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chàng hè
  • one singing a song and the others joining in the chorus;write and reply in poems, using the same rhyme sequence
唱和 [chàng hè]
  • (1) [write and reply in poems, using the same rhyme sequence]∶以原韵律答和他人的诗或词

  • (2) [one singing a song and the others joining in the chorus]∶歌唱时此唱彼和,互相呼应

唱和[chàng hè]
  1. 重点体现在对吴地隐逸、唱和文化的推动。

    Wu emphasis reflected in seclusion , sing and cultural promotion .

  2. 皮陆与韩孟、元白唱和之关系

    Comparing Pi-Lu to Han-Meng and to Yuan-Bai in Their Poesy Responsory

  3. 在新的时代中,它会有怎样的唱和相伴呢?

    In the new era , with what will it meet ?

  4. 苏轼唱和诗研究

    Research of Su Shi 's Poetry of Singing and Versifying

  5. 你知道我多想和你一起唱和。

    You know I 'm hoping you 'll sing alone .

  6. 在文戏中唱和表演起很重要的作用。

    In a singing play singing and acting play an important part .

  7. 本文以元稹不同场合的唱和诗为研究对象。

    Based on different occasions of changhe yuan as the research object .

  8. 第二,分析归纳刘、白唱和诗的内容。

    Secondly , I analyze and sum up the contents of the RPR .

  9. 他的以意唱和正是政治家诗人的一种合乎逻辑的选择。

    His with meaning responsory a kind of be politician poet logical choice .

  10. 你能否与大山的声音彼此唱和?

    Sing with all the voices of the mountains ?

  11. 西汉赋家的群体性生命焦虑跨越时空的群体性唱和&苏门晚期交游考述

    The Anxiety over the Community Life of Fu Writers In the Western Han Dynasty

  12. 诗人之间的唱和,是人际诗歌传播的典型形式。

    " Responsory " between the poets is the typical form in poetry transmission .

  13. 赞美我救主,昼夜唱和。

    Praising my Savior all the day long .

  14. 你给他们唱和音的人吗?

    You 're singing backing vocals for ?

  15. (宗教)包含、使用应答轮流朗诵或唱和轮流歌唱的。

    ( religion ) containing or using responses or antiphons recited or sung in alternation .

  16. 英语诗歌中,文人之间的唱和大多是单边式,以情诗和悼亡词为主。

    In English poetry , responsory poetry between poets is mostly unilateral elegy or lament .

  17. 而云雀在和我相互唱和。

    And the skylark sings with me :

  18. 于兴宗“朝中知友”的唱和诗大部分都属于题画诗。

    Much of Close Friends in the Royal Court by Yu Xinzhong is poems with drawings .

  19. 静静聆听枝头雀鸟鸣叫,心的旋律也同声唱和。

    Listening to the singing birds in trees , my heart 's melody resonate with them .

  20. 赖特将中国古代诗人唱和的模式应用于自己与其他诗人的对话中。

    Wright put the two modes of ancient Chinese poetry into his dialogue with other poets .

  21. 2010年,德国开始改写规则,法国则小心翼翼地唱和。

    In 2010 , Germany , supported gingerly by France , started to rewrite the rules .

  22. 当我想起你当你听到这首歌你可以轻轻唱和。

    It 's when I think about you then I hear song and you can sing alone .

  23. 唱和是唐代诗人创作的重要形式之一,唱和集几乎占唐代诗歌总集的三分之一。

    Collections of exchange of poems almost cover one third of all poem collections in Tang Dynasty .

  24. 朋友间的唱和是中国古代诗人们传情达意的常用方式。

    Responsory poetry between Friends is a common way for ancient Chinese poets to convey their emotions .

  25. 我能唱和跳舞,如此快乐以致我能活着,想象。

    Life bubbles and sparkles . I can sing and dance , so happy that I can live .

  26. 同时,其将唱和与赠答功能合一,兼有书信作用。

    Unifying the singing-to-reply and presenting-answer functions as one , his poems had the function of letters concurrently .

  27. 其活动多是文学上的诗词唱和,带有很强的地域文化特征。

    The activities were focused on literature , reciting poems each other , with typical regional culture characteristics .

  28. 太平盛世的出现以及科技的发展,尤其是活字印刷术的发明使他们的这一要求得到满足,于是一些歌功颂德、诗酒唱和之作便自然产生。

    The prosperous society and the technology , such as the invention of printing , met their acquirements .

  29. 唱和诗在文学史上的最大价值就在于使日常生活诗意化。

    Antiphon poetry poetize everyday life , and maybe it is their ultimate significant value in literary history .

  30. 高丽人士与宋文人的诗文唱和主要发生在使臣和僧侣之间。

    The literary responsory between Korean and the Song literati were done by the Buddhist monks and the diplomats .