
shāng què
  • discuss;deliberate;counsel;consult
商榷 [shāng què]
  • [discuss] 商讨

  • 提出几点意见,与诸位商榷

  • 我们所发表的意见,都允许大家讨论、商榷。--《要造成一种民主空气》

商榷[shāng què]
  1. 提出几点意见,与诸位商榷。

    Here are a few points I wish to discuss with you .

  2. 生产类型的分类并与Gartnergroup商榷

    Classification of manufacturing modes and discuss with Gartner Group

  3. 他的理论值得商榷。

    His theories are open to dispute .

  4. 他是否能被选为市长有待商榷。

    Whether or not he can be elected mayor is arguable .

  5. 这一点值得商榷。

    This is open to discussion .

  6. 这种税收是否奏效有待商榷。

    Whether such taxes work is a matter of debate .

  7. 长春客车工厂CO2提纯的商榷

    Study on Purifying the CO_2 Gas Produced in Changchun Passenger Coach Factory

  8. 对关于偏移系数‘K’概念的一个新的描述的几点商榷

    A discussion on a new description of the deviation ratio ' k '

  9. 关于求平面点集凸包的一个O(n)时间算法的商榷

    Discussion on an O ( n ) Time Algorithm for the Convex Hull of a Planar Point Set

  10. 对教本中显微镜分辨率的瑞利判据中的I(min)数值的商榷

    On the i_ ( min ) value in Rayleigh criterion for resolution of microscope in physical books

  11. 腰椎滑脱行RF钉复位的固定,横突间植骨,这种后柱的植骨能否稳定脊柱值得商榷。

    Whether RF pedicle screw with bone graft between transverse process in spondylolisthesis could miantian spinal stability remain for further discussion .

  12. 印度国际收支平衡案专家组将与IMF磋商看作可以自由裁量的内容值得商榷。

    It is open to discussion that Indian experts consider the negotiation with IMF free to interpret .

  13. 本文论述了S.Timoshenko的著名弹性理论(TheoryofElasticity)及我国目前多数教材中存在的一个普遍性值得商榷的问题。

    This paper discusses a deliberating problem generally existing in both a famous book on mechanics of elasticity ,《 Theory of Elasticity 》, by S. Timoshenko and in many text books in our country .

  14. 论疲劳缺口敏感度指标q及对Garwood曲线的商榷

    On the notch sensitivity Q under fatigue loading and the unpreciseness of the curve of Garwood

  15. 如果数据可以使用其他Portlet可用数据重新创建,则缓存条目的会话范围要求就有待商榷。

    If the data is recreateable from other data available to the portlet , then the session scope requirement of cached entries is questionable .

  16. 以上结果不仅为该瘤株的进一步应用提供了有益的参考资料,同时提示关于H(22)肿瘤已转变为多形细胞肉瘤的结论是值得商榷的,其应是一株低分化肝癌腹水瘤模型。

    The article offers original and comparable data valuable for H_ ( 22 ) tumor research . It also shows that H_ ( 22 ) tumor transformed into polymorphous cell sarcoma is open to question .

  17. EDP核算理论问题的再探讨&与刘树、许秋起两学者商榷

    The Re-exploration of the Theoretical Problems of EDP Accounts & The Argument against Professor Liu Shu and Professor Xu Qiuqi

  18. 为了与同类单位商榷,互相提高,详细介绍了陆管局网络在VLAN方案选择、VLAN划分、VLAN配置和管理等方面的情况。

    In order to share our experience with other units to improve each other , the choice of VLAN , its division , its collocation and management are introduced in detail .

  19. 作物产量构成因素通径分析方法的再商榷

    Re-discussion on Path Analysis Method of Compositive Factors of Crop Yield

  20. 按生产要素分配的若干理论问题&兼与朱沁夫、杨国宝、张云峰等同志商榷

    Some theoretical problems of distribution according to essential factors of production

  21. 接闪器与防雷建筑之间空气间隙距离取值问题的商榷

    Discussion for Choose of Air-Gap Distance between Air-Termination System and Buildings

  22. 对药典及现行教材中一些药品化学名的商榷

    Discussion about Some Drug 's Chemical Names in Pharmacopoeia and Textbooks

  23. 关于结构可靠性半随机过程模型若干问题的商榷

    A Discussion on Some Problems for Half-Process Model of Structural Reliability

  24. 也谈逻辑的社会文化功能&与张建军先生商榷

    Al function of logic & A discussion with Mr. Zhang Jian-jun

  25. 一个求函数零点的二次公式的商榷

    On a quadratic formula for finding the zero of a function

  26. 地下热水开发的几点商榷

    A few points about development of geothermal hot water to discuss

  27. 对体育科学概念的商榷

    A Discussion on the Concepts of PE science : My Opinion

  28. 谈假言命题的几个问题&与《普通逻辑》教材商榷

    On Several Problems Concerning if-then Proposition in the Textbook General Logic

  29. 也谈改善旅游市场信息不对称&兼与陈丕积同学商榷

    Another Discussion on Ameliorating the Information Asymmetry of the Tourism Market

  30. 氨醇联产全厂气体平衡表编制的商榷

    Discussion at Editing Gas Balance Table for Ammonia - Methanol plant