拿在那个快要闷死的时刻,心血来潮地预感到大鲸将把他关在它腹内的最小的号房里了。

    Then , in that contracted hole , sunk , too , beneath the ship 's water-line , Jonah feels the heralding presentiment of that stifling hour , when the whale shall hold him in the smallest of his bowels ' wards .