
  • 网络national central cities
  1. 国家中心城市的发展瓶颈及解决思路&以东京、伦敦等国际中心城市为例

    Bottlenecks and Solutions to the Construction of National Central Cities : Experience from International Central Cities

  2. 广州被中央定位为五大国家中心城市之一,明确了广州的城市定位和发展方向。

    As one of the five national central cities , Guangzhou has a defined position and development direction .

  3. 基于国家中心城市定位的广州核心职能研究

    Core functions of Guangzhou based on its orientation of National Central City

  4. 基于对外经济联系与地缘经济关系匹配的广州国家中心城市战略分析

    Strategic Analysis of Guangzhou and National Center City Based on Match of External economic links and Geo-economic Relations

  5. 为了支撑广州国家中心城市的定位,必须制定相应的区域交通发展战略。

    The positioning of Guangzhou as one of China 's national central cities requires corresponding regional transportation development strategies .

  6. 广州必须进行经济发展方式的转变和投资,以实现国家中心城市所具备的指标。

    It has to meet the standards required for a national central city through the transition of economic development patterns .

  7. 国家中心城市文化软实力评价研究&以港京沪津穗城市为例

    The Cultural Soft Power of National Central Cities : A Case Study of the Top Five National Central Cities in China

  8. 城市现代化、国际化、精细化进程不断提速,国家中心城市展示区形象初显。

    Witnessing a significant economic growth in Chongqing , Yubei aims to exhibit the image of national pivotal metropolis with accelerated modernization .

  9. 本文对港京沪津穗五大国家中心城市的文化软实力进行了分析,并就城市如何提升文化软实力提出了建议。

    The paper takes Hong Kong , Beijing , Shanghai , Tianjin and Guangzhou as examples and proposes ways to upgrade the cultural soft power of these national central cities .

  10. 成都是四川省的省会城市,国家区域中心城市、成渝经济区重点建设城市。

    The capital city of Sichuan Province , Chengdu , national , regional central cities , Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone construction of city .

  11. 乔治亚州官方说在上周,俄罗斯不断扩张侵入乔治亚州,坦克和军队穿过了奥赛梯南部正在向这个国家的中心城市哥里前进。

    Over the weekend , Russia expanded its attacks on Georgia , moving tanks and troops through South Ossetia and advancing toward the city of Gori in the centre of the country , Georgian officials said .

  12. 本文以商务成本框架为基础,以世界发达国家及中心城市商务成本为参照,测算了我国中心城市北京和上海的商务成本,并与国际中心城市商务成本进行了比较。

    Based on a business cost structure , this paper estimates the business costs of Beijing and Shanghai , two very important cities in China , and compares these costs with those of 26 large international cities .

  13. CAPPS在国家气象中心多城市污染指数数值预报业务系统中的应用

    Application of CAPPS in the numerical prediction operational system of multi-city air pollution index

  14. 谋划长远加快发展&把郑州建设成为国家区域性中心城市

    Zhengzhou : Build a Regional Central City of the Country

  15. 国家奥林匹克体育中心城市边界区域形态研究

    Managing the Boundary Region Form of National Olympic Sports Center in Beijing

  16. 但中国一直对超大规模的中心城市心存谨慎,担心这会使中国像一些拉美和非洲国家那样出现中心城市周边贫民窟环绕的现象,害怕这会加重城市污染或催生出一批政治反对势力聚集的中心。

    But China has long been wary of supersize urban centers for fear of creating slums like those surrounding some Latin American or African centers , or of worsening pollution or spurring centers of political opposition .

  17. 国家处理中心、城市处理中心可根据支付系统运行管理的需要,按照中国人民银行的有关规定增设其他岗位。

    National Clearing Center and city processing centers may , in accordance with relevant regulations of the people 's Bank of china , add other posts to meet the needs of the management of operation of payment system .

  18. 19世纪中后期的巴黎和20世纪前40年的上海,作为各自国家现代化的中心城市,集中体现了这个阶段的历史特点。它们遭遇的问题既有共同性又有差异性。

    As central cities in the modernization process of their own countries , Paris in the middle of 19th century and Shanghai in the early 20th century epitomized the historical characteristics of such stages , which was both different and common in the nature of their problems .

  19. 民族地区基础教育课程文化主体存在一元化的弊病,具体表现为以国家为中心、以城市为中心、以专家为中心。

    The cultural subject of the elementary education curriculum in the minority areas exists the unified disadvantages that centres attention on the country , city and experts .

  20. 21世纪国际经济竞争的基本单位既不是企业,也不是国家,而是以中心城市为核心的大城市群。

    The basic element of international economic competition in 21st century is not an enterprise , nor a country , but a megapolis with a metropolis at the core .

  21. 随着资源在全球的优化配置和产业结构的不断升级,现代服务业已经成为一些国家、地区或中心城市的经济支柱和新兴经济增长点。

    With the optimum distribution of global resources and continuous upgrading of industrial structure , modern service industry has developed into a pillar of the economy or a new source of economic growth for countries , regions or central cities .