
ɡuó jiā zhǔ xí
  • President of the people's Republic of China;president
  1. 然而,印度国家工会主席塔潘·森(TapanSen)否认服务规定中对机组人员的体重提出过任何限制。

    However , national union leader Tapan Sen denied that service rules mention any firm weight restriction for cabin crew .

  2. 统治党候选人MalamBacaiSanha是前临时总统和国家议会主席,在上月举行的第一轮投票中以接近40%的选票获胜。

    Ruling-party candidate Malam Bacai Sanha is a former president and chair of the national assembly who won last month 's first round of voting with nearly 40 percent of ballots cast .

  3. 印度是今年金砖国家轮值主席国。

    India holds the rotating presidency of BRICS this year .

  4. 周二的视频会议由今年金砖国家轮值主席国俄罗斯主办。

    Tuesday 's video meeting was hosted by Russia , which holds the rotating BRICS presidency this year .

  5. 据叙利亚国家联盟主席艾哈迈德·艾尔·贾巴称,由美国提出的不干预方法无法接受。

    A hands-off approach by the United States is unacceptable , according to Syrian National Coalition President Ahmad al-Jarba .

  6. 就是这样的原因使她成为了美国最大民权组织之一的国家青年主席。

    She became the national youth director of one of the largest civil rights organizations in the United States .

  7. 谢亚龙,原国家足协主席,有一次批评女足队员,说她们的叉腰肌太弱了。

    Xie Yalong , the former head of the Chinese Football Association , once criticized women players , saying they have weak psoas muscles .

  8. 乌干达红十字协会国家青年主席HannigtonSegarunaya说,这次活动让他想更加努力工作来帮助有需要的人。

    Hannigton Segarunaya , national youth president of the Ugandan Red Cross Society , says the visit made him want to work harder to help people .

  9. 伊拉克国家奥委会主席阿萨马莱表示,在萨达姆-侯赛因统治期间,运动员常因成绩不佳而受到惩罚。

    President of the National Olympic Committee of Iraq , Ahmed Abdul Ghafour Assamarai said such considerations were quite so important when Saddam Hussein was still in charge in Baghdad .

  10. 奥巴马的两翼是资深顾问团成员,包括国务卿希拉里克林顿,以及国家经济委员会主席劳伦斯H。萨默。

    Obama sat flanked by senior cabinet members , including Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Lawrence H.Summers , director of the National Economic Council .

  11. 华盛顿国家Confectioners协会主席LarryGraham在该框架的启动仪式上代表行业组织发言。

    Larry Graham , president of the National Confectioners Association in Washington , represented industry groups at the launch of the framework .

  12. 工程公司Sverdrup/JacobsCivil前任董事长兼总裁、撰写该报告的国家研究委员会主席亨利•施瓦兹(HenrySchwartz)表示:我们相信,我们交通体系面临的威胁是实实在在的。

    We believe the threats to our transportation system are real , said Henry Schwartz , past president and chairman of the engineering company Sverdrup / Jacobs Civil , and chairman of the committee that wrote the report .

  13. 茜西莉。桑德斯,国家收容所委员会主席。

    Cicely Saunders , President of the National Hospice Council .

  14. 国家紧急委员会主席温妮莎·罗萨莱斯说,降雨可能损害了哥斯达黎加高地的一些主要的咖啡种植地区。

    National Emergency Commission President Vanessa Rosales said the rains may have had damaged several major coffee-growing areas in Costa Rica 's highlands .

  15. 东道主印尼作为东南亚国家联盟的主席国通过建立共识提高这次东亚峰会的声望。

    The host nation Indonesia has raised the profile of the summit through its consensus-building work as chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations . Temple mediation

  16. 国家收容所委员会主席和收容运动的发起人茜西莉桑德斯认为,使用安乐死把护理垂危病人的其它方式都排除了。

    Cicely Saunders , President of the National Hospice Council and a founder member of the hospice movement , argues that euthanasia doesn 't take into account that there are ways of caring for the dying .

  17. 目前,南非已接任中非合作论坛非方共同主席国,并即将担任金砖国家机制轮值主席国,这为两国深化在非洲和国际事务中的合作创造了有利条件。

    South Africa is now the African co-chair of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation ( FOCAC ), and will soon assume the rotating presidency of the BRICS mechanism . This will bring about favorable conditions for our two countries to enhance cooperation in African and international affairs .

  18. FrankOldham是国家艾滋病协会的主席和CEO。

    Frank Oldham is the President and CEO of the National Association of people with AIDS .

  19. Bannon是生物化学家的行政助理,之前她是BruceAlberts国家科学院的主席。

    Yolanda O'Bannon is executive assistant to biochemist and former National Academy of Sciences President Bruce Alberts .

  20. 你是国家广播公司的主席。

    You are the chairman of the National Broadcasting system .

  21. 1998年,他被英国政府任命为创新和文化教育的国家参事委员会的主席。

    In1998 , he was appointed by the British government to chair the National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education .

  22. 美国国家公务航空协会主席兼首席执行官艾德·伯伦表示,中国航空行业发展显著。

    Ed Bolen , president and CEO of the National Business Aviation Association , says the sector has seen remarkable growth in China .

  23. 美国国家运输安全委员会主席黛博拉·赫斯曼刚刚表示,调查人员要调查机组人员和他们的飞行经验。

    Deborah Hersman , who chairs the National Transportation Safety Board , said moments ago investigators want details on the crew and their experience .

  24. 荷兰国家药品管理局主席唐·德波尔表示,该疫苗很可能对最先出现在英国的新冠变种病毒起作用。

    Dutch National Drugs Authority Chairman Ton de Boer says the vaccine is likely to work on the variant which first appeared in Britain .

  25. 国家石油公司新任主席努瑞·布瑞恩表示,利比亚的主要产油油井没有一处受到严重损坏。

    None of Libya 's main wells was badly damaged , says Nuri Berruien , the new chairman of the National Oil Company ( NOC ) .

  26. 国家边境巡逻委员会主席乔治·马克库宾说,这3名在以最后巡逻队命名的部门工作的人员牺牲在工作岗位上。

    George McCubin , president of the National Border Patrol Council , says the three were assigned to a station named after the last Board Patrol agent killed in the line of duty .

  27. 独立媒体执行主席、金砖国家媒体论坛联合主席伊克巴尔·苏尔夫表示,金砖国家媒体论坛的一个主要目标是帮助人们实现发展目标。

    Iqbal Surve , executive chairman of Independent Media Executive Chairman Iqbal Surve , also a co-chair of the forum , says one of the main objectives of the BRICS Media Forum is to help people achieve their development goals .

  28. 萨默斯本人才华横溢,但过于坚持己见,而国家经济委员会需要达成共识,因此目前还不清楚萨默斯是否是国家经济委员会主席(名义上职位略低)的理想人选。

    It is not clear whether Mr Summers , brilliant but opinionated , is really the ideal man for the nominally junior role at the NEC , involving the forging of consensus .