- 名President of the people's Republic of China;president

However , national union leader Tapan Sen denied that service rules mention any firm weight restriction for cabin crew .
Ruling-party candidate Malam Bacai Sanha is a former president and chair of the national assembly who won last month 's first round of voting with nearly 40 percent of ballots cast .
India holds the rotating presidency of BRICS this year .
Tuesday 's video meeting was hosted by Russia , which holds the rotating BRICS presidency this year .
A hands-off approach by the United States is unacceptable , according to Syrian National Coalition President Ahmad al-Jarba .
She became the national youth director of one of the largest civil rights organizations in the United States .
Xie Yalong , the former head of the Chinese Football Association , once criticized women players , saying they have weak psoas muscles .
Hannigton Segarunaya , national youth president of the Ugandan Red Cross Society , says the visit made him want to work harder to help people .
President of the National Olympic Committee of Iraq , Ahmed Abdul Ghafour Assamarai said such considerations were quite so important when Saddam Hussein was still in charge in Baghdad .
Obama sat flanked by senior cabinet members , including Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Lawrence H.Summers , director of the National Economic Council .
Larry Graham , president of the National Confectioners Association in Washington , represented industry groups at the launch of the framework .
We believe the threats to our transportation system are real , said Henry Schwartz , past president and chairman of the engineering company Sverdrup / Jacobs Civil , and chairman of the committee that wrote the report .
Cicely Saunders , President of the National Hospice Council .
National Emergency Commission President Vanessa Rosales said the rains may have had damaged several major coffee-growing areas in Costa Rica 's highlands .
The host nation Indonesia has raised the profile of the summit through its consensus-building work as chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations . Temple mediation
Cicely Saunders , President of the National Hospice Council and a founder member of the hospice movement , argues that euthanasia doesn 't take into account that there are ways of caring for the dying .
South Africa is now the African co-chair of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation ( FOCAC ), and will soon assume the rotating presidency of the BRICS mechanism . This will bring about favorable conditions for our two countries to enhance cooperation in African and international affairs .
Frank Oldham is the President and CEO of the National Association of people with AIDS .
Yolanda O'Bannon is executive assistant to biochemist and former National Academy of Sciences President Bruce Alberts .
You are the chairman of the National Broadcasting system .
In1998 , he was appointed by the British government to chair the National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education .
Ed Bolen , president and CEO of the National Business Aviation Association , says the sector has seen remarkable growth in China .
Deborah Hersman , who chairs the National Transportation Safety Board , said moments ago investigators want details on the crew and their experience .
Dutch National Drugs Authority Chairman Ton de Boer says the vaccine is likely to work on the variant which first appeared in Britain .
None of Libya 's main wells was badly damaged , says Nuri Berruien , the new chairman of the National Oil Company ( NOC ) .
George McCubin , president of the National Border Patrol Council , says the three were assigned to a station named after the last Board Patrol agent killed in the line of duty .
Iqbal Surve , executive chairman of Independent Media Executive Chairman Iqbal Surve , also a co-chair of the forum , says one of the main objectives of the BRICS Media Forum is to help people achieve their development goals .
It is not clear whether Mr Summers , brilliant but opinionated , is really the ideal man for the nominally junior role at the NEC , involving the forging of consensus .