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  • 网络War of Peace;south Sung war
  1. 人们的耳朵被军号声和战声以及呆在这的演说家们的漂亮言辞塞得太满了

    Their ears are too full of bugles and drums and the fine words from stay-at-home orators .

  2. 基于任务和战损的作战飞机调配保障需求模型

    Demand Models of Operational Aircraft Dispatch Supportability Based on Mission and Damage

  3. 和战并存是主要特点。

    The peace and coexistence are the main character .

  4. 由于四周戎狄环绕,晋与周边各族和战交迭。

    The peace and war between the Jin and the minorities around Jin alternated .

  5. 台海危机与中美和战。

    The Taiwan Straits Crisis and the peace / war between China and America .

  6. 本文主要从三个方面考察宋金和战时期两淮路农业经济发展的面貌。

    The article intends to make out the agricultural development of this period from three aspects .

  7. 汉匈和战与汉朝经济、政治之关系

    On the Relationship between Han Dynasty 's Peace and War Strategies against Xiong-nu and its Domestic Economic and Political Situations

  8. 隋与高句丽的和战关系一直是隋朝对外关系和边疆经略的重要组成部分。

    The Sui-Koguryo relationship was one significant part of the foreign policies and border strategies during the period of the Sui Dynasty .

  9. 该系统可以快速、便捷建立各类飞行器及机载系统的仿真模型,进行空战仿真和战效分析。

    The system can establish the emulation models of all kinds of aircrafts quickly and conveniently and can analyze the air-to-air combat emulation and effectiveness .

  10. 和战之争贯穿整个南宋王朝,与此相应的是关于和战之争的政论文演进。

    The battle about peace and war throughout the Southern Song Dynasty , and accordingly is the evolution of political essays about peace and war .

  11. 双手剑主要是用于对抗长距离战争中的长矛和战戟的,一些双手剑的剑身上有一段较钝的地方,它略高于主防护位置,被叫做“无刃部”(或“卡榫”)。

    Primarily used against pikes and halberds at longer ranges , some also had an unsharpened part of the blade - called a ricasso - just above the primary guard .

  12. 通过这三个方面的考察,我们会发现,两淮路特殊的环境及地理位置,决定了宋金和战时期这一地区经济发展的缓慢;

    Through these three aspects , we will find that the special erratic environment of this period and Liang Huai area 's geographical position decided the slow development of the economy .

  13. 第二次台海危机是美苏两极结构下的世界重大事务。(二)台海危机与中美和战。

    The Second Taiwan Crisis is such an incident under the United States and the Soviet Union 's bipolarity structure . ( 2 ) the Taiwan Straits Crisis and the peace / war between China and America .

  14. 现代高科技战争中武器装备的技术保障任务越来越繁重,维修检测难度越来越大,其技术系统也越来越复杂,故障率和战损率大大增加。

    Technical support in modern high-tech war has been becoming more and more heavy , difficult and complex . And its technology system is becoming more and more complicated , the fault rate and damage rate are increasing .

  15. 是和是战,闹得甚嚣尘上。

    A great clamour has arisen around the question of peace or war .

  16. 随着GPS的广泛应用和导航战的提出,迫切需要对导航战中GPS对抗技术进行研究。

    With the wide applications of GPS and the advance of navigation warfare , it is very necessary to research GPS countermeasures techniques .

  17. 清华大学(TsinghuaUniversity)日本问题专家刘江永说,日本在打心理战和舆论战。

    Liu Jiangyong , a Japan expert at Tsinghua University , said Japan was engaging in psychological warfare and public opinion warfare .

  18. 针对新概念武器弹药的发展要求,采用DSP、FPGA、卡尔曼滤波与软件无线电技术,解决实时性、通信等方面的难题,提高了导航能力和引战系统的性能。

    The capability of navigation and Fuze & battle effectiveness is greatly enhanced with the technologies of DSP , FPGA , Kalman filtering algorithm and software radio .

  19. 中国电信集团公司(简称中国电信)主要收入来源的话音业务受到IP技术和价格战的影响进一步低值化,受移动电话分流的影响,话务量增长将放缓或负增长。

    Affected by new IP technique , mobile communication and price war , the main income source of China telecom , voice service , is becoming cheaper , and has a slowly or negative growth rate .

  20. 电子战COP功能的设计对电子战作战指挥控制和电子战行动与其他作战行动间指挥协同问题的解决有着极其重要的作用。

    The design of EW 's COP plays an important role in solving the command cooperation problem between the command and control of EW and other military actions .

  21. 在2002年的国际潜艇和反潜战会议上,雷声公司和美国海军水下战中心的专家介绍了MK54鱼雷的现状和今后的发展计划。

    During the Underwater Warfare : Subs & ASW conference in2002 , the experts from Raytheon Integrated De-fense Systems and NUWC introduced MK54 program status and future developing plan .

  22. 替代汇率冲突和贸易战的手段是需求扩张。

    The alternative to currency conflict and trade war is demand expansion .

  23. 保罗在客场打雷丁和主场战朴次茅斯的比赛中表现一流。

    Paulo was superb away to Reading and at home to Portsmouth .

  24. 电信、雷达和电子战系统中的先进微波信号处理

    Advanced Microwave Signal Proc-essing in Telecommunication , Radar , and Electronic-Warefare Systems

  25. 不同的船员在海战和登陆战中扮演不同的角色。

    Different crew types have an effect during combat and boarding actions .

  26. 他们还在用豚鼠进行电子和化学战实验。

    They are still experimental guinea pigs for electronic and chemical warfare .

  27. 打好节能减排攻坚战和持久战。

    We will strive to conserve energy and reduce emissions .

  28. 竞争中的合作:企业合谋和价格战

    Cooperation in Competition : Corporate Collusion and Price War

  29. 齐丹尼和反战份子布连尼联络。

    Zavitz is speaking to a Lenny bloom , a former anti-war activist .

  30. 这条道路的前方埋藏着竞争性贬值和贸易战。

    That way lies competitive devaluations and trade wars .