
  • 网络Business Information;Business Informatics;Business Info
  1. 出售公司部分业务的目的是将公司重新定位为以商业信息类出版物为主的出版商。

    The sell-off is aimed at repositioning the company as a publisher principally of business information

  2. 电子商务是基于Internet或局域网、广域网、包括了从销售、市场到商业信息管理的全过程。

    E-commerce is based on the Internet or LAN , WAN , ranging from sales , marketing , business information management to the whole process .

  3. 开放性的网络,导致电子商务系统面临着多方面的破坏和攻击,如何保护商业信息不被非法获取、盗用、篡改和破坏,已成为所有Internet参与者共同关心的重要问题。

    Electronic Commerce systems have to face kinds of attacks and wrecks from the open Internet .

  4. 电子商务的一个重要技术特征就是利用Web技术来传输和处理商业信息。

    E-commerce as an important technical feature is to use Web technology to handle transmission and commercial information .

  5. 它可用于户外显示屏,GPS系统,耐用的PC和商业信息亭。

    It can be used in outdoor displays , GPS systems , ruggedized PCs , and commercial kiosks .

  6. 在线联机分析处理(OLAP)是一个分析商业信息趋势的重要工具。

    Online Analytical Processing ( OLAP ) has been a valuable tool for analyzing trends in business information .

  7. 应用EDI在商业信息法上会产生一系列法律问题。

    Application of EDI in the law of commercial information may result in a series of problems .

  8. Joe目前为CoreInternational工作,是Web应用程序和OraclePL/SQL开发人员。他2007年毕业于UniversityCollegeCork,并获得商业信息系统专业的学位。

    Joe currently works as a Web application and Oracle PL / SQL developer for Core International , having graduated from University College Cork in 2007 with a degree in Business Information Systems .

  9. 由于SQL语言已成为最流行的数据库管理系统语言,所以,该小型商业信息管理系统的RDBMS选用microsoftSQLserver2000。

    Since SQL become one of the most popular DBMS languages as well , we choose Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as RDBMS language in our Small Commercial Information System .

  10. 自3月以来,商业信息集团汤姆森金融(ThomsonFinancial)一直在利用电脑自动生成部分新闻。公司对这一做法的结果非常满意,计划扩大这一业务。

    Thomson Financial , the business information group , has been using computers to generate some stories since March and is so pleased with the results that it plans to expand the practice .

  11. 管理信息系统(MIS)的开发和应用在我们国家如雨后春笋般在各行业兴起,支持商业信息处理,提高管理效率和质量。

    Management Information System ( MIS ) development and application in our country like mushrooms in the rise of various sectors in support of commercial information processing , to improve management efficiency and quality .

  12. MIGA说,MIGA与当地信息提供者(如投资促进和私有化机构以及商业信息提供者)结成合作伙伴关系,以保持网站内容的及时性与准确性。

    MIGA partners with local information providers such as investment promotion and privatization agencies and business information providers to keep website content fresh and accurate , says MIGA .

  13. 长城安全政策(ChineseWallSecurityPolicy,CWSP)是商业信息领域中重要的安全政策之一。

    Chinese Wall security policy ( CWSP ) is one of the most important security policies in commercial information area .

  14. 非政府组织基因运动的召集人SumanSahai说,问题在于草案并没有清晰地定义“机密商业信息”。

    The problem , said Suman Sahai , convenor of the nongovernmental organisation Gene Campaign , is that the draft bill does not clearly define " confidential commercial information " .

  15. 网上购物系统是一种具有交互功能的商业信息系统,它是一种基于B2C(Business-to-Customer)的电子商务模式,是商家直接面向消费者的一种新型购物方式。

    Online shopping system is a kind of business information system which contains interactive function , it is based on B2C ( Business-to-Customer ) e-commerce mode , and it is a new way of shopping which enable merchants to sale to consumers directly .

  16. 喂,请问是“商业信息咨询公司”吗?

    A : Hello ! Is this Commercial Information Consultance Company ?

  17. 将需要表达的商业信息艺术化展现;

    Turn the business information art which needs to be express display ;

  18. 我已经把这些商业信息输入电脑。

    I 've entered the business information onto the computer .

  19. 地理信息在连锁商业信息管理中的应用

    The Geographic Information Application in the Chain Commerce Information Management

  20. 二、对商业信息存储介质的法律要求;

    ⅱ . Legal requirements on the stored media of commercial information ;

  21. 广告除了具有传播商业信息的功能之外,也携带着文化传播的功能。

    Advertisements have the function of communicating culture besides spreading business information .

  22. 面向学生的商业信息公布和话题讨论平台

    Student-oriented Platform for Business Information Publication and Topic Discussion

  23. 赛科的财产和商业信息得到保护。

    SECCO property and commercial information is properly protected ;

  24. 利用数据仓库技术支持商业信息系统中的品类管理

    Using Data Warehouse Technology to Support Category Management in a Business Information System

  25. 记分卡是主观的商业信息,它可用来比较项目和提议。

    Scorecards are subjective business information that can be used to compare projects and proposals .

  26. 收集并分析各种商业信息

    Collected and analyzed kind of business information

  27. 机密或专利商业信息;

    Confidential or proprietary business information ;

  28. 其他国家商业信息

    Other Countries Business In for mation

  29. 最新商业信息表明毛皮市场肯定会上涨。

    The latest commercial information indicate that the market of raw furs is bind to advance .

  30. 他们的私人、敏感甚至商业信息都在不知不觉中被收集和出售。

    Private , sensitive , personal and business information is being gathered and sold without their knowledge .