
  • 网络commercial film
  1. 利用虚拟仿真预演系统提高商业片的前期拍摄效率

    Improvement of Pre-production Efficiency of Commercial Film Based on Virtual Reality Rehearsal System

  2. 作为商业片导演的冯氏在宣传促销方面不遗余力。

    As a commercial film director , Feng spares no effort in promotional aspects and advertising .

  3. 冯小刚也许是中国最精明的商业片导演了。

    Feng Xiaogang is perhaps China 's most clever commercial movie director .

  4. 她参演了许多电视节目和商业片。

    She has appeared in a number of television shows and commercial movies .

  5. 克鲁斯凭借《好人寥寥》(1992)等影片重新树立了他在商业片中的地位。

    His commercial comeback began with movies like A Few Good Men ( 1992 ) .

  6. 他明确表示,自己是商业片导演,以赚钱为目的。

    He expresses that he is a commercial film director and the money is his aim .

  7. 而《公民凯恩》是好莱坞经典叙事的突破和新商业片的模示,以闪回结构塑造人物,跨越时空,切换凯恩的一生的不同时期。

    Citizen Kain is a break through of Hollywood classical narrative film and a model of new commercial film .

  8. 这样的改动无疑会让很多众望所归的“商业片”增加入围奥斯卡最佳影片的概率。

    This change will undoubtedly makes many public " commercial " increases the probability of an oscar-winning film finalists .

  9. 但她表示拍商业片可以求生,等挣了钱再拍自己喜欢的风格的片子。

    Then after she has money , she will make films to her own liking and of her own style .

  10. 随着我国政治、经济、文化、社会的发展,我国的国产商业片也在发生着变迁。

    With the development of politics , economy , culture and society in our country , our domestic commercial movies are also changing .

  11. 在商业片竞争日益激烈的电影环境下,观众热衷于观看环环相扣、前后故事链接紧密的电影。

    Under the condition that the competition of commercial film becomes increasingly intense , audience are eager to watch film with close plots .

  12. 其电影不是类型片、娱乐片、商业片,而是一种诚意电影,具有独立制片的美学特征。

    In the spirit of independent filmmaking , Yang 's creation is a kind of sincerity movies , not for entertainment or financial profit .

  13. 无论商业片还是文艺片对于中国电影都还是尚在发展中的急待完善的类型片种。

    No matter which specific type of movie , there are still some urgent improvement and progress for Chinese film industry in the future .

  14. 若是以商业片的视角评价《滚蛋吧,肿瘤君》,它还远达不到完美。影片没有明确的高潮,情节也过于碎片化,不够连贯。

    Looked at as a commercial film , Go Away , Mr. Tumor is far from perfect , having no clear climax and a fragmented storyline .

  15. 上世纪60年代,他开始转向商业片,主演的影片包括《狂人皮埃罗》、《筋疲力尽》、《王中王》和《新悲惨世界》等。

    He then turned to commercial films in1960s , starring in Pierrot Le Fou , A Bout de Souffle , Ace of Aces , and Les Miserables .

  16. 张曼玉不费吹灰之力地游走于商业片和艺术电影。她的炫目光彩让亚洲和欧洲的观众着迷,而构成她光彩的体态和优雅,又让人回想起旧时的电影明星。

    Moving effortlessly between commercial and art-house , Cheung has dazzled Asian and European audiences with a poise and elegance reminiscent of a movie star from a bygone age .

  17. 当她在超级市场工作时,意识到自己的真正事业是做演员。在一所演员学校培训时,她参加了一些商业片及模特表演的试镜头。

    It was while working in a supermarket that Pfeiffer realized that acting was her true calling and she auditioned for commercials and modeling assignments while she attended acting school .

  18. 他离开学校参加了舞台剧《地上天堂》的演出工作,但是,他后来的演艺生涯并未步入正轨,东拍一部商业片,西在舞台剧中担任个小角色。

    He left school to work in the play Heaven on earth , but his subsequent acting career was spotty , with a commercial here and a small theatrical role there .

  19. 从电影产品角度和电影观众消费心理研究的角度看类型化电影(或称商业片)的发展以及在产业链条中的地位。

    To look at the development of genre films ( or commercial films ) and its positions in the industry chain from the angle of film products and psychological study of film consumers .

  20. 扎克·施奈德的导演处女作是2004年的《活死人黎明》,该片连同《惊变28天》、《僵尸肖恩》等电影使得僵尸片成为好莱坞主流商业片。

    Zack Snyder 's directorial debut was 2004 's Dawn of The Dead , one of the films which , along with 28 Days Later and Shaun of the Dead , turned zombies into mainstream Hollywood money-spinners .

  21. 他们称哈罗德和州政府官员早就知道,特拉维斯虽然《老海军》商业片中演出时很驯服,其行为有时也难改野兽的本性。

    They allege that Herold and state officials had long known that Travis , despite having been tame enough to star in an Old Navy commercial , could occasionally act like the wild animal that he was .

  22. 我们应该超越过去文艺片与商业片的二元对立思维,从娱乐性重构的角度出发,实现从娱乐电影向电影娱乐的观念转变。

    This article arguments that we should go beyond the past " literary films " and " commercial films " binary opposite thinking to change the concepts from " amusing films " to " film entertainment " .

  23. 面对WTO,商业娱乐片急流勇进&2001年商业娱乐片的叙事策略和市场策略

    The Tactics of Narrative and Market of Commercial Entertainment Films in 2001

  24. 近来商业一片萧条。

    Recently , trade appeared to be in the doldrums .

  25. 你买了我的商业名牌片吗

    Did you buy one of my trading cards ?

  26. 《珍珠港》这部电影完全不同于你以前执导的商业卖座片,像《坏小子》、《摇滚》等。

    Pearl Harbor is quite a jump from the commercial hits you 've made , like Bad Boys , The Rock .

  27. 商业信息片首次出现在美国夜间电视上,但是现在英国卫视及欧洲的电视中也在播出。

    Infomercials first appeared on night-time TV in america , but they are now also broadcast on British satellite and European tv .

  28. 预告片是为即将在电影院上映的正片而做的广告或是商业宣传片。

    A trailer or preview is an advertisement or a commercial for a feature film that will be exhibited in the future at a cinema .

  29. 因为由于实行外包,制作的交流和责任链条就被割裂,遇到难对付的商业供片商,播出方就很难监督和强化节目的水准。

    Because with outsourcing , the lines of communication and responsibility are fragmented , making it difficult for broadcasters to oversee and enforce standards with disobedient commercial suppliers .

  30. 国产大片未来的健康发展,有赖于成熟的、多样化的民族商业类型片的发展,符合现代大工业发展规律的电影制片体系的建立以及成功的后电影产业开发等。

    The author suggests that the healthy development of Chinese domestic blockbuster in the future should rely on the maturity and various genres of our national commercial movie , the construction of movie production system conforming to moden industry development and the successful exploitation of post-movie industry .