
  1. 浅谈合同撤销权行使后的法律后果

    Brief Analysis on Law Consequences of Implementing Right of Contract-Withdrawal

  2. 赠与合同撤销权问题研究

    A Study of the Issue of Rescind Right to a Contract of Gift

  3. 合同撤销权与无效确认请求权竞合问题的比较研究

    A Contrastive Study of the Concurrence of Contract Repeal Right and Invalidity Affirming Motion Right

  4. 本文采用比较的方法,就合同撤销权与无效确认请求权的竞合问题进行了初步探讨。

    This paper discusses the concurrence of the contract repeal right and the invalidity affirming right .

  5. 故有必要从撤销事由的角度对可撤销合同撤销权进行个体性分析。

    It is therefore necessary to withdraw the subject from the perspective of the contract may revoke the right to revoke the individual analysis .

  6. 该部分首先以意思表示为切入点,通过比较分析的方法,阐明了赠与合同撤销权与其他撤销权的异同。

    The first part means that as the breakthrough point , the method of comparative analysis to clarify the right to revoke the grant contract and other similarities and differences between the right to withdraw .

  7. 本文第一部主要是赠与合同撤销权的内容概述,分别从任意撤销权和法定撤销权的角度予以论述。

    This article is the first grant the right to revoke the contract outlined the contents of , respectively , removed from any revocation of rights and the statutory right to be on the point of view .

  8. 包括可撤销合同撤销权与合同解除权的比较分析以及可撤销合同制度与无效合同制度的差异性分析等内容。

    May revoke the contract , including the right to revoke the contract , as well as comparative analysis of may revoke the contract null and void the contract system and analysis system , such as differences in content .

  9. 合同撤销权,是指合同已经成立,但因当事人意思表示不真实,从而赋予一方当事人向人民法院或仲裁机构申请撤销,使合同溯及自始归于无效的权利。

    Contract cancellation right is entitled to either of the parties to petition the People 's Court or an arbitration institution for canceling the concluded contract , because a party 's intention is not expressed genuinely , which makes the contract invalid from the time of its formation .

  10. 关于赠与合同任意撤销权的探讨

    Talk about the cancel right wantonly of the grant contract

  11. 首先,对赠与合同任意撤销权做出界定。

    Firstly , the author defines the arbitrary right of revocation of the gift contract .

  12. 但是,从比较分析的角度而言,合同法撤销权制度中仍有许多问题和细节内容值得进一步研究。

    However , from a comparative point of view , the right to revoke the system of contract law , there are still many issues and details worthy of further study .

  13. 最后,在倡导废除我国赠与合同任意撤销权的同时,提出完善我国赠与合同法律制度及操作实务的一些见解和建议。

    At last , proposing to abolish the right of withdrawing the donation contract at will in our country , putting out some views and suggestions on legislation and practice of donation contract .

  14. 本文第二部分对赠与人撤销权于合同法撤销权体系中地位的地位问题展开探讨。

    The second part of this article were to grant the right to revoke the right to revoke the contract law , the status of the status of the system to explore the issue .

  15. 论赠与合同的任意撤销权

    Study on the Right of Withdrawing the Dotation Contract at Will

  16. 论我国合同法上的撤销权制度

    On the Rescind System of Contract Law of China

  17. 再次,探讨了赠与合同中的任意撤销权的性质。

    Third , to explore the gift of the contract the right to remove any nature .

  18. 以促进合同法中几种撤销权的正确履行和相关理论的深入探讨。

    Contract law in order to promote the right to revoke the right of several discharge and related theories in depth .

  19. 进而从法律价值的角度对合同法上的撤销权制度进行了价值取向分析。

    Then the value from a legal point of view of contract law on the revocation of the right value system for analysis .

  20. 合同法上的撤销权亦直接或间接地影响到合同当事人的权利义务关系。

    Contract law on the revocation of the right to directly or indirectly affect the rights and obligations of parties to the contract relationship .

  21. 本部分首先建议对赠与合同中的任意撤销权规定除斥期间。

    First of all , this part of the proposed grant contracts in addition to the provisions of the right to remove any exclusion period .

  22. 其次,赠与合同中的任意撤销权有可能被滥用,主要是因为任意撤销权是一种无规制的权利。

    Second , the grant contract have the right to remove any possibility of abuse , mainly due to the arbitrary revocation of the right to be a random system .

  23. 与其他合同法上的撤销权不同,赠与合同撤销权被规定于合同法分则部分。

    And other contract law on the revocation of the right is different from the right to revoke the gift by the provisions of the contract in part , sub-contract law .

  24. 现行合同法对合同撤销权的规定过于笼统,不能充分发挥其既保护交易安全,又保护当事人合法利益的作用。

    As prescriptions for contract cancellation right are too general , the present contract law may not sufficiently protect the safety of the trade and the legal interests of the party .

  25. 本部分首先指出赠与合同中的任意撤销权的理论基础有问题,主要是任意撤销权无除斥期间规定。

    First of all , that this part of the grant contract of the right to remove any theoretical basis for a problem , mainly the right to withdraw without any addition to the exclusion provisions of the period .

  26. 该章第一部分的主要内容是合同法上的撤销权与其他类似权利的比较分析,重点以可撤销合同撤销权为比较对象。

    The first part of the chapter is the main content of contract law on the right to revoke the rights of competing with other issues , the focus in order to revoke the right to revoke the contract for the comparison .

  27. 故该部分随后结合撤销权理论和现行法律规范,对合同法上的撤销权从性质、权利行使主体、撤销事由等几方面进行了分类。

    Therefore , the part of the subsequent revocation of the right combination of theory and the existing legal norms on the contract law of the right to withdraw from the nature of the exercise of the rights of the principal to revoke the subject of classified areas .

  28. 文章就赠与合同的成立、赠与合同中的撤销权及赠与人不履行赠与义务的抗辩权等问题,结合我国《合同法》立法实践展开了进一步的研究与探讨。

    The article makes a study of its formation , the right of revocation , donee 's right of defence , considering the legislation practice of contract law .

  29. 首先,分析了赠与合同的标的物、合同形式与撤销权的关系。

    Firstly , the author analyzes the relationship of the subject , the form and right of revocation .

  30. 从合同合同订立、成立、生效、履行的阶段来看,要约撤销权和效力待定合同撤销权均处于合同生效之前。

    The conclusion of the contract from the contract to set up , the entry into force of the stage of discharge of view , the effectiveness of an offer to be revoked and the right to revoke the contract before the entry into force are in the contract .