
chī shuǐ
  • draft;draught;draw;drink water;drinking water;absorb water
吃水 [chī shuǐ]
  • (1) [absorb water]∶吸收水分

  • 水泥吃水较多

  • (2) [drink water]∶饮水

  • (3) [draw]∶船体浸入水中

  • 大的船吃水深

  • (1) [draft;draught]∶船身入水的深度;从船舶龙骨板上缘或龙骨条上缘至满载吃水线的垂直距离

  • (2) [drinking water] ∶供食用的水

  • 过去这里吃水很困难

吃水[chī shuǐ]
  1. 过去这里吃水很困难。

    It used to be difficult to get drinking water here .

  2. 吃水不忘挖井人。此时此刻,我们都会想起两位伟人。

    As a Chinese proverb goes , When drinking water , one should never forget those who dug the well . As we are meeting here , we cannot but think of two great men .

  3. 这种大米吃水。

    You need a lot of water in cooking this kind of rice .

  4. 这船吃水5米。

    The ship has a draught of 5 metres .

  5. 这块地不吃水。

    This plot does not take in water .

  6. 在现有吃水状态下进行trimmingcargodata的分配计算;

    Calculate the trimming cargo data basing on the existing draft ;

  7. 对平台特殊结构如K型管节点及支撑结构和立柱结构进行了强度分析和疲劳寿命分析。还研究了平台吃水数据采集、压载状态监测等技术。

    A special strength analysis and fatigue life analysis are made for rig ′ s special structures such as K node of pipe braced structure and column structures , etc.

  8. 90m多用途变吃水集装箱船研制

    The development on a 90m multi purpose , draft alterable container ship

  9. 秦皇岛15万吨级FPSO是用于特定海域的海洋结构物,其为浅吃水、肥大型船。

    Qinhuangdao 150 000 DWT FPSO is an offshore structure designed for special sea area and is of shallow draft and fat hull ship type .

  10. 在FPSO船体主尺度设计中,采用浅水效应设计方法可以将FPSO吃水设计得比常规设计值大,从而使船体主尺度得到进一步的优化;

    We can attain more draft of FPSO than the conventional method , and optimize the FPSO hull size using method of shallow water effect .

  11. 传统Spar平台是一种适用于深海油气开发、生产和存储的深吃水圆筒式结构。

    Classic spar platform is a kind of deep draft cylinder which is used for deep water oil / gas exploitation , production and storage .

  12. 介绍90m多用途变吃水集装箱船在设计和制造过程中所采取的主要技术工艺措施。

    Main technologic measurements adopted during design and fabrication on a 90m multi purpose , draft alterable container ship are introduced .

  13. 主尺度大与水深吃水小,直接导致FPSO水动力特性与深水条件下船舶的水动力特性有较大区别,因此采用水弹性理论研究超大型FPSO在浅水中的运动与波浪诱导载荷响应具有重要意义。

    With the wide use of very large FPSO in shallow water of Bohai Bay , a new subject concerning the effects of water depth on wave-induced loads response of FPSO appears .

  14. 1750t超浅吃水海上运煤船设计简介

    Design of 1750t ultra shallow draft coal carrier

  15. JORGELUISQUIJANO:“扩建后的运河可以吃水更深,船身更长的船只通过。”

    JORGE LUIS QUIJANO : " This new canal actually is offering a larger vessel that it can handle , with deeper draft with a longer and wider vessel . "

  16. 以2000HP浅吃水多用途工作船的设计为例,介绍了应用NAPA软件设计型线、建立模型和编写相关稳性衡准的宏命令的方法。

    In this paper , the design of a shallow water 2 000 HP multi-purpose tug is illustrated the application of NAPA software in designing ship lines , building up ship model and creating the macroinstruction of stability criteria .

  17. 针对内河5000t级散装水泥船设计要求,采取肥大船型、浅吃水、大方型系数、双尾、小球鼻首等技术;

    According to the design requirements , techniques of full form , shallow draught , large block coefficient , catamaran-stern , small bulbous bow and so on are employed to design the inland 5 000 t bulk cement self-discharging ship .

  18. 你船的吃水和连桅高度是多少?

    What is your draft and what is your air draft ?

  19. 试论超浅吃水船阻力性能和耐波性能

    On Resistance and Seakeeping Performance of Super - Shallow Draught Ships

  20. 您应购买吃水深度为40英尺的船只。

    You should buy a ship with a draught of40 feet .

  21. 有一艘船舶吃水深度为35英尺。

    There is a ship with a draft of35 feet .

  22. 自航耙吸挖泥船吃水装载监测系统研究

    Research on Draught and Loading Monitoring System for Suction Dredger

  23. 预报了多螺旋桨浅吃水船型的推进性能。

    Predict the propulsive performance of inland ship with multi-propellers .

  24. 吃水标志(重线标志)装精确性检查。

    Inspecting fitting accuracy of draught mark ( loading line mark ) .

  25. 目前,通过巴拿马运河的船只的吃水深度只有12米。

    Currently ships can ride only twelve meters deep in the canal .

  26. 深吃水航路深水航道深水航路远洋航线远洋航路总是很繁忙。

    Deep water route The ocean lanes are always busy .

  27. 船舶进出不同密度水域时吃水差的计算方法

    Calculating method for the trim varies of ship at different water density

  28. 超浅吃水万吨级运煤船船型研究

    A Study of a 10000-ton Coal Carrier with Ultra-shallow Draft

  29. 从两个吃水的载重量估算空船重量

    Estimating the weight of empty ship from two draught deadweights

  30. 散装船吃水差调整的一种新方法

    A new method of adjustment trim for the bulk carrier