
shāng lù
  • trade route
商路 [shāng lù]
  • [trade route] 属于或关于贸易的渠道

商路[shāng lù]
  1. 商路归我们,国王做了契约保证。

    The trade route is ours , guaranteed by treaty with the king .

  2. 笔者从名称说,江南说,商路即戏路之说三个方面来探讨凤台小戏的起源。

    The author discussed the Fengtai operetta from three aspects , namely , the name , Jiangnan , the trade route which is the play road .

  3. 商路通基于RNA引擎的解决方案有两种。

    There are two method of RNA engines solutions .

  4. 全球新闻及信息提供商路透社(Reuters)表示,随着报纸行业在各自网站发布新闻报道的同时,也将发布视频和图片,预计该公司将向全球传媒企业销售更多新闻和信息内容。

    Reuters , the global news and information provider , expects to sell more content to media companies around the world as newspapers include videos and photos alongside news stories on their websites .

  5. 索科尔在建议伯克希尔公司购买特种化学品制造商路博润(lubrizol)之前,便买卖了该公司的股票。

    Mr Sokol traded shares in Lubrizol , a speciality chemicals maker , before he suggested that Berkshire buy the company .

  6. 明代中原商路与商品经济

    The Commercial Road and Commodity Economy of Central China in Ming Dynasty

  7. 骑在骆驼背上的旅人在向导的带领下沿古老的商路穿越毛里塔尼亚。

    Camel-borne travelers are guided across the Mauritanian desert along old caravan routes .

  8. 清代山西商路交通及商业发展研究

    A Study on Commercial Transportation and Business Development

  9. 虚拟运营商路在何方?

    Where is the future of virtual operator ?

  10. 为密西西比河流域广开商路

    opening up the Mississippi to more trade .

  11. 商路、市镇与社会变迁:以赣东北为考察中心(1842&1937)

    Trade Routes , Towns and Social Change : Centering on Northeast Jiangxi Province ( 1842-1937 )

  12. 中国的城市要比中世纪欧洲的城市大得多,中国的商路也四通八达。

    Chinese cities were much larger than their equivalents in medieval europe , and Chinese trade routes as extensive .

  13. 文章第二部分主要阐述15、16世纪西欧商路的变化。

    The second part mainly expounded the change of trade routes of Western Europe in the fifteenth and sixteenth century .

  14. 文章第三部分分析了影响商路变化的经济和技术因素。

    The third part of the thesis analyzed the economic and technical factors that influenced the change of the trade routes .

  15. 一个莱茵兰的男爵因对商旅过度征税而会发现,商路改到别的地方,他的收益不翼而飞了。

    A Rhineland baron who overtaxed commercial travelers would find that the trade routes had gone elsewhere , and with it his revenues .

  16. 同时,戏曲的发展与繁荣开拓了商路,活跃了市场,在很大程度上促进了商品经济的发展。

    At the same time , thespian art development opened up business roads , activated the markets and improved the development of commodity economy .

  17. 地中海贸易区传统的商路开始衰落,主要商路转移到大西洋沿岸。

    The traditional trade routes in the Mediterranean area began to decline , the main trade routes transfered into the area of the Atlantic Ocean .

  18. 张骞历尽千辛万苦,不辱使命,探明了汉朝通往西方的道路,在此基础上开通了中西交通的商路&丝绸之路。

    He explored the way to the west and in this way opened the trade route between China and the west , i.e.the Silk Road .

  19. 它的希腊统治者,即亚历山大老兵的后代,控制了通往印度的商路,并且发行了一些最美丽的希腊钱币。

    Its Greek rulers , descendants of Alexander 's veterans , controlled the caravan route to India and issued some of the most beautiful Greek coins .

  20. 15、16世纪西欧商路的变化首先为商品经济的发展提供了一个世界性的市场;

    First of all , the change of trade routes provided a market all over the world for the development of commodity economy of Western Europe .

  21. 古代中东帝国频繁地进行对外战争主要与争夺商路和防御外敌有关;

    Thirdly , the frequent wars started by the ancient empires in the Middle East were mainly related to struggle for commercial routes and defense against enemies .

  22. 文章第四部分论述了商路变化对西欧经济从中世纪向近代转型的影响。

    The fourth part expounded the impacts of the change of the trade routes on the economic transformation of Western Europe from Middle Ages to Early Modern Society .

  23. 但是,在当时的情况下,明朝以其力量所及,为维护和平秩序,为保护商路通畅,为各国之间的和平交往做出了重要贡献。

    But Ming Dynasty make contributions towards peaceful diplomatism of all country , maintenance peace order , and keep business path open and smooth depending on its power .

  24. 中世纪西欧重要商路的复兴和开辟促进了当时西欧各国之间商业贸易的联系和当时西欧各国国内商业的发展。

    The revival and opening up of the important trade routes of the Medieval Western Europe promoted the relationship and the development of trade among western countries at that time .

  25. 中原古代商路与商业经济关系是在当前经济发展转型期一个很值得研究的课题。

    The relation between the ancient trade road in the central plains and business economy is a topic which is worth studying during the present changing development time of economy .

  26. 自近代以来,由于运河淤塞,商路变迁等诸多原因,失去交通优势的临清渐趋式微。

    In modern history , as transportation hub , the role of Linqing has been declining because of such reasons as too much silt in canal and changes of trade routes .

  27. 试论基督教在西欧两次社会转型中的作用商路变化与西欧经济从中世纪向近代转型

    Christianity 's Influence Upon Transformation of Western Europe in Early & Late Middle Ages The Change of Trade Routes and the Economic Transformation of Western Europe from Middle Ages to Modern Times

  28. 随着人口的增长,需要在中国广开商路和建立贸易网,尤其是要在长江和运河地区开辟水路。

    With an increasing population , there was also the need for a widespread commerce and trade network covering whole China , especially along the waterways of the great rivers and channels .

  29. 15、16世纪是西欧经济从中世纪向近代转型的重要变革时期,商路也发生重要变化。

    The fifteenth and sixteenth century were the important change periods of the economic transformation of Western Europe from Middle Ages to Early Modern Society , and the trade routes changed a lot too .

  30. 这片狭小,炎热干旱的沙地,位于饱受战乱,闭塞落后地区的中心。除了是中东传统的商路中心,它几乎没什么优势。

    This tiny , sun-baked patch of sand in the midst of a war-torn and isolated region started with few advantages other than a long tradition as a hub for Middle Eastern trade routes .